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Updated 10mo ago

Feeling like I'm going to faint, any ideas?

hey, it wouldn't let me add it to my symptoms, but does anyone know what might be causing me to almost randomly feel like I'm going to faint, but I can stop it most times. I just get super dizzy all of a sudden and slightly nauseous, along with just general lightheadedness, happens often after I eat. my doctor ran tests and confirmed it isn't my heart or diabetes. and I have to see a neurologist once I can make an appointment. any ideas? I'm just really freaked out about this tbh.

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Very similar thing been happening to me, been in and out of doctors for 6 months now. Hope you find some answers. Mine will randomly flare up then be fine for a couple weeks.



really? Mine have just been getting worse each day that goes by. It's incredibly rare I have a day where I don't experience any symptoms. I wish you luck!!



I experience this too! Almost every time I get up from anything I get that feeling too, like getting up from my bed I’ll lose my vision a bit and feel faint and need a moment, I think it has to do with my iron but I’m not sure. You’re not alone!💗



that sounds like it could be POTS. I'm not sure but i know that ppl with pots eat a lot of salt to help. I also thought this was an iron issue but it wasn't lol.



A lot of things can cause the symtoms you're describing. I recommend seeing an ear nose and throat doctor to rule out any inner ear issues. It could be dehydration, thyroid issues, or anemia. Or! It could very well be dysautonomia, the family POTS belongs to. That's what I have and I feel similarly. If you do see a neurologist, you could ask about it but most doctors are unaware or severely undereducated on dysautonomia The fact that your symptoms worsen after eating is normal, please don't worry! Digestion takes a lot of blood flow away from the brain and to the stomach so if you have circulatory issues this can cause some Bad Feelings for a few hours - happens to me regularly



this happens to me too omg!

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