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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with Anxiety at Work

Hi I'm new here. I have been having really bad anxiety lately. My husband doesn't understand that I just have days I'm not feeling good. Today is one of the days. I just started working and he wants me to stand up for myself but it's so hard because I feel like they will fire me, even though that's not true.

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I'm sorry that you are having such a tough time with anxiety lately and sometimes it is hard for people to understand that haven't/aren't going through similar themselves. Anxiety can make things get magnified and we can look at things with a lot more detail. I would be more than happy to navigate the situation it's just I would need a bit more detail of the situation where he would like you to stand up and advocate for yourself while new at work. There are some benefits to it but can also require some finesse of situation specific factors. which can also make it that it can be done with personal problem solving and such...



Would be happy to discuss here or in PMs if that would be more preferable.



It’s hard when people close to you don’t understand what you’re going through. Even if they understand that you’re anxious or depressed, if they deal with those emotions differently—like with anger for example—it’s hard for them to get why you can’t do what they do. I’d say try to be open about what you’re feeling and why you feel that way, and it doesn’t hurt to let him know how you need him to help. Sometimes encouragement is great, but sometimes it can just trigger more shame, so if that’s not what you want from him try telling him what you want him so say or do instead. It sounds blunt and rude when I spell it out like that, especially if you have anxiety, but the people who care about you want to know how best to help you, so communication is key.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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