Posts on Alike for September 2022

  1. Living with ADHD: My Journey from Diagnosis to Now
  2. Hyperthyroidism and Type 2 Diabetes: Is There a Connection?
  3. Need advice on seeing a nutritionist with Medicare and Medicaid
  4. Feeling Nauseous After Eating?
  5. Starting EMDR Therapy: What to Expect?
  6. Overcoming Anxiety and Depression to Keep a Job
  7. Dealing with Overstimulation at Music Festivals
  8. Dealing with Anxiety Triggers
  9. Dealing with Mental Health Issues: My Story
  10. Can't Sleep, Mind Racing
  11. Diagnosing Fibromyalgia: What If My Tests Are Normal?
  12. Dealing with Anxiety: Seeking Support
  13. Looking for advice on managing my health decline
  14. Tips for Lowering A1C Levels
  15. Feeling Disinterested in Fun Activities
  16. Pantoprazole Side Effects - Anyone Else Experiencing Them?
  17. Neuropathy came back with Omnipod Insulin System
  18. Experiencing Rib Pain, Chest Tightness, and Shortness of Breath
  19. Managing Asthma with Beta Blockers
  20. Introducing Myself: Xyah, Autizzy and Funny asf!
  21. Struggling with a Breakup and Mental Health
  22. Struggling to Sleep: Tips and Tricks?
  23. My Best Friend for Migraine Relief: Original Dramamine
  24. Lost Weight Due to Anxiety Meds
  25. Feeling Sick at Work: Should I Ask to Go Home?
  26. Help! I'm Scared of Going to Sleep!
  27. Fell and hit my head, heart rate won't go down - ER trip needed?
  28. Looking for EDS Diagnosis in Midwest
  29. Alters Sleeping All the Time - Is This a Bad Sign?
  30. Navigating Pregnancy Struggles with Substance Use and Mental Health
  31. Looking for PCOS-friendly birth control options
  32. Dealing with Death Anxiety: How to Cope
  33. Using a wheelchair for POTS
  34. Suppressing Alters for Over a Year?
  35. How to Stop Being Startled by Loud Noises with PTSD?
  36. My Son's Mental Health is Deteriorating, What Can I Do?
  37. Uncomfortable Hearing Aid - Seeking Advice
  38. What are your strengths?
  39. High TSH levels with Hashimoto's: Need advice on levothyroxine dosage
  40. Gene Testing for Medication Doses: Worth a Shot?
  41. Overcoming Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  42. Looking for alternative antipsychotic medication
