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What don't they get?

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    • kk062001


      more than 2 people trying to give me, 1 person, constructive criticism feels like an attack. i’m all for feedback, but I don’t need a bunch of people jumping on top of me.

    • kk062001


      more than 2 people trying to give me, 1 person, constructive criticism feels like an attack. i’m all for feedback, but I don’t need a bunch of people jumping on top of me.

    • sassy_hacker


      "I did everything you asked, why are you still so bad at everything", man I am trying I swear 😭

    • ChaosPixie


      That it doesn't just "go away" with medication and therapy overnight. And that coping mechanisms only help to a certain degree at times.

    • HannahL


      They don’t get that every single day is a struggle. That you don’t want to cancel plans. You don’t want to miss events. You dread having to make those calls. But you are trying to survive.

    • trust


      They don't get how much personal time managing a health condition can sometimes take.🙏

    • theinescapable


      I don't actually want to get better, I'm ruining my life day by day.

    • Zebragirl


      How hard it is. That I don't want this but it's what I have and I want it noted. That I'm trying my best to function but I'm just faking it. It's all a disguise. And what's going on in my body is NOT normal.

    • BethEntrekin


      That I'm not lazy, things are just so much harder for me to do.

    • SueLaBear


      That I work despite being in pain because if I don't, I'm fired. But at home, I need to rest and heal not continue to work after getting off work despite the pain I'm in.

    • Skyblue38


      That I be trying my best to keep up when a pearson don't understand that I don't want to upset them

    • Tracks


      Everything about us

    • Lucy4


      ANY of it... My list consists of; celiac disease, fibromyalgia, mitral valve prolapse/left atrium regurgitation, petit mal seizures, costochondritis, gerd, cancer twice, hysterectomy and gall bladder removed, severe anemia, ibs, h. Pylori(comes and goes), and many other physical and mental things. You get the idea. And, apparently it's ALLLLL in my head... Even with more than one drs diagnosis. 😮‍💨🤷🏽‍♀️

    • phaed


      that i can’t just make it go away and if it’s hard for u to deal with me being mentally ill, imagine how hard it is for ME to live like this. people act like i’m burdening them and like i’m choosing this, why would i ever want this? why would anyone EVER want this?

    • kateafranklin


      how much I miss my healthy life more than they miss the things that they could do with me.

    • europa.xavier


      how difficult basic tasks are for me. walking, eating, drinking water, talking, just existing is a battle everyday. im always in extreme pain. it gets so bad sometimes i cant walk, close my jaw, or hold things in my hands. sometimes i lose control fo limbs bc my muscles spasm or go numb. i get made fun of and degraded a lot for it, and its very difficult.

    • bookwormTan97


      How hard i work to actually get through a day. I have been told this is suicidal even though i just want to take a break. I'm sooooo exhausted... How difficult i find communication even though they think my communication skills are amazing.

    • MedicalUnicorn


      That I can't eat like a normal person anymore because of my chronic illness. And it sucks.

    • Cimmy


      Just how much i overfeel, normal feelings for me intensify a crazy amount

    • pink_sky


      That even though they stop caring after a while, I'm still stuck in the loop.

    • Gwilla


      That I'm not pretending, that I can't just stop doing it, that there's a difference between anxiety before a first date and the kind that makes me not leave my house.

    • LissyBelle


      How hard I work to try and act "normal" and do what everyone expects me to do

    • kariTee


      I don't want to be an inconvenience for the rest of my life

    • Qwertie


      That they haven't helped me find out what is actually causing my problems. All of that work I had to do on my own.

    • Katharina


      That I feel bad all the time even when it looks like I’m doing well

    • SilverLady


      That sometimes just existing is all I can do.

    • Kaori


      So many people don’t get how I can be fine one minute then severely fatigued and dizzy the next

    • Jolenee


      Why I do things the way I do them and why I do them that way

    • Juliane


      The struggles to balance my physical health, mental health, and emotional being, while having to study full-time and living by myself at a country away from home

    • Aliek


      How hard it is for me to even get out of bed every day.

    • Aliek


      Why I am always sad. Why and how the drug I do is the only thing that provides me any relief.

    • RiverBunniee


      Never NOT in pain. And when I say I can't do something, it means I literally cannot; not just choosing not to.

    • KatGPT


      Understanding of autism and how to approach it

    • Zera


      People don't tend to get, and can even dislike me for not being as "able" as them. I have the same amount of ability, it just looks different if you can even see it! As much as that can shove their emotions down to complete a task, I have to do even more work to face those emotions while trying to complete that same task. It's unavoidable for me, but not for them. Honestly, they would only ever get it if they went through a similar level of trauma that forced them to be as aware and intentional about the smallest things as I am. Then they'll understand what a "different" brain is like to live with, all the bells an whistles included. What I don't get is how people can choose to stay ignorant of so many things outside and inside themselves... 🙄

    • Scrungle


      That even though I'm not achieving as much as fast as most others, I'm still trying and doing the best I can. I'm not slacking off or "using it as an excuse." Mental illness is real and debilitating.

    • RissTheTiger


      That I want to do what they can do (and sometimes could but shouldn't)

    • zozo131


      The fact that it upsets me just as much as it upsets them that I can’t meet them everyday at the drop of a hat 🙃

    • Kehena


      My family doesn’t get it because they see me Lucky normal. They can’t see what’s going on inside so they have no clue plus they don’t talk to me so they don’t know what I’ve been through or should I say I don’t talk to them because they don’t have any compassion.

    • Endo_Warrior


      The struggle. The fatigue. The pain. The way I feel when I can't complete basic tasks by myself.

    • Fukdisthikin


      How hard we work to change and become better... while having relapses in the midst of it all. It's not easy, we fight every day.

    • Ireine


      How misogynistic the healthcare system is. "Oh you can't have this medication as it's harmful to this hypothetical baby even though *you* as a real person is in so much pain. Go on birth control which causes other issues, is painful as we don't offer local anesthesia for IUDS but we do for vasectomies, or you can't be on birth control because of other medication you are on/health conditions you have. Oh you want to abstain from sex? Nah sorry even though that's 100% foolproof you are a young women so obviously you're promiscuous and want sex so you *have* to be on birth control as well as use condoms for this pain medication." ~CYCLE REPEATS~

    • CrazyCatLady019


      The sadness that comes with not being able to walk without a cane at a young age :(

    • thathippiechick


      That there are some things that I can't just turn off in my head. And that it isn't them, that it's me.

    • ThunderBeetle



    • stinky238


      The effort that it takes to just get through the day and I look fine but I'm barely keeping my head above the water, I am always exhausted but making sure I have what makes it worth it closest to me and those who don't care to understand can go 💕

    • K0da


      They don't get how much effort I put in and I think so much more ahead, but never truly listens!!

    • friendlybear


      just because i am not visibly hurting does not mean i'm not. also it being psychosomatic does not discount its validity?!

    • bupz


      How mental health and autism affects physical well-being and pain levels.

    • Kaislyn


      How hard it is to do normal daily things and how hard it is to go to work through the pain and symptoms.

