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Updated 11mo ago

Overcoming Anxiety: Tips and Tricks

Does anyone have anxiety and beat it?? Or learn to deal with it so it don’t bother you the entire day or week

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If you manage to figure it out, please let me help you publish the book! I have been battling against my anxiety since my childhood, and there are times when I wish I could go several hours without feeling like it's bothering me so much that I would give just about anything for it to not bother me 'all day' like that, let alone a week 🫤



we are not alone I’m up now with insomnia mind is racing. I’ve had it for a long time myself I was good for about 5 years now I get it 3 times a day when I exercise at work and even on my days off. I enjoy a alcoholic beverage once a week but haven’t had any it makes it worse. I’m trying a new lexapro this week once I get them hopefully helps I’m not depressed although the anxiety is getting to me



We are in the same boat! I am no expert by any means, but I find that sunshine really helps me experience close to calm. Getting away from certain people that drain your energy, even if that means being with just yourself. But taking walks really helps me. Taking "me time"



some of those things help me sometimes. I’ve worked for 8 months straight with vacations and days off. Now for the past month I’m on a funk. Don’t want to go outside call in sick a few days a week always tired the New York heat was annoying me. Could sleep all day and all night when usually I’m unable to sleep. Exercise brings out anxiety so anytime I over work something I get anxious. Trying a different Ned soon as I get it . It’s a mission to shower and go out everyday I force myself but it feels bad really bad



I have background anxiety all day long and then I dump it on my therapist every week. It doesn't stop me from doing what I need to do unless it's a social fear. In general, deep breathing helps A LOT, and so does immersion therapy for specific problems. Also try expressing your feelings creatively. Poetry helped me stay alive when I was a s***idal trans catepilar. Also, take some time to say "I'm going to be okay." "I'm safe." etc, specifically out loud, because it helps your brain all get on one page.



I wish, I normally just try to breathe and push through till I can collapse at home.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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