  43. Struggling with Memory Loss Due to Anxiety and Depression
  44. Managing Bipolar 2 with Lithium Carbonate: Expectations for Depression Episodes
  45. Struggling with Medication for Mental Health
  46. Heavy Periods with PCOS: Should I Be Worried?
  47. Dealing with Nighttime Anxiety
  48. Progesterone and Endometriosis: Bleeding Issues
  49. Tips to avoid lithium weight gain?
  50. Feeling Empty and Alone
  51. Managing Fear and Overstimulation
  52. Anxiety Treatment and THC Gummies
  53. Struggling with Depression and Anxiety
  54. Struggling with Diabetes Management
  55. Struggling with Rheumatoid Arthritis
  56. Do You Have a Service Animal?
  57. Struggling with Depression, Anxiety, and Memory Loss
  58. Tremors and Anxiety: Is There a Connection?
  59. Looking for Alternative Medicine for Fibromyalgia
  60. Zoloft Withdrawal: Sudden Highs and Irregular Sleep Patterns
  61. The Struggle of Having Nothing to Do
  62. Traveling with Mobility Aids: Need Advice!
  63. Yaz saved my life: My experience with PMDD
  64. Dealing with Divorce and Mental Illness
  65. Lupus and COVID: Seeking Advice
  66. Looking for a Friend with Borderpolar and Social Anxiety
  67. To Medicate or Not to Medicate: My Flow Chart Dilemma
  68. Loosing my appetite for everything except one type of food
  69. Question about my Schizophrenia diagnosis
  70. Herbs and antibiotics for Lyme treatment?
  71. Looking for experiences with Ingrezza and TD
  72. Dealing with Schizophrenia Diagnosis: Sharing Your Story
  73. Struggling to make friends in a new state
  74. Tips for overcoming ADHD paralysis and improving school performance
  75. Switching to Generic Insulin: Nervous About the Effects
  76. Qualifying for ADHD Medication: What You Need to Know
  77. Looking for Instagram friends to chat with
  78. 17 and New to Therapy: Looking for Support
  79. Advice for Improving Attention to Detail and Active Listening at Work
  80. Does stress make your OCD worse?
  81. Struggling with Motivation on Metformin
  82. Struggling with Anxiety and Depression's Impact on My Physical Health
  83. Finding Hope with Chronic Disabilities
  84. Managing Fibromyalgia Pain and Fatigue
  85. Struggling with Fibromyalgia Pain: Seeking Advice
  86. Lonely Widow Seeking Support and Laughter
  87. Has anyone tried the Dr. Kevin Smith Sinus Migraine Institute?
  88. Difficulty Speaking in Social Situations
  89. Looking for people like me with mental health conditions and stomach issues
  90. Sudden Chest Pain and Arm Pain - Anyone Else?
  91. Why isn't Hashimoto's thyroiditis treated with autoimmune drugs?
  92. Qualifying for Anxiety Meds: What You Need to Know
  93. Dealing with Work Stress During Busy Days
  94. Share your surreal schizophrenia experience
  95. New to the App and Looking for Support with Mental Illness
  96. Zoloft and Maladaptive Daydreaming
  97. Struggling with Sensory Disorders and Trying New Foods
  98. Drinking on Low Dose Benzos: Any Experiences?
  99. Greetings from a New Member!
  100. Dealing with the Emotional Side of Type 1 Diabetes
  101. Difficulty Breathing - Need Help!
  102. Coping with Hypomania: Seeking Advice
  103. Emergency Methods for Anxiety Attacks and Intrusive Thoughts
  104. Migraine Triggers: Seeking Advice
  105. Daily Migraines: Seeking Relief
  106. My First Job: Working at a Halloween Store as an Autistic Person
  107. Seeking insight on Asperger's diagnosis as an adult
  108. Need advice on finding a new PCP as a trans person with abnormal lab results
  109. Dealing with Fatigue and Hair Loss from Long-haul Covid
  110. Hip Pain After Walking Long Distance
  111. What are Autistic Meltdowns Like?
  112. Poly Pharmacy: A Growing Concern?
  113. Dealing with Anxiety at Work
  114. My twin sister has a throbbing headache on her right side, what could it be?
  115. Experiencing severe side effects from hydroxychloroquine, need advice
  116. Finding Escapism from Bad News and Thoughts
  117. Struggling with Anxiety on Citalopram
  118. Looking for College Tips from Fellow Autistics
  119. Struggling with Derealization: Memories and Perception
  120. PMDD Diagnosis: Is it Worth It?
  121. Struggling to Open Up About My Mental Health with My Partner
  122. Looking for ADHD medication advice
  123. Is this how autism testing is supposed to be?
  124. Struggling with Diabetes: My Story
  125. Dealing with Bipolar Impulsiveness: My Struggle with Overspending
  126. Coffee Side Effects: What's Normal?
  127. Nerve Blocks for Stenosis: Has Anyone Tried Them?
  128. Seeking Answers About My Possible Autism Diagnosis
  129. Alters switching at will