    • ginanic1221


      i try so hard to live a normal life but i never fit in anywhere. i’m too sick that “normal” people get tired of it or don’t think it’s that serious and just see my accommodations as perks. and i’m not sick enough + it’s not a visible illness so i don’t really feel disabled either

      • ginanic1221


        @ginanic1221 it’s just so hard to be alive and i feel like it’s extremely difficult to relate to people or even myself. i’m just stuck somewhere in the middle all the time. like this awful purgatory of life

    • Kadair


      The pain of everything! No matter what, there is always pain! I am so exhausted from it all!

    • charliebitte


      how hard it is

    • Something_Strange


      How much I've tried to stay palatable to their close minded views.. but it's not possible because I am who I am .. Ive tried to be straight I've tried to be cis and literally couldn't

    • MidlightTheNightFury


      The fact I have an Emotional Support wolf full breed wolf as an Emotional Support animal and nobody seems to care that she is there for me not there satisfaction they all think wolves make terrible because there not friendly but yet that makes them the best does anyone understand that I posted something like that on my account but as usual I was ignored

    • Feral


      I want to be happy to but sometimes it feels better to be sad and hidden rather than out and about being proactive and productive

    • Junky


      How hard it is to just stay alive. Not a lot of people know about my problems, I'm not very open, but jesus christ it sucks. None of my friends will ever understand what its like to feel bad every single day and none of my friends understand what its like to be autistic

    • BbyBunnny


      That I actually can't walk well, and am slowly losing my ability to walk because of my hip and the pain it causes me

    • ApricotJam


      It's unfair to hold me to their standards and it hurts

    • sorenachy


      That age doesn't matter when it comes to illnesses or disabilities.

    • HiddenClover47


      How hard it is to get through each day

    • wagondepot


      Tolerating / maintaining symptoms well doesn't mean we don't actually suffer

    • MsTori


      That if I look like I'm in pain it's really bad. That putting on a brave face and going to work is exhausting and that sometimes basic tasks feel insurmountable by the end of the day.

    • Grammy6


      What it's like to not feel good

    • Hatchytt


      That it's not only constant, it's forever.

    • Mariex


      That self harm is not a suicide attempt. I do it to stay alive not to kill myself. And that not working doesn't mean I am lazy. It takes as much for me to get out of bed somedays as it does for them to do a full day at the office. Also that I am not deliberately argumentative or nasty or judgemental. I misread people and situations. I am trying so hard to even be here that sometimes I miss things. Don't give up on me.

    • PrincessKiika


      How my mind works differently

    • poodlelover28


      Just how crippling bpd can be and that every day is a fight to stay alive

    • anotherlostsoul


      That i dont like being this way

    • bestaunty



    • pherosiah


      how lonely I really am

    • JessyP


      How on many nights I feel like I am fighting to survive

    • BbyBunnny


      How much pain I'm actually in, and how sick I actually feel

    • Toxic_Gothic


      Why I don't always want to socialize and sit around people. I try to tell them I have a social battery but they don't seem to care at all.

    • dusker_star


      Why I'm so tired all the time as well as sick and having headaches but tbh I don't really know as well

    • moingus


      They dont get that im not lying when i say im physically hurting and they make me go somewhere anyways.

    • katitomato


      A lot of people saying how hard it is, and I’m totally with you - people don’t realize that it’s super hard to deal with chronic conditions. But one thing I haven’t seen mentioned is that it’s okay if I take my meds for the rest of my life. I already have to take insulin for the rest of my life, so why would it be a problem with other medications? I’d rather take medication for the rest of my life and be able to function and feel stable and satisfied, than to not take the meds and fall into executive dysfunction, mania/depression, constant physical pain and fatigue, disorganization, and many more symptoms. I have many people in my life who look at me like I’m crazy when I say I might be on all of these meds forever, or worse they tell me that I can “overcome” the need for these meds. Like no, it’s possible I won’t, and I don’t see it as something to overcome in the first place.

    • ViikMal


      How intersectional all issues are, especially those that exist comorbid in one single body.

    • Estarfyre


      That I may not look like I have multiple diagnoses, or physical issues, I still need my service dog and my wheelchair.

    • Feral


      I want to be happy too. I want to see my friends and be social again like my old self. I dont want to be isolated and alone. But it feels impossible to be okay when things have gone wrong before.

    • sapphic


      That looking past my weight, my symptoms are valid!

    • kingseijuro


      an 8-5 is easy for them but impossible for me...I never feel completely "normal", and never will. good health days are slowly getting stretched farther apart. you will never know true hopelessness until you realize your progressive disease, that stayed relatively consistent, is getting worse. knowing you will never feel again what it felt to be "normal", to not feel every muscle and bone in your body.

    • Annabeaverhousin


      What we don’t get is us female who struggle with severe chronic pain illness that us females who deal with endrometriosis it very painful some days we don’t know how to deal with pain.

    • Bakon


      That just because I'm young and look healthy dosn't mean I am.

    • shoe


      How strong and independent I am

    • CrystalWiccan


      They dont get how hard I try to just exist and live.

    • MissSim


      They don't get I'm delusional and have problems with awareness and reading people

    • ricecake


      I can’t just “get up and do it” with my adhd. I simply can’t. I just cannot.

    • Zebragirl


      That the school nurse is not gonna be able to help me. I can help her better than she can help me

    • Zebragirl


      How hard it is. How it's really so hard to handle. It changed my life. They can forget about my problems but I can't

    • Art_therapy


      That im not any less of a person because im sick or in pain all the time

    • DogWhisperer


      The fact that some of us have a higher pain tolerance than others. And regular Tylenol isn't gonna cut it Linda.(Not an actual person)Give me a break.

    • TattsCatsNaps


      They don’t get that that I’m exhausted most of the time. Don’t moan at me for drinking a monster - it’s that or I’m falling asleep before the day ends.

    • FTW


      How I long to stop existing.

    • CrazyMeerkat


      How tired I feel

    • Atheris


      Preach! Like, why can't I just be tired? Why do I have to defend being tired, and not wanting to go out? Or the, "you're still sleeping!?" I get it! You're the extrovert, but dumping on me isn't going to suddenly make me a peppy flower.

    • Igglepiggle


      They don’t understand what it’s like living with an autoimmune disease at all they don’t get it when I say I’m fatigued they can’t understand and they never will unless they go through it too

      • MerlinTheWizard


        @Igglepiggle I was once called "the queen of sheba" by my mom when I was fatigued during a flare up.

        • Igglepiggle


          @MerlinTheWizard I’ve been in hospital 3 times because of my flare ups and still people in my personal life make comments that show they don’t understand and can’t

    • MerlinTheWizard


      Alot of people don't get why I'm upset

    • MangoNari


      That sometimes, I don't know why I am upset.

    • kirstyelly


      How hard it is for me to do chores or remember important things

    • Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee


      How much I struggle to do what they do as a norm, and how much I miss the connection to the Otherworlds which I have never got with the conventional realities.

    • FreyaB


      How if a "normal" person had my symptoms for a week, they'd probably do the bare minimum and rest, yet because I have them all the time for the rest of my life, I have to act like normal and as if nothing's wrong. I find this so unfair.

    • florals.and.fatigue


      How much time outside of uni I spend in bed

    • J.ess


      It's not a choice

    • moonlit_shiv


      It’s not nice to deny or invalidate someone when they express they are struggling.

