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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Exercise Intolerance: Seeking Advice

Does anyone experience exercise intolerance? I'm a 33 year old female. I'm not overweight, but it's so hard for me to do anything. I like going for walks, but when it's time to come home I have to walk up a hill and I feel like im not even gonna make it up the hill. I get so out of breath, lightheaded and my heart pounds so hard. I literally feel like im dying. I've been checked out by my doctor. Bloodwork and have had ekgs for my heart which are all fine. I just feel like something is seriously wrong for something as walking uphill to be so strenuous. Could this be anxiety related? Or maybe I'm just in poor shape? I try to walk consistently but some days are just so hard.

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I have the same experience, I've started paying my little brother to walk the dog because just going around the block caused me a lot of stress. Dizziness, lighteheadedness, feeling like I might collapse. This didn't happen when my anxiety was well treated. I feel like it's so hard to move around now.



Wow I've been feeling the same way. Just simple tasks around the house like cleaning or doing laundry really make me feel terrible as well.



Oh my goodness I’ve been going on runs (which is one of the biggest accomplishments I’ve made in years), but I sometimes get really anxious when running. There’s a certain road, where my heart isn’t beating for ‘exercise’ but for ‘anxiety’ and it’s incredibly discouraging! It kills me, I can’t breathe…don’t let anyone tell you your body is lying to you! Just because we’re supposed to be able to ‘walk up a hill’, doesn’t mean that’s where we’re at physically. Mentally, especially. Exercise is about getting in tune with your body. Sometimes all you gotta do is stretch and work your way up to a long yoga pose!! Progress and routine :)



I’m to scared to exercise in front of people because I think they’ll make fun of me and laugh about how ugly I am

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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