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Updated 10mo ago

Daily Pressure Headache - Seeking Relief and Advice

Pressure headache daily…how can I get relief from this anyone experiencing this , please share

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Chiropractor helps me a lot 🙏



I ended up seeing a neurologist because I couldn’t function. Is that an option for you?



Hi Wayne and Everyone ❤️🙏. Not a doctor. But I have come across this path before so I want to share some tips. If you are having any Dairy products, Coffee Creamers, any Sauce, any cheese that when it's melted it turns to liquid, Ice cream made with milk, or any Salty meals/products just to mention a few, this things will make you feel the headaches or the pounding inside of your head. I don't eat/drink this meals/products during the fall season or the spring season where you body is going through the weather change it will make the head aches worse. If you eat greasy/oily/fat food such as: Minced meat, or butter or peanut butter just to mention a few, don't drink cold water or any cold drinks because it will solidify any grease/oils/fats in the veins/body and you will get those head aches or head poundings. Just drink room temperature water or warm water to hot water it will help you keep your veins/body grease/oils/fats liquid making it easy to pee or poop or sweat it out.



A Latino Doctor name Frank Suarez has helped so many people sharing natural cures for our bodies issues to the point that he was murdered last year 2021 on February 25 thrown from his 9th story apartment in Puerto Rico. The content are in Spanish and English.



The natural cure for high blood pressure is the combination of Potassium and Magnesium when the Salt/Sodium, Cholesterol and blood sugar is high in our bodies. Usually what can cause High Blood Pressure physically is high Salt/Sodium, High Cholesterol, High Blood Sugar and mentally is Stress/Depression. We hear from doctors that our Potassium is high, well the potassium help lower the high blood pressure naturally also with the help of Magnesium. We just need to add the food that has them in it into our bodies example: natural coconut water, any green veggies Celery, Spinach, Kale, cucumber, lime or lemon, ginger, half of green apple make it into a powerful juice and drink it twice a day of a 250 ml cup. If you ate to much Salty food well now you need to balance it with potassium and magnesium so your blood pressure wouldn't get out of control.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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