    • betsybetsybetsy2021


      Living as they do dors NOT cure my depression or ease it in any way. The only way to happiness is to have a safe place to authentically be myself. I don't need to show all of me to everyone but home HAS to be a safe place to be myself. I can coexist with almost anyone who isn't telling me to me different but I really need friends. Isolating me puts this shy extrovert into a deficiency state that is literally painful and causes me to br reactive, desperately trying to find a group of people to chill with. Brooklyn can confirm that I am not noise sensitive.

    • Kozlov


      What it feels like to me, or how I feel about things

    • drinkingsomewater


      That healing takes a really long time and deep wounds leave really bad scars - metaphor for PTSD.

    • unicorn


      That I’m not just lazy or trying to “work the system” and how much depression and anxiety affect my ability to function. Also that small things can trigger me and I’m not just overreacting and it’s not something I can control yet.

    • Gaia_karma


      I feel this so hard

    • Feral


      That im anxious to eat and leave my house and that i cant just power through it sometimes. Arfid and agarophobia seriously harm my everyday life. I cant even go to school anymore without panicking and im told to suck it up. And that im being overdramatic. I need to calm the fuck down..

    • BuddyandSimba



    • Vivelerock88


      How much time energy and money is spent on things to deal with our conditions like medical bills prescriptions navigating the healthcare system scheduling appointments seeking out pain relief etc. I could probably buy a house if I didn’t have so many medical bills

      • Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee


        @Vivelerock88 nothing has made me value the NHS as much as this comment.

    • KatGPT


      I feel like people around me don’t get me. I’ve lived without them for 21 years, and I feel like absolutely no one gets me. I find it extremely difficult to find a friend that completely understands the situations that I go through. Once I find that friend, I would eventually want it to turn into a relationship, if that ever happens.

    • hydroepilepic21


      I'm an adult and sometimes I would like to make a decision for myself.

    • lune_mermxid


      Just because I'm aware of the symptoms, doesn't mean I can suddenly 'turn it off.'

    • cartoonbean


      That the physical pain is debilitating but some days I struggle more with my mental pain than physical.

    • Ryou


      How we fight our own body and mind every day.

    • Kupkake96


      How confused and alone I feel…

    • FS_cookielove


      Why she's hurtful and then neglectful to situations she's caused

    • sorenachy


      That age has absolutely nothing to do with how you feel inside.

    • darklover


      That I am not overdramatic or lazy or a weirdo I am just a little depressed

    • sarcasmic1der


      That good days don't necessarily mean a pain free day... or an issue free day.

    • Denotchka


      That I need to discuss this situation and not feel like I am driving people nuts.

    • Seae


      They’ve been living, I’ve been surviving.

    • AutisticMama


      My head is constantly on overload. There's a million thoughts going at once and it makes everything else really overwhelming.

    • Joany


      I can't force myself to do the seemingly "normal physical activities" everyone else can, because it can put my health at a high risk.

    • Soskae


      How much of a toll feeling like a burden can take on your mental and physical health.

    • AVW


      That even something as little as just existing is completely and utterly exhausting.

    • Gaz



    • purplecow


      I'm not "just lazy"

    • bellacourse


      That ignoring me is super destructive to my mental health

    • YGKIMO


      That sleep is like liquid gold

    • Shoyo1hinata


      Everything that is important and how horribly they treat people.

    • ringostarr


      how I don’t want to get better, I just want to rest. “it gets better” means nothing

    • Xinderella


      How much they hurt me

    • Frances92


      When I turn down invites to hang out with coworkers. It's not personal! I genuinely have trouble socializing, and it's a boundary to not hang out with coworkers outside of the office. I already spend 40hrs a week with them!

    • Estarfyre


      That I get told I couldn't have gone through or can't be going through everything I've told them or that they see. I can't just be normal, my chronic pain, migraines and mental issues and past abuse make it so difficult.

    • pinky3


      How this anxiety actually makes me feel, what the symptoms actually feel like. The struggle of dealing with it and trying not to give up.

    • Moonlight.Moth


      I'm not being lazy, I'm just tired and in pain

    • SlothMomma94


      Just how much energy it takes to exist or how much it takes keep going when you've been suffering your entire life especially if you've got multiple illnesses

    • enjoyskyblue


      That I know I "could" do so much better, if I wasn't sick. But I am, and I can't *stop* being sick. It's not my fault it takes me longer to do things, I cannot help it. I wish I could.

    • RainbowKai


      That I am indeed trying as hard as I can

    • RainbowzebraJules


      I have an assistance dog and the amount of time and energy it takes to rely on another being. Wouldn’t have it any other way

    • kindkoala


      That it isn't a phase

    • SecondChance


      It's more about what I don't understand and the fact I need to be honest with myself. The truth hurts a lot and it is scary.

    • Stephanya


      how much of a chore it is to get out of bed every day. I'm not lazy, sometimes I just can't face it

    • Dr.Justin.Time


      How much it hurts. How real this is. How unavoidable and damaging this is.

    • DarkWhispers07


      How difficult it is to be a 3 sport athlete with depression. Like, everyone thinks I'm doing ok simply because I'm fit and I smile a lot but under it all I'm just trying to be able to wake up every morning and get through the day so I can come home and sleep more

    • MalTheBabyDragon


      That I hate myself for not being able to do what they do all the time.

    • BumbleBea


      That my fatigue is all consuming. I'm not lazy - I'm completely done in. Also that a suicidal person can still appear happy on the outside.

    • StarrKeats


      I'm not lazy I'm exhausted and the pain scale is not accurate. my 5 could be someone's 9

    • MarshallTheGayest


      How hard it is for me to get up in the morning

    • Miky


      That there’s actually something I’m struggling with and I’m not just making it up

    • italianxpeaches


      Just how painful it is to eat and why I only eat one meal a day. My mom finds every chance she can go criticize me, ridicule me and say how unhealthy I'am for *starving* myself. But it is an excruciating process for me to eat food and deal with the aftermath. I only want to deal with it once, not three times a day. Plus the 1 meal versus 3 has actually worked out great for me health wise in other aspects. 3 meals just aren't for everyone. Still though, she tries to force and push food on me like I can't think for myself. No I don't have an E.D. but I would if I listened to her as she'd be shoving copious amounts of food down my throat just so she didn't have to eat the over indulgence she wants to cook.

    • AlikeYou33


      That their words destroy me.

    • Lkbmotion


      That sometimes I can't just push through it

    • Alexquinn


      How much I struggle to keep my mask so they don't freak out

    • Country_FLMama


      That I'm not lazy... I'm not "tired" I'm emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted from doing the things you take for granted every day.

    • dan91


      How hard life is with it and how painful it is, calling me lazy

    • Mr._Dank


      How I really am alive because I don’t want to hurt anyone. I’m always very close to not being here anymore, and the hardest thing is to keep going. It’s so painful to be here. I have things that make me happy, yes, but my depression and anxiety get in the way so much. My PTSD and childhood trauma effect my life too much too. I get paralyzed by all of this and it makes me feel like a failure a lot of the time. I still work full time, but barely feel like i can get through it most of the time if I don’t have a constant distraction for my brain to shut up. I am constantly fighting with myself and my demons. It’s all just a constant war Inside of me. I have family that see me as less than because of my gender identity and sexuality.. and that just makes living even harder.

