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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with Intense Foot Pain: Need Affordable Compression Socks

My ankle and foot pain has slowly increased over time. At this point in, I have a really hard time dealing with the combination of intense ache and and occasional sharp pain if I’m not wearing compression socks with a pretty high level of compression. (The pain is mainly around my ankles and the bridges of my feet.) Like, it genuinely feels like I am at the point I need to replace nearly all of my socks with compression socks. Do you know of any place where you can buy them affordably/in bulk? I usually look on Amazon but they’re still fairly expensive there. I appreciate any suggestions or recommendations you have.

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Sounds like your arch is falling get some insteps that fit proper



Btw common thing with eds



I had issues like that lead to tendonitis and tendonosis. If left untreated it could change how you walk and make you prone to spinal issues. I'm facing surgery now, will be getting it in November. Please do your body a huge favor if possible and see a foot specialist so he/she can teach you about your feet, what shoes are best for you, stretches, and many other things to prevent you from getting severely injured. Compression may feel good now but it could be just masking something really wrong.



I'm facing spine surgery in particular, not foot. I was able to correct my feet but the damage to my back was already done.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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