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Updated 10mo ago

Looking for COVID-19 Recovery Support

Infected with the covid 19 virus in early August of 2021 and was discharged on September 21, 2022. I was intubated and in a coma for five weeks and on a ventilator for 300 days. I am on no supplemental oxygen and continuing my rehabilitation in Rochester, NY. I am looking for people who have similar stories. Best to all, Mark

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God COVID first in 2020 and then again 7 months ago. Since then I suffer from tinnitus, coughing, and trouble breathing sometimes. I don’t get any treatment, just hope for it to go away



I’m sorry for your suffering. Perhaps a doctor who is into integrative medicine could help?



Hey there. Got the Rona end of October 2021. Crashed hard, put in a coma from first week of November to first week of January. Woke me up, spent another two weeks getting weaned off of the intubation. Then another two weeks in physical therapy. I won't tell you it's easy. It's not. It's hard. But I made it out. My level of activity is severely limited now, I have permanent nerve damage, but, hey. Rehab sucks. One thing to force them to help you with is standing, kneeling and stairs. I wasn't taught stairs and had to figure them out myself lol.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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