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Updated 11mo ago

Looking for an Accountability Buddy to Manage Chronic Pain

Anyone else using the curable app for chronic pain? I would love an accountability buddy to check in with daily and cheer each other to use the app.

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Yes, chronic pain here. I live in one of the five states that consider gabapentin a narcotic even tho it’s not an opiate or opioid. So they count it like narcotics. This means I have to go to the dr every month and also be there within an hour randomly if they call. Also they have rules as to how much narcotics you can have. I wanted five mg per day but they don’t want to give that dose because it won’t work. I need to get 10mg a day and cut it in half n take half in the morning n half at night. I don’t need that much so I take five a day. I can take a little more if I need to every so often because that leaves extra. But when I go to get it counted I have to make sure that I have the Amt in the bottle I am supposed to have if I were taking 10mg a day. If I take in extra than they expect they will cancel my Rx because if I have extra I don’t need it. If I make a math mistake and show up with a few less even tho I have a bunch at home then I am an addict n need them to stop giving them to me. It’s insane. I am leaving the South and going to Massachusetts. I hope that sanity reins in their Rx policies. At least non-narcotics won’t be narcotics there.



It is frustrating for sure! Do you use the curable app? I'm looking for an accountability buddy.



The curable app has education, meditation, and writing exercises using pain reprocessing therapy. An accountability buddy is someone who you regularly check-in with to keep you both on track with your goals. I would love to do the curable app daily and shoot off a quick "Did it!" message to a buddy (and vice versa).



ditto! I might not always be able to do it every day, but being able to do it every 1-3 days would be improvement for me.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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