    • Madi143


      Unfortunate pretty much everything

    • KabaneDaTo


      That waking up in the night sometimes is just a part of my life now and doesn't need to be regulated with extra stronger drugs

    • Teagle


      That is me too

    • Lexusherr


      How much hip dysplasia hurts and they don't get that I physically can't do certain thing bc of it

    • Amanda1993


      How exhausting it really is on a daily basis to deal with this crap!

    • Something_Strange


      That trying to find any way to diswade me from being trans is still transphobic and makes me want to jump

    • RosiePosie21


      Im allowed to feel emotions without people automatically assuming it’s my bipolar disorder acting up again. It’s like I can’t feel anything anymore without my mom automatically assuming the worst

    • Songbird24


      How deeply and genuinely I hate myself

    • Moravid


      🙏 🙏

    • WhiteFlamingo


      How easily I can find myself on the edge just because of obsessive thoughts.

    • Country_FLMama


      How much I want/need support even when I push them away.

    • Wednesday_7


      That just because I chose to use a mobility aid I didn’t choose to need it.

    • EliteLexy


      How lonely this entire life has been.

    • Marcaroni22


      That I just want someone to check in on me more than once a month or to give me a good genuine reason not to go through with my plan.

    • Faith._Regina


      That I don't hate them and I'm not actually a b!¡ch

    • Tracks


      That I breathe, but that’s about it sometimes I feel

    • Faith._Regina


      That I don't hate them and that I'm not mean. I just have so much bottled up feelings and go through really bad depression episodes

    • MariWolf


      That I can't live if no one taught me how to live as an adult, just complain what is wrong with me. No one wants to be with a low vib they say.. like this they killing ppl.. They don't get how it is to be sucidal.. To be all alone ALL ur life, just being used. Trying hold on to ppl just to feel horrible pain physically and emotionally.. I could ramble forever..

    • walkerstalker



    • cheleb77


      That they were my whole world and how much it truly hurts me the way they're treating me now.

    • Songbird24


      That none of it is for attention, all of it is real, and when I attribute thoughts, feelings, or actions to past trauma, I’m not playing the victim, it’s just my reality

      • AlikeYou33


        @Songbird24 I hear you. I feel that. 🙌

    • EDS4Life


      That I'm exhausted. ALL. THE. TIME.

      • AlikeYou33


        @EDS4Life this can’t be real, right? Other people can’t feel this exhausted all the time and still do ALL THE THINGS. How are they doing it and we aren’t? I don’t know what it feels like to have energy anymore.

    • Lil_rain_cloud


      That everything is 10x harder, even if its a simple task

    • RenaissanceGirl


      That good days are almost scarier than bad ones.

      • Songbird24


        @RenaissanceGirl Absolutely relate to this - at least with the bad ones there’s nowhere to fall, no shoe to drop

    • Trudie_tootie


      That I can't just ignore my mental and physical pain and get any job. I've tried to just push through and have ended in the mental hospital and ER so many times.

      • RenaissanceGirl


        @Trudie_tootie I feel that. My dad tried to tell me to “power through” a migraine and keep working. I got sick all over my computer and wound up in the ER.

    • emotionallygray


      That sometimes I don’t have the energy to even exist.

      • AlikeYou33


        @emotionallygray same.

    • indie9367


      That even though it's not much I give them the best I can 😥💕

      • Songbird24


        @indie9367 SAME

    • Madi143


      My bf constantly asks me if I'm tired of being how I am and why I don't change. He doesn't understand the struggle just to function enough everyday.

    • Noah_Arrington


      That I really am trying but it's just difficult

    • FiberArtist


      What is behind my smile. I live with chronic pain and I won't let it stop me from living. But it hurts. I just get so tired of hurting.

    • Locien


      I'm trying to do what I think is best for me.

    • Coke


      How difficult it is to not isolate myself to make their lives easier

    • Deep_Feelings


      That they continue to and choose to misunderstand me. They won’t listen or they don’t care.

    • colourfulburrito


      They don't get that they say things that trigger me. Like "oh you're eating so and so, I thought you were trying to lose weight"

    • Nalabird


      How being fatigued isn't being tired, it's like you've been unplugged & you physically cannot do things. It's not a few hours missed sleep!!!

    • Skittles22


      Definitely how much pain I go through every day. I want them to understand but at the same time, I'm glad that they don't.

    • FlyingLizards


      "Can't you just choose to be happy/ more productive/take care of yourself more?"

    • Sweetpea94


      How much strength it takes to walk out and be able to do basic things.

    • MultiMato


      How much it costs me just to act fine through the work day. I rarely have energy for myself afterwards.

    • SunInAugust


      I'm not trying to be difficult, I'm having a difficult time. I wasn't able to read between the lines and took you seriously, i wasn't trying to stir up drama. I'm not being dramatic and exaggerating my experiences, i have heightened emotions. I'm not trying to be so heavy, my life has been heavy for me. I'm not trying to be annoying or disrespect boundaries when I ask for clarity when someone needs space, I just need detailed and consistent communication.

    • OurLadyOfChaos


      How much I just want to be "normal" (functional, not in pain, mentally and emotionally stable, productive, have normal executive function, not be sick or in pain)

    • WWJD


      That I'm doing everything I can. Some times a lot, sometimes a little, but its all I have.

    • Moomoo72


      How tired I am all the time. That often times it really is impossible for me to do what people think I should do because I do not have enough energy.

    • Sapphire34


      How, high my anxiety gets when I'm around a bunch of people and all.I want to do is disappear

    • Captain_Honey


      They don't understand that due to years of not being diagnosed and helped I now can't tell if I am trying my hardest or not. So now I feel like a failure unless I'm basically committing self harm by working too hard

    • Rayningtigress


      That i have symptoms i don't understand.

    • Harley100719


      How certain things (words, actions) affect me and my mental and physical health

    • Jewelicorn


      How I see and understand the world. It seems like I live in a very different world than almost everyone I've ever talked to. I feel so alienated. I don't understand the world that everyone I talk to describes. And it is so freaking hard and hurts

    • IceGoddess


      My struggles

    • Masscrystal


      That I’m not lying they are

    • Something_Strange


      That it's not funny to laugh at tourettes. If I'm laughing you can laugh. But if I look like I'm in pain maybe shut up.

    • Kittypop


      I'm going to the doctor bc I don't feel normal or "ok" so testing me & telling me that everything is "fine" doesn't help. I came to the doctor for help...

    • tea444


      that what they're doing is not helping me it's making me worse

    • Lilginger


      Same here. 11 years and I can't do it anymore. Im Tired

    • StrawberryMilk


      I am more uncapable than I make it to be. Its a mask. It’s exhausting.

    • DrakellaEuphrates


      That just breathing is exhausting.

    • Ziggy_B


      That I'm still young and figuring stuff out. Getting good grades in school doesn't guarantee my success and doesn't mean I have everything figured out. I'm just trying to enjoy my life while I can and when I can. Tommorow isn't promised and I'm taking it slow but I'm determined to have a good time.

    • IceGoddess


      Who I am

    • Boo2004


      They don't get how exhausting it is to get through the day. To fight and see barely any results. To see friends and family disappear because your to much to handle.