  130. Struggling with Food Choices and Addiction
  131. What is Gutburn and How Can I Treat It?
  132. Dealing with Overstimulation: Tips and Tricks
  133. Looking for VCD Relief Tips
  134. Dealing with Mini-Seizures at Work
  135. Feeling Restless and Tired
  136. Dealing with Chronic Pain While Spending Time with My Partner
  137. New Medication Prescribed by Psychiatrist
  138. Preventing Migraines: Tips and Tricks
  139. Looking for others with Autonomic Dysfunction
  140. Dealing with Brain Zaps When Coming Off Antidepressants
  141. Living with a Pacemaker: My Experience
  142. Feeling Emotionally Numb: Any Tips?
  143. Struggling with Inappropriate Thoughts
  144. Dealing with Seasonal Depression
  145. Struggling with Memory Loss Due to Seizures
  146. Recognizing Seizure Symptoms: Help!
  147. Dealing with Fibromyalgia Pain in My Feet
  148. Question for Those With BPD: Does BPD Really Cause Abuse?
  149. Looking for ADHD organization apps
  150. Starting Conversations with Anxiety
  151. Can Anxiety and PTSD Cause Physical Pain?
  152. Struggling with Body Dysmorphia and Self Consciousness
  153. Feet and Big Toe Pain with Calves and Hip/Sciatica Pain
  154. Side effects of Prozac for depression?
  155. Struggling with Agoraphobia and Loneliness
  156. Dealing with Sciatica Pain: Seeking Advice
  157. Dealing with Chronic Hip Pain
  158. Seeking Solutions for Asthma Symptoms
  159. Can I Stay Overnight After Laparoscopic Gallbladder Removal?
  160. Dealing with Fibro Fog: Any Advice?
  161. Has DBT therapy helped you?
  162. Struggling with Chronic Illness and Long Covid
  163. EDS and Major Joint/Muscle Injuries: Anyone Else?
  164. Increasing Salt Intake with POTS and IBS
  165. What don't they get?
  166. Adderall Causing Panic Attacks?
  167. Dealing with High Pain Levels in Abdomen and Ovarian Areas
  168. Sudden Itchiness - Any Advice?
  169. Looking for a new prescription NSAID for chronic pain
  170. Finally Got a Diagnosis for My Long List of Symptoms
  171. Seeking Advice for Possible Autism Diagnosis
  172. Dealing with GERD-induced hiccups
  173. Struggling with Physical Symptoms and Anxiety
  174. My Experience at an Anime Convention as a Maid Vendor
  175. Buspar (Buspirone) Usage: As Needed?
  176. Scared to Drive: Can Anyone Relate?
  177. Ways to Decrease Pain During Flare-Ups and Bad Weather
  178. Zoloft: Share your experience and tips
  179. Need advice on skin picking
  180. Struggling with POTS symptoms, looking for advice
  181. Need to talk about my c-diff experience
  182. Need help with my salt cravings
  183. Finally Got a Diagnosis for My Fatigue
  184. Need help with bloating!
  185. Struggling to Socialize with Chronic Illness
  186. What Does a Panic Attack Feel Like?
  187. Dealing with Chronic Pain: My Journey
  188. Natural remedies for GERD and Gastritis?
  189. Managing Multiple Disorders: Tips and Advice
  190. Alternative Treatments for Chronic Illness
  191. Doctor says I don't have autism, but I have all the symptoms. Anyone else?
  192. Swollen Muscles Before Period: Anyone Else?
  193. Need Motivation to Go to School with PTSD
  194. Feeling Depressed After Weeks of Anxiety-Free Life
  195. Check Your Vitamin Levels for Anxiety Relief
  196. Help me figure out my twitches and tics
  197. Looking for ADHD Tips
  198. Dealing with FND seizures: Need advice!
  199. How a $30 bottle of pills stopped my anxiety
  200. Looking for Natural Remedies for Endometriosis Pain Relief
  201. MS and Dental Health: What You Need to Know
  202. Struggling with Health and Isolation
  203. Introduction and Sharing My Story
  204. Struggling to Focus in Class Due to Overwhelm
  205. New to PCOS and Hoping for Support
  206. Reminder for ADHD folks to take care of themselves
  207. Struggling to Take Meds Regularly - Any Tips?
  208. How do I communicate that I don’t feel I am bipolar?
  209. How long does it take to get a diagnosis for POTs?
  210. Dealing with OCD Symptoms: My Experience
  211. Is it okay to take anxiety meds that may cause weight gain?
  212. Endo pain outside of period?
  213. Need help with electric bill due to job loss
  214. The Importance of HPV Vaccination for Boys and Girls
  215. Exercising with Chronic Pain and POTS
  216. Diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, but is it really MDD?
  217. Newly diagnosed with Lupus, seeking comfort and advice
  218. Dealing with Tennis Elbow: Tips and Tricks
  219. Natural Remedies for Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  220. Looking for Recommendations: Cannabis for Chronic Pain/Fibromyalgia
