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Updated 11mo ago

Experiencing Neck Pain and Chills

A couple of days ago, I moved my neck to the left too quickly and saw stars. ever since then, I have been experiencing neck pain that radiates from my upper back through my neck and up to the back of my head. Today , I started experiencing the chills, and this has put me on the verge of a panick attack.

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I'm not a medical professional, but based on the provided context, it seems you might be experiencing neck pain and anxiety. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate di...See More




I get stuff like that too. It's really weird and can send me into a panic attack if I can't find a way to calm down. But usually it's due to tension in my neck and back. I can get tingles and twinges in my muscles too. I hope knowing that other people experience similar things makes you feel better. Because it really sucks when your brain thinks too much and goes to worse case scenario <3



It is so scary. I am still in panic mode, and now I am experiencing palpitations, and it is making me very uneasy, and I am still experiencing the head and neck pain even after taking some tylenol



It sounds like u pinched a nerve. Be careful and only move ur neck slowly and take painkillers maybe see ur doctor. You’ll be fine it should go away soon

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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