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Updated 11mo ago

Shortness of Breath and Chest Pain After Asthma Attack

Ever since I had a bad asthma attack after I excersised in cold weather 2 days ago, I feel like I am not getting enough air in since then so I keep on sighing deeply and it helps temporarily. My oxygen levels are fine but apart of me thinks that it is just anxiety but another part of me thinks that it is something bad. When I woke up this morning I noticed that my asthma was flared up so I took my resue inhaler and I noticed a sharp pain in my chest on my upper left hand side of my chest right after taking the inhaler and it came and went for about 20 minutes. I think that this could be making me hyerfocus on my breathing too much but I have been trying to distract myself but I keep feeling like I am short of breath.

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You know, this has happened to me before and it sounds like you may have a rib out of place. I've had relief from this specific issue from seeing a chiropractor a couple times for it. Good luck ♡

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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