    • Jazzmin87


      sadly I can understand this. On a good day I seem normal and perky. I like that me and wish I could be her all the time. On bad days I'm moving around like an old woman wishing for a break in pain and just trying to figure out the basics. With fall and winter weather the bad outweigh the good, joy. Which is sad but at least I know what to expect if other people don't. But I know just gotta keep chugging away like the little engine that could.

    • 1mp


      That I'm just trying to talk. I'm not being rude, I just want to understand

    • squibibi


      that intrusive thoughts arent the quirky, trivial thing that tiktok makes them seem to be

    • 555angel


      that i cant control the way my brain works. its exhausting for me too. i dont mean to be a burden, i cant help it

    • Ella101


      I can’t just turn a switch and be healed and happy. I’m trying. I can’t just make depression and anxiety go away with the snap of my fingers.

    • LaurElizabeth


      Everyday hurts to some extent wether it be manageable or unmanageable. The guilt that goes along with not feeling like a normal person is so deep. That you want to do so much more than you body is capable of but due to chronic Illness you can’t… the list goes on and on

    • BeanBetter


      Poor city planning affects your health.

    • lowempathyhighenergy


      How much energy being alive takes sometimes. Im in so much pain so often it's hard

    • mermaidap


      why i dropped out

    • agentleanbean


      How difficult it is to keep myself from being an angry person :/.

    • GravesWarrior


      How much it affects me and how hard I’m trying to get better

    • Lucaaaaaaa


      My pain and sadness

      • Lunako


        @Lucaaaaaaa 😢 same for me as well. So overbearing at times. I hate it.

    • Karrieanne73


      Exactly how it hurts all the time and what’s going on in my head but I have become such a good actor . That I don’t let many people see that part of me . I don’t let them know the constant pain I’m in or the racing thoughts in my head or the anxiety and panic in my head.

    • Nightreader


      How I don't know how to express how I feel cause I don't know most of the time 😳

    • KTTabbs


      That just because something is easy for them doesn't mean it is easy for me.

    • Animalnerd


      How hard it is to function or even get out of bed some days

      • Ella101


        @Animalnerd yes exactly!

    • hydroepilepic21



    • pink_milk


      That I’m not actually lazy

      • Ella101


        @pink_milk thank you! They just don’t get it

    • GhostieShark


      How exhausting it is to be a human… I have to be okay and act like I’m okay when really all I want to do is scream and hide away. It’s so tiring to keep it together.

      • Ella101


        @GhostieShark felt this 100%

    • WilburEffingSoot


      How hard it is for me to "get over it" or "ask for help". Or, better yet, when they tell me that "Oh I don't see what the problem is" I'm trying, I swear, but- I can't do this everyday-

    • JJ_W


      My illness isn't something I use for my convenience/as an excuse. It's real life.

      • DarkWhispers07


        @JJ_W I absolutely hate those people who don't believe mental illnesses exist. Especially when they ridicule you for "how you should be more productive" and "your just using it as an excuse to be lazy all the time

    • CatCollector


      The effort to leave my bed, the effort to do simple everyday things, the effort to be present with others, it's just completely exhausting and gets harder everyday.

    • SymptomOfNostalgia02


      The fact that I never have the energy or the motivation to do anything. I just do it because I feel obligated to.

    • hydroepilepic21


      How hard it is for me to talk to people or express my emotions.

    • Sincerely


      I wish people understood that they're not perfect either. That quite possibly their problem in which we can't see, might just be worse than the problems of someone whose you can.

    • canadaisntreal


      how hard i work to exist. how my brain works. how drastically my mood can switch within a minute. me, i guess.

    • NiiTA


      I just can't stop being anxious 😥

    • XJ


      I understand that what I’m thinking isn’t real or actually happening, but it feels real and I’m going to react to it as though it is real on the small chance that it might be.

    • SA65


      The pain

    • EternalEyes


      How much pain I'm in... On the outside they see the smiles but the inside they can't see the catastrophes. On the outside I look all right on the inside I'm feeling drained exhausted

    • Kaitikins


      How EXHAUSTING it is.

    • Wednesday_7


      Not all disabilities are the same. Even the same disabilities present differently in everyone.

    • MareBare


      How much harder it is to do things other people do with ease

    • Phoinyxisnotonfire


      How hard I try to fit in only to fail miserably

    • Raquel226


      It's so true, it's hard to just exist for a lot of us. My boyfriend is very generous, and he makes plans for us every weekend. We're either going to a concert, a comedy show, a play, or another form of entertainment 2-4 times a weekend. I'm very lucky and I'm not complaining, but sometimes it's hard to physically keep up. And since event tickets are non-refundable I feel compelled to go and pay later (physically).

    • a45_evan


      That anxiety is a natural disorder and that’s it’s okay to have

    • cbear22


      My mental health problems

    • shimshim


      Everyday isn't the same Just because a healthy person can get their to do list done everyday dosnt mean a person in pain with daily body issues can follow suit It's literally exhausting

    • CinderLorel


      I wake up every day wishing I didn’t. My first thought is a flash of emotions that I even opened my eyes. I go to sleep hoping I won’t. I don’t actively try to die but I’m sad everytime I realize I’m still here. It takes so much just to fake being a person let alone appear normal and functioning.

      • Ella101


        @CinderLorel I feel that too

    • Ms.Ruckman32


      How much physical pain is causing me to become severely depressed and hopeless. It's the your lazy or you know u can do this to lose makes me cringe and wince.

    • Gaz


      CW: weight loss/dieting mention What my parents don't get is that YES, my disorder CAN go away with weight loss but weight loss is INSANELY HARD and we are faced with LATE STAGE CAPITALISM and DOOM and I'd rather die having eaten sugary things than been a doggone ascetic my whole life for a SHOT at getting rid of my IIH

    • ZappyRacc


      That I don't just hate working. That I'm not just lazy and not trying hard enough. That the reason I'm not throwing applications everywhere is because I could generate good work for maybe a week before a symptom flare sent me to the hospital and lost me the job, and I can't handle that happening AGAIN.

    • Soskae


      Adhd makes me do things I don’t want to do. Not only do I not have total control over my thoughts but I don’t have total control over my actions.

    • AlucardHellsing


      How much it hurts to try so hard to motivate yourself and improve although you are more than capable and have done it before but your subconscious prevents you from doing so due to fear of being judged abd being told you did nothing when in reality you did grow but others don't care or don't see it or they do but they put you down anyways

    • Bre19


      Why I ever feel so low like especially when I was in a very dark place

    • mik.chick


      How hard I’m trying even when it looks like I’m giving in

    • Ellie11


      That you’re not a friend if you’re only there for the good days.

    • EliteLexy


      How much I don't want to be here because of the pain

    • blokeo


      how difficult it is to function with anxiety: my head starts pounding, i cant think, my entire body goes numb, my chest and heart start hurting immensely. It wont be fixed by telling me to “calm down”

    • living411


      They don't get how much of a battle I have to face every day. That I have to make a conscious decision to continue to work on myself despite how much I want to lay in bed and fade away.