  221. Coping with Schizophrenia: Best Care and Self-Care Routines
  222. Traveling to Italy with POTS Diagnosis: Need Advice!
  223. Feeling Dizzy and Nauseous: Is it Anxiety or Something Else?
  224. Overcoming Social Anxiety in College
  225. Trouble Sleeping Due to Claustrophobic Imagery
  226. Dealing with Extreme Anxiety and Emotions
  227. Lack of Sexual Desire on Lexapro
  228. Chemo for Lupus: What to Expect?
  229. Exploring Dessicated Thyroid Supplements for Hashimoto's Disease
  230. Seeking Medical Diagnosis for Bipolar Disorder
  231. Always Tired, Even After Enough Sleep
  232. How to Get Saline Infusions Prescribed?
  233. Chronic Pain and Sickness for 7 Years - Seeking Advice
  234. Do Stimulant Medications Make People with ADD Jittery?
  235. Tingling pain in hands and feet from metoprolol use
  236. Living with Anxiety Disorder in Senior Years
  237. New here and diagnosed with MS
  238. Nervous About Endometriosis Surgery Recovery
  239. Living with Anxiety and Depression: Seeking Advice from Those Further Along
  240. My Service Dog was Attacked and I'm Struggling to Cope
  241. Dealing with Anxiety: My Morning Greeting
  242. Gabapentin Users: How Much Do You Take?
  243. Dealing with Daily Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  244. Dealing with Unwanted Stimming Behaviors
  245. Questions about Medication Changes
  246. Somatic Issues Due to Mental Illness
  247. Seeking reassurance for symptoms of anxiety and depression
  248. How long does it take for POTS to get better?
  249. Switching from Gabapentin to CBD/THC for Fibromyalgia
  250. Struggling with Insomnia: Need Help!
  251. Experiencing Absence Symptoms - Seeking Advice
  252. Struggling with Stress: Anyone Else?
  253. New here and struggling with mental and physical health
  254. Withdrawals from Antidepressants: What to Expect
  255. Managing Pain with EDS: Seeking Advice
  256. Memory Loss Due to Depression, Anxiety or Trauma?
  257. Discovering the Truth About ADHD and Dopamine
  258. Gender Identity and Autism: Correlation or Causation?
  259. Just Got My Blood Test Results Back
  260. Inconsistent Blood Pressure Readings: Seeking Advice
  261. When Google is Your Doctor: The Perils of Self-Diagnosis
  262. Is Holding Onto Things a Symptom of Anxiety or Autism?
  263. Gluten Sensitivity with POTS
  264. Need help understanding HS
  265. Connecting with Someone Who Understands My Chronic Illness
  266. Looking for Support and Advice on ADHD Diagnosis
  267. 14 Days Sober: Struggling with Depression and Medication Switch
  268. Abilify for Tourettes and Depression: How Effective is it?
  269. Tips for dealing with acid reflux?
  270. Tips for transitioning to a different SSRI?
  271. How do meds affect your emotions and fears?
  272. Dealing with Sinus Migraine: Seeking Treatment and Talking to Doctors
  273. Feeling Overwhelmed by Appointments
  274. Pinpointing Medical Conditions with GAD
  275. Exploring Psychedelics for Self-Discovery and Mental Health
  276. Bradycardia and Low Blood Pressure with Dysautonomia
  277. Dealing with Occipital Neuralgia Pain
  278. Dealing with POTS Syndrome Symptoms - Seeking Advice
  279. Shortness of Breath and Chest Pain After Asthma Attack
  280. Exploring Psilocybin and Ketamine for BPD Treatment
  281. Struggling with Socializing: How to Overcome Awkwardness
  282. Looking for IBS Management Alternatives
  283. Anxiety and Menstruation: Why Does It Happen?
  284. Dealing with Bad Menstrual Cramps
  285. Dealing with Deep Rooted Anxiety
  286. Career Anxiety and Mental Illness
  287. Pros and Cons of Being Diagnosed with Autism
  288. Understanding Spinal Stenosis: Can Anyone Help?
  289. Worried about getting diagnosed with ASD
  290. Vivid and Violent Nightmares
  291. My ADHD Medication Journey: Strattera and College-Level Work
  292. Natural Healing for ADHD and Bipolar Disorder
  293. Stage 4 Endometriosis Symptoms - Need Advice
  294. Feeling Anxious About Socializing
  295. PTSD vs CPTSD: Does it Matter?
  296. Anxiety, Depression, and IBS: Does One Trigger the Other?
  297. Living with Endometriosis and Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
  298. What are your BPD symptoms?
  299. Need advice for managing lymphedema flare up
  300. Managing POTS Symptoms with Low Impact Exercise
  301. Tips for Dealing with Anxiety About Anxiety
  302. Negative Experience in Psych Ward: Seeking Feedback
  303. Struggling with UC: Coping with the Stress and Isolation
  304. Living with Nasal Spray: My Story
  305. Considering Outpatient Hospital for Mental Health
  306. Struggling with Painful Furniture
  307. New here and struggling without medication
  308. Tips for managing PMDD
  309. Need help with Sciatic pain relief
  310. Dealing with Overstimulating Nightmares
  311. Navigating Neurodiversity: Seeking Diagnosis
  312. Feeling Lightheaded and Exhausted - Need Advice
  313. Lost my job due to mental health, struggling to find new one
  314. Struggling to Make Physical Therapy Sustainable for My Life
  315. Getting Sick During Periods: Is It Normal?
  316. Looking for a Bestie to Navigate Mental Health Together
  317. Living with Multiple Chronic Conditions
  318. Struggling with Bipolar Emotions in My Relationship
  319. Struggling with Diabetes and Food Cravings
  320. Drinking with Epilepsy: How Much is Safe?
  321. Dealing with Bipolar Disorder and Social Anxiety
  322. Panic Attack and Feeling Out of Body
  323. Struggling with Insomnia and Long COVID
  324. Seeking Guidance for Skin Care
  325. Managing HSV Outbreaks and Protecting My Partner
  326. Dealing with Misunderstanding of Constraints
  327. Dealing with Anxiety: Ruining My Social Life
  328. Dealing with Cat Allergies: Is it Wrong to Ask?
  329. Dating with ADHD: Is it Possible?
  330. Reducing Negative Impact of Foraminostenosis Pain
  331. Help with Swallowing Issues and GI Yuckiness
  332. Dealing with Bipolar in a Relationship
  333. Struggling with Student Teaching as an ASD Teacher