    • ShadowheartMC


      That I’m not trying to be lazy. Activity is just such a mountain climb for me 😔

    • healthissues


      That I know myself better than they do

    • rorose


      its not normal to be this speechless towards them. i wish my mother wasnt so lonely so she wouldn’t project her feelings onto me. i dont like it.

    • Thumpz


      Without coffee I would just sleep the day away.

    • NiiTA


      I just can't magically get over my anxiety. If I could, don't they think I would?

    • Magpie42


      That I work 10x harder just to appear okay.

    • Elliott_Velvett


      That what I'm experiencing is very real and they need to take it seriously before I die from their neglect

      • NiiTA


        @Elliott_Velvett I feel exactly the same 😥

    • dizzydarling


      why i’m so afraid and why i let it bother and hinder me as much as it does. i don’t mean to, it feels as compulsory as breathing

    • ATrainwreck


      The hallucinations and delusions. That I have no control over episodes. That it is an every second of every day thing. That I don't tell them everything because I don't want to worry them.

    • Space_Case92


      That I can never forget all the hateful stuff they say to me because instead of trying to be kind and empathic, it's easier to be hateful

    • camel


      That it is hard for me to not cry after being yelled at once or multiple times. Mainly my dad.

    • ASAP_Panic


      That I can’t please him how he wants and how often he wants. It kills me inside and makes me feel broken. Chromic pain is one of the invisible illnesses that people don’t talk about enough.

    • Noella


      How living with extreme anxiety is a constant battle. 😫

    • prettypixie


      Im too self aware for counseling to help me. It always ends up the same, all they do is just agree with me but it still doesnt fix the problem. Like i know what and how but i just cant fix it its so hard to explain

      • MeeB333


        @prettypixie - I’ve literally had over a dozen different doctors, therapists, psychiatrists & other practitioners over the years tell me that I was as smart/smarter than them & that I’m the most self-aware (4 whatever condition or illness sufferer) & intelligent person that they have ever met…! And, these were just those who were willing to admit it, & didn’t allow their ego to get offended that I know so very much about my own issues!! Some docs will actually get offended, & have dismissed me as a patient!! So, I understand your problem. It sucks to be so smart that no one (is either willing to &/or) knows how to help you…! :-/

    • Mellow_love


      The fact that I cannot control or even comprehend my emotions. Everything is such extremes all the times for the smallest of reasons. I do not want to be an angry person but I cannot help it because everything is so overwhelming that it's the only way it comes out.

    • VioletRaine


      That I'm not being rude when I don't respond but my brain is running through every possible outcome of how I word what I say and if it will come out offensive or hurtful or selfish and I'm trying to get it right... And by the time I do the conversation had moved on.

    • Kade229


      Everything, I don't want to do anything ever and it's really hard for me to actually do things and if I don't do it to their 'standards' then I get yelled at so

    • rorose


      how quick and how much my feelings change. how i need to change with my feelings. i cant always be flexible and i try to be but sometimes i feel like they move abnormally slow and linger at places just for no reason but to feel like they spent enough time somewhere to make their trip worth it

    • pandasss


      That even though I can have good days doesn't mean it's always good or that I actually experienced trauma and that I'm not just "making it up" or "it's not that bad"

    • Squishlover


      that I'm exhausted no matter what and it's a struggle to just wake up and sit

    • EliteLexy


      How much their words hurt and just how much I love all of them.

    • Phoenix.Afrodita


      That Impact is bigger than Intention, and matters more.

    • archerinnit


      That im sorry and im changing

    • Mika15


      That I can't explain what's wrong because even I don't know what's wrong. Just that something is wrong.

    • thatweirdspice


      That I'm not lazy, but just trying to survive takes so much energy that it's nearly impossible to do daily tasks like clean and cook.

    • Redvelninja


      Why I get mad when all I ask out of others is to be in the know about things.

    • kelianne


      They dont get that what they do effects me in so many ways. They're causing so much pain unintentionally but they dont understand why i care

    • lokk



    • PeppermintAnn


      that some days, i am one motion away from giving up. that the past looks so inviting. that i don't try to upset you, i actually try to do the opposite.

    • imbatman


      Life shouldn’t be as hard as it is.

    • CookieRae


      That Hypermobility has been with me the whole time, and that i won't be fine

    • BritBrat92


      How everyday is a struggle

    • TrebleNurturer


      That my bad moods are almost always due to my health symptoms 😥

    • ChloeMae


      How energy consuming being depressed and having social anxiety/anxiety is but also being high functioning with it. Like people don’t understand that everytime I leave my house I have to put on a happy persona how much energy that takes from you. Like I’m working two jobs and in grad school full time, I did this last semester and was burnt out by the end of the semester to the extent I literally couldn’t do anything by the time I was done. I took a month off from work and it took around 3 more months to heal from that. Now I’m only 3 weeks into this school semester and working two jobs and I already feel myself burning out. & my dad just thinks I’m just being lazy by wanting to quit my job and focus on school. and I understand why they see it that way because it’s so hard to even understand myself why it happens. Like I need time, EVEN A DAY, to breathe because it is so overwhelming.

    • Octavius


      That it's not about "eating less"

    • dayzed


      That some people just *CAN'T* do things like everyone else. Albeit mental or physical, either just at that point in their lives or always. Just because you can do something or know someone who eventually could, don't press that on everyone you meet. Support and encourage but don't pressure and force.

    • Morticia013


      That my kidney disease and dialysis aren't just a vacation and me being lazy.

    • HoosierMama92


      How hard it is to get out of bed some days... My pain is constant, so it's a struggle.

    • str8outtacollagen


      Missing important events isn’t something I want to do - I would be there if I could.

    • PriscillaAdams


      I feel like people don't really understand how much pain I'm in, and my house is suffering, but no one wants to help me.

    • laceyandme


      How hard it is to fight voices in your head

    • mnmerritt02


      The fact that I've had many life and death situations during the times I had four heart surgeries as a kid. I basically went through hell and back.

    • Strawberryhk


      I want hello for my illness but we probably don’t have money to cover the surgery and I’m way too nervous to go to the doctor. It’s gettting totes idk what to do I’ve been dealing with this for years and it’s ruining my life

    • Strawberryhk


      I’m going through addiction

    • Lydia8271


      I cant be better

    • Mazzyllene


      What I mean when I say I'm tired.

    • blue_boy03


      How difficult it is when a Dr doesn't take you seriously. Like I've been having heart problems for months and it got so bad today i had to go to the er i was sent by my Dr and when i got there they just gave me anxiety meds and refused to do the blood work my Dr requested because it needs done.

    • musiclover98


      Having to come to the realization I will never be able to be independent. I will always have to rely on someone to help me and help take care of me. PCOS has been such a burden. People don't understand wanting so badly to work a full time job and have an income for myself and when I can't, how much that takes away from who I think I should be. It affects myself image WAY more than my weight or anything else honestly. I've kind of put my identity in being able to be MYSELF (being totally independent) and I just feel at a loss. People don't understand the want to be able to just get out of bed in the morning without feeling like you've been on a 6 month binger.. the pain is real and all I want is for it to go away!

    • brutal_brown


      That there is an answer it's just there's lots of people who have made the Answer look horrible when in reality the Answer is amazing, my life is proof of it. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's not will I make it it's when.

    • dih



    • Iron


      That my base level is not the same as theirs and I already push through almost everything

    • blood_rose


      How hard I have to fight my own brane and body to do anything and how tring emotional and physical it is

    • mobychick


      How to love unconditionally

    • keekso234


      How I want to go off my meds and be happy about it.

    • ricecake


      how hard I’m trying

      • Bre19


        @ricecake felt this

    • Leviross


      I have reasons not just excuses.

      • Bre19


        @Leviross so true it is so unfortunate

    • srea


      That my pain is not “normal” That I have value which is not attached to my ability to do things That I’ve ALWAYS shown the executive dysfunction of someone who’s “getting old” That my immense talent does not correlate to the ability to keep a job 🫠

    • IAmZeMedic


      How hard it is to not go to my mom with my racing heart. To try and not to tell her "I have to go to he hospital tonight. I feel like I'm dying".

      • srea


        @IAmZeMedic panic attacks?

    • rorose


      how hopeless it sounds when they tell me i cant heal from my disorder. i refuse to believe that. i believe i can find the path to the life that heals me and improves my health. i dont want to believe that i cannot get better. i wont.

    • Cocosir


      Sensory overload

      • Bre19


        @Cocosir yes, so true

    • AuntBeeDoesGames


      They don't get that we didn't decide one day to try out our mental disorders from a menu on a board and keep them. Just choose happiness? Why on earth didn't I think of that?! I choose to be defeated by major depression with psychosis, anxiety/panic disorder, PTSD, ADHD, borderline personality disorder with fibromyalgia as the cherry on top 🍒 I choose not to do anything it's not lack of motivation at all, no, I'm lazy yep.

    • AuntBeeDoesGames


      How hurtful it is when the doctors tell me that my condition doesn't usually cause the level of pain I describe I'm in and that they see no reason I should be in a wheelchair. That fibromyalgia amplifies my pain levels and is the only reason I think I'm in as much pain as I say I'm in. Thank goodness my pain isn't supposed to be as high as it feels, I was starting to think maybe just maybe an MRI with contrast shot into my hip joint would reveal enough evidence as to why I'm in this much pain but I guess not...second opinion here I come, third opinion...hmm who knows 9th opinion maybe it will take to convince these power tripping doctors that get it finally that maybe she is actually in this much pain for an actual reason and is not an addict so not a drug and alcohol problem no it's a PAIN problem! My saying I want to die etc is because of the pain and you putting me in the psych unit where they cannot treat said pain of course I'm never getting out of there because my pain levels are so far past capable tolerance it's unreal. I don't want to die...but I also don't want to be in pain...and since y'all think I'm an addict...what other options do I have out here? Pot works wonders if the right strand is obtained...sorry not sorry. Over a month to get out of my system and y'all want me off, ok so 12 hrs after quitting I'm ready to die cuz it's just THAT uncomfortable level of I guess I'm stuck. Guess I leave my family and move states maybe the doctors there will look past my only vise and help me

      • darkstarrynight


        @AuntBeeDoesGames hey I don't have much advice, (I have chronic pain, but not fibromylgia), but I do know Lady Gaga has fibromylgia. Try to look into what she does to help with her pain, and see if it provides any relief.

    • Modragon


      That dropping the friendship hurts a lot

      • Songbird24


        @Modragon Felt…

    • Fairwind


      That we don’t want to be like this.

    • PlaslyMeds


      How tired I am of being alive. To the point where I feel like my good days are a lie and I simply do not want to do this anymore 95% of the time, but I act like I do so they don’t have to feel bad

    • Vannah349


      How my pain is CONSTANT. I’m always hurting to some extent.

    • IsabellaJ


      That were not looking for attention, seeing isn't always believing and I don't have to prove anything to you for you to be able to believe me

    • kk062001


      i’m appearing happy, but truthfully, my brain is telling me i’m not worth sh** every second of the day. that i’m fake. that i’m not really who I say I am. that this front is what makes people walk away. that everything is wrong w me. i’m drowning, but sure, i’ll give you a boost out the water.

      • Songbird24


        @kk062001 Wow, I deeply related to this… I’m so so sorry you’re in this much pain, and I’m sorry you have to go through this because I wouldn’t wish this pain on anyone… I want you to know you aren’t alone, I’m right there with you

    • Wheezerr


      Its hard for me to process things sometimes. I feel a wall between me and the physical world at times. Its like someone throwing a ball at you and you catch it for a second but it slips out of your hand and bounces further away

    • Alexquinn


      That I've been through crap that they might never go through

    • Mafuyu


      That I want to live alone but actually hate being alone. :,D I want to have a huge house to myself and be on my own with independence, but I hate being alone or doing anything alone. It’s a super weird feeling, it’s hard to really put into words.

      • Memaa


        @Mafuyu I am so afraid to be alone. Funny, because in the past I have lived alone for years without problems…..

    • Boo2004


      How hard it is to get out of bed and find the energy to keep fighting because sometimes all hope seems lost.

    • bluecashew97


      How politics is a sham show and were worse off than medieval Peasants

    • Jewels18


      How bad all of it has contributed to my PTSD

      • Madpanther


        @Jewels18 Same herd 😥💕

    • JoshAG


      That the things that make me “weird” are just a product of my disorders

    • Magpie42


      How I can be "normal" or "productive" one day, or for a week, and then bedridden the next. That I don't have a choice in how my body feels any given day. That I don't want to have enough co-morbities stemming from a/a few genes that went wrong to take down someone less determined. That I didn't ask for any of this.

    • Nat_Roze


      How hard it is to make myself breath again everyday

    • hurt_copain


      Lights r loud

      • Sincerely


        @hurt_copain and high-pitched.

    • LoverHeart


      That I'm trying as much as I can and even when I say I'm fine I'm not really fine right now. I'm trying my hardest but whenever I try and talk to someone it's almost as if they are trying to compare theirs to mine and they have to have it worse. I don't even think my stepmom or dad have even realized I haven't eaten since Monday..

    • Alex_Rose


      How hard it is to get through the day pretending to be normal.

      • Alex_Rose


        @Alex_Rose How much I try

    • Yarden


      How jealous I am of healthy people 😥

    • kingseijuro


      even my eyelids hurt.

      • MeeB333


        @kingseijuro - I have had a few different doctors laugh/scoff at me when I was asked “Where are you in pain?” & I answered that it’s literally everywhere, & that “It would be easier to tell you where I’m NOT in pain,” but then I couldn’t identify anywhere! Ummm, so I guess my hair & fingernails don’t hurt…?!? Ugh!! So frustrating. 😑

    • ChokoBunny


      That my panic attacks and anxious intrusive thoughts aren’t a choice

    • katmweaver


      How hard it is for me to be understanding when no one tries to understand me

    • Alecia23


      When I look at my phone it’s not being rude I am escaping a situation the way I know how too

    • MatchaBunn


      That I’m trying my hardest with the tools that I have, but I need more support and tailored care.

    • Liminal


      How the things they say hurt me

    • ErickDaniel



    • RavenJord


      Dealing with daily pain, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, etc, stuff that would make others not even be able to move. But dealing with it without medication and not letting on that I'm even in pain.