  334. Starting an Elimination Diet: What Are Your Triggers?
  335. Has anyone tried Mounjaro for diabetes?
  336. Struggling with Weight Loss Despite Diet and Exercise
  337. Looking for an Accountability Buddy to Manage Chronic Pain
  338. Advice for Plane/ Claustrophobia Anxiety?
  339. Struggling with Diabetes and Food
  340. Celebrating My Diabetes Management Progress
  341. Concerned about my heart: Arrhythmia or Anxiety?
  342. BPD and Medication: Seeking Positive Experiences
  343. Seeking advice on mobility aids
  344. Struggling to Express My Emotions on Prozac
  345. Getting an Endoscopy for My Acid Reflux: Tips?
  346. Looking for an as-needed drug for anxiety and irritation
  347. Looking for Fibromyalgia Support and Pain Relief Tips
  348. Help! My legs turned purple after showering
  349. Struggling with Spinal Stenosis: The Shopping Cart Syndrome
  350. Hypersensitivity to Sounds: Anyone Else?
  351. Struggling with Borderline Personality Symptoms
  352. POTS Flare Ups During Period: Any Advice?
  353. Intrusive Thoughts in Dreams
  354. Questioning the Validity of My Pain
  355. Cognitive Function After Brain Aneurysm Rupture
  356. Looking for Adenomyosis Treatment Advice
  357. Irregular Periods Causing Panic Attacks
  358. Need tips on how to faint safely
  359. Struggling with Weight Gain Due to POTS
  360. Gene Testing for Medication: Buspar and Viibryd
  361. TV and Anxiety: Does Anyone Else Feel This Way?
  362. Dealing with Seizure Disorder: Seeking Advice
  363. New Treatments for Gastroparesis?
  364. Body Numbness and Moving Sensations
  365. Hydroxyzine for Sleep: Anyone Else Feeling Sick?
  366. Possible Fibromyalgia Symptoms - Seeking Advice
  367. Has anyone had success with Botox for migraines?
  368. Dealing with Wisdom Tooth Pain and Migraines
  369. Coping with Intrusive Thoughts: Tips and Tricks
  370. Need advice for healthy impulsive release
  371. Feeling Unwell: High Fasting Blood Sugar
  372. Sore Knees and Legs with Fibromyalgia
  373. Struggling with My Mental Health in My New Apartment
  374. New to DID, Looking for Support
  375. Trying Holistic Medicine: Any Success Stories?
  376. Dealing with Misdiagnosis: How to Get Corrected Diagnosis?
  377. What are HS flares like for you?
  378. Need advice on getting IUD removed under anesthesia
  379. Overweight with Addison's Disease?
  380. Managing Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  381. Overcoming Severe Anxiety While Driving
  382. Wellbutrin for Mood Stabilizing and ADHD: Seeking Advice
  383. Dealing with Social Anxiety at Work
  384. Dealing with the Stigma of HSV Diagnosis
  385. Scared of Alcohol: Anyone Else?
  386. Is my medication working?
  387. Do you believe in Mania Magic?
  388. Looking for experiences with Lamictal for Bipolar 2
  389. Tips for Insomniacs: How to Get Some Sleep?
  390. Diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Adderall, need advice
  391. Dealing with Exhaustion: Tips and Tricks
  392. Struggling to Check Blood Sugar Regularly
  393. Extreme Fatigue and Dizziness: Seeking Advice
  394. Struggling to Make Friends Despite Wanting Them
  395. Struggling to Open Up to My Psychiatrist
  396. Alternative Diabetes Treatment Options Needed
  397. Is this Arthritis? Need Help!
  398. Heart Monitor Adhesive Sensitivity
  399. Anxious About Traveling to Italy
  400. How Pets Help with Mental Health
  401. Pregnant with Lupus and Asthma: Seeking Advice
  402. Dealing with GERD and Stomach Inflammation
  403. Chaos in Foster Care: Taking on a Newborn
  404. Share Your A1C and Targets
  405. Looking for friends with BPD
  406. Dealing with Intense Foot Pain: Need Affordable Compression Socks
  407. Recommendations for Knee Brace for Sleeping?
  408. Struggling to Find Medical Help
  409. Thoughts on ESA Animals for Anxiety/OCD?
  410. Tips for Running a 5k with Asthma
  411. Alternative Methods for Thyroid Medicine Symptoms
  412. Heavy Chest and Breathing Difficulty with Long COVID
  413. Looking for others with similar mental health conditions
  414. Dealing with Chronic Foot Pain
  415. Chronic fear of bodily fluids affecting my relationship
  416. Acne Rosacea and Bumps: Seeking Advice
  417. Melatonin and Fibromyalgia: Does it Help with Deep Rest?
  418. Struggling to Socialize in Groups
  419. Switching from Lexapro to Paxil: My Experience
  420. Struggling to Get a Good Night's Sleep
  421. Help! Growing Facial Hair as a Woman
  422. Anxiety, Depression, and Thyroid Issues: Seeking Advice
  423. Mixed Feelings About My Pain Treatment Appointment
  424. Struggling with Pain at Work
  425. Struggling with Anxiety and Isolation
  426. What are your current special interests?
  427. Autistic Digestive Issues: Phlegm After Eating
  428. Natural Migraine Relief: The Power of Magnesium
  429. My Therapy Intake Experience: Finally Feeling Heard
  430. Celebrating Sobriety: My Journey So Far
  431. How to Lose Belly Fat: Tips and Tricks
  432. Seeking a Second Opinion on My Autism Diagnosis
  433. Struggling with Health Issues: Seeking Guidance
  434. Dealing with Health Issues on Vacation
  435. Alternative Treatments for PTSD and Depression
  436. Exploring Alternative Treatments for My Health Issues
  437. How to Avoid Getting Sick and Feel Better Quickly
  438. New to the Group with Chronic Pain and Upcoming Surgery
  439. Improving Optimism and Positivity: Tips and Tricks
  440. Need advice on bandaging and draining stubborn wounds
  441. Need advice on pituitary tumor diagnosis
  442. Struggling with Sensory Issues and Job Opportunities
  443. Looking for advice on Ehlers Danlos Syndrome symptoms
  444. Looking for support with atypical carcinoid tumors of the lungs
  445. Struggling with Chronic Pain
  446. My Experience with Epclusa for Hepatitis C Treatment
  447. My Daughter Threw Up Blood at School Today
  448. Learning to Rely on Myself and Fulfill My Own Needs
  449. Dealing with Albuterol Side Effects
  450. Dealing with Sensory Overload and Anxiety at Work
  451. Do you suffer from emetophobia?
  452. Has Sertraline Helped? My Experience with Antidepressants
  453. Frequent Heart Palpitations When Stressed or Anxious
  454. Struggling to differentiate between special interests and hyperfixations
  455. Alternative Treatments for Migraines
  456. How to Track Nausea on Your Phone?
  457. Need Theme Park Tips for Someone with Crohn's Disease
  458. Beginning the Process of a Mental Health Evaluation
  459. Daily Pressure Headache - Seeking Relief and Advice
  460. Scared of Childbirth with Autism: Anyone Else?
  461. Constant Joint Dislocations in Sleep
  462. Extreme Fatigue and Nausea: Seeking Advice
  463. Sensory-Friendly Alternatives to Compression Stockings?
  464. Has anyone had a spinal stimulator implanted for neuropathy?
  465. Discussing Treatment Methods
  466. Coping with Anxiety and Depression While Loved One is Incarcerated
  467. How I Control My Symptoms with Food Elimination
  468. Nine Questions to Ask When Starting Therapy
  469. Side Effects of Ozempic - Anyone Else Tired?
  470. Voices in Your Head: Normal or Scary?
  471. Dealing with Panic Attacks and Medication Side Effects
  472. Scared to See a Doctor About My Menstrual Problems
  473. POTS and hEDS - Anyone Else Experience This?
  474. Struggling with ADHD and Suspected Autism
  475. Struggling with Healthy Eating Habits
  476. Dealing with Intense Existential Thoughts
  477. Gaslighting Myself with an Invisible Disability
  478. Differentiating POTS and MCAS Episodes
  479. Looking for COVID-19 Recovery Support
  480. Struggling with Depression and Heartbreak
  481. Always Cold? Join the Club!
  482. Dealing with Impostor Syndrome When Health Gets in the Way
  483. Missing the Hospital Routine
  484. Struggling with Chronic Illness and Identity
  485. Feeling like I'm going to faint, any ideas?
  486. How to Stop Splitting with BPD?
  487. Dealing with the aftermath of a manic episode
  488. Dealing with Seasonal Depression
  489. Looking for experiences with Busprione medication
  490. Empowered by my Chronic Illness Diagnosis
  491. Dealing with OCD when it gets in the way
  492. Struggling with Iron-deficiency Anemia and Homework
  493. Struggling with Anxiety and Running Performance
  494. Ovulation Pain - Anyone Else Feel It?
  495. Struggling with Laundry Before Surgery
  496. Tips for Traveling with a Feeding Tube
  497. Dealing with Lactose Intolerance
  498. Wishing for a Better Life for My Alters
  499. Struggling to Socialize at Disneyland
  500. Severe Itching and Numbness at Night
  501. Dealing with Chronic Pain: Seeking Advice
  502. Recommendations for Online Therapy Sites/Apps?
  503. Feeling Lethargic and Unmotivated
  504. Seasonal Changes and Bipolar Disorder
  505. TV Static and Hallucinations: A Comforting Fixation?
  506. Introducing Myself and My Health Tracking App Experience
  507. Dealing with Agoraphobia and Autism in Social Situations
  508. Dealing with Hypomania: Need Suggestions
  509. Dealing with a New Diagnosis: Bipolar Disorder II and ADHD
  510. Experiencing Dissociation and Blind Spots in Vision
  511. Switching from Lexapro to Celexa: Any Experiences?
  512. Recently Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Migraine - Seeking Advice
  513. Anxiety and Intrusive Thoughts During Menstrual Cycle
  514. OmniPod vs Tslim: Which is Better for a Lean Build?