    • Ojos


      Is so dificult to deal with pain and stilll go to work and deal with co workers and lisent to the stupet coment and have no hard filings for oders god help me

    • shinchan


      how hard it is to keep a smile on my face and make everyone laugh when all I want to do is lay in bed forever and disappear for who knows how long


      • Songbird24


        @shinchan I really really deeply felt this… god, this is me on the daily… you’re not alone, I’m here with you in this exhausting, endlessly depressing boat

    • Wesj75


      What I have to go through mentally to handle a day

    • kandi63



    • DeafBatman


      I hate that my parents don’t understand mental health problems when they clearly have some themselves. They don’t get that I’ve been given everything they have to deal with and more. They think I’ve done well in the past coping with everything but the fact is that I’ve always felt like this, I’ve just been better at hiding how hard it is so that they don’t have to be in pain for me. So now that I am lacking the will to hide it they think I just need to get up and do more in order to “feel normal” again. Unfortunately I don’t think there’s such thing as normal. Maybe we weren’t meant to be normal. But then how do we live?


      • HanStruggles


        @DeafBatman I can relate 100%, I lost my mother to cancer when I was 12 turning 13 and my dad was physically and verbally abusive even when she was alive. Living with him without her as my protector was the worst part of my life so far.... Luckily I have moved out of his house but I still don't think he knows how much he has damaged me. When my mum died I felt like I had to be the strong one and comfort him even though I was still pretty afraid of him. Our relationship now is still very confusing but better. I understand that he is just a person and he isn't perfect but I could never imagine treating my child like he has treated me... (I don't have children yet but I'm planning on having some in the future :))

        • Madpanther


          @HanStruggles 1. Love the name. 2. Yeah I was raised by my mum and she was physically and mentally abusive. I'm now married a biological and step-mum to 4 kids.

    • Foof


      That trying to fit into an able body world os not something I can do.

    • YourDailyFurry


      Everything. That I need a therapist, assessment, mental help, possible suicide help, everything

    • Ink789


      how much i put an effort into socializing and daily chores


    • amedhat


      That it’s not all in my head.


    • Nonamae


      How much pain I’m in and how exhausting it is just to do normal everyday stuff. I’m not faking being sick. I’m faking being well. And it’s getting harder to do.


      • Bre19


        @Nonamae yes

      • Innerwork


        @Nonamae Yes..faking every moment is exhausting in itself. I am sorry to all as I too understand how difficult comprehensive health problems are.

    • faerywyrm


      Most people can't understand. That doesn't mean that we're abnormal, unlucky, or crazy. It's their problem. They are either narrow minded or clueless. Usually it's clueless. Remember that they are the ones with the shortcoming.


    • BellzH


      I see when my friends/family/relationships get tired of having to take me to the ER or that I have a ton of doctors appointments. It makes me feel even worse than I already do.


    • Viynyl


      Not being able to do their day to day without being in constant discomfort weather it be caused by internal or external situations. Some people in the world act as if dissability is some sort of "privilage" or "excuse" and that really bothers me because people take their good health for granted more often than not. I'd happily take what is concidered a minor inconvenience over constant pain/discomfort any day if I had the choice. I'm always jelouse of people who are able boddied/NT. They will never understand that ammount of envey.


      • darkstarrynight


        @Viynyl I get jealous of people that don't have my invisible illness (chronic pain) that I do 24/7. People that can run, and exercise and aren't limited by their bodies. I am so jealous of them sometimes.

    • Citla


      PCOS is not something to wish for just because I miss a couple of months from having a period. PCOS affects my overall health. I am not “lucky”.


      • Lavs


        @Citla 😠 you are so right

      • kikihpfan


        @Citla this is so true

    • BAKER


      The fact that taking medication- of any kind- longterm is not easy. Needing medicine can feel like a burden. There is a huge mental barrier that you have to get past in order to be able to take medicine everyday without resenting your body for needing it.


      • Bre19


        @BAKER yes

      • Aperellime


        @BAKER ❤️ there r alot of times that I don't take my meds bc it's so depressing

        • Nanavae


          @Aperellime I get your point of view. It can be more depressing without help. Make sure you are sharing your feelings with someone (medical professional out close friend) remember- you met every challenge so far, you are a warrior!

      • srea


        @BAKER YES I have this fear of medications that has made me procrastinate accepting them… when I first had just two pills a day it made me feel old and I was 18… Some nights I fall asleep staring at the pills putting off taking them 🫣

        • Marjo


          @srea you can look for Holistic remedies verses Western medicine. Consult with a DO or a Holistic Practitioner for alternatives. Can’t hurt to gain more knowledge of Nature around us!

    • T_Bone




    • smalltownkidneys


      How strong I have to be. So that my husband can cope and deal with my cancer. When I feel like I can't deal or cope for myself. When I'm the one going through it and in constant pain. And constant Drs appointments


      • Bre19


        @smalltownkidneys felt this

      • Sugoober


        @smalltownkidneys I feel this in my soul. Battling brain cancer with 4 kids, a career and being a wife. It’s exhausting. And no one seems to get it because I look ok and push myself beyond my limits because if I don’t nothing gets done.

        • SommerSDR


          @Sugoober yes exactly. I'm so sorry you're going through that. Here for you if you need an ear! 🙏❤️🙏

      • frausto86


        @smalltownkidneys ❤️ sorry to hear how difficult it is for you yourself to grieve your own illness but being considerate of your loved ones at the same time

      • Telescopial


        @smalltownkidneys I’m so sorry and i’m sorry you’re forced to be strong on top of that. You deserve to focus on living right now and it’s unfair that you don’t get to do that. I know it’s not much, but i’m rooting for you so hard from my corner of the world, friend.

      • Knotless1133


        @smalltownkidneys if you ever need someone to talk to I’m here 💞💞. You don’t have to do this alone

      • AnniB


        @smalltownkidneys I have stage 3 ckd and I’m so worried I know it’s nothing like your worries but I feel for you hope you can clear your thoughts and enjoy your life

      • binkyyy


        @smalltownkidneys i wish u the best 🤍




    • Torriblaidd


      How much it hurts and how hard I work to just exist


      • Bre19


        @Torriblaidd felt this

      • RainCloud9


        @Torriblaidd 100%

      • beater.queen


        @Torriblaidd this hit hard. You're totally right. Neurotypicals and nondisabled people do not understand how much extra work we have to put in to just staying alive let alone staying functional.

      • Mizzee


        @Torriblaidd I can so relate to this😥

      • MerlinTheWizard


        @Torriblaidd Why dose it feel like I'm fighting just to prove that I'm allowed to exist sometimes.

      • luce__


        @Torriblaidd yep!!!

      • Trulyloved


        @Torriblaidd I understand this so deeply that it hurts

      • Allisonn


        @Torriblaidd Oh yes Amen!

      • rubytuesday


        @Torriblaidd 🙌

      • Deep_Feelings


        @Torriblaidd Ugh, yes. This!! I feel it.

      • Bella.ella


        @Torriblaidd I feel this so much and it is absolutely heart breaking. Although I’m starting to think me trying isnt good enough anymore.

      • StrawberryMilk


        @Torriblaidd Yeah ❤️

      • Lunako


        @Torriblaidd for real!!

      • Neel


        @Torriblaidd This feeling is more relatable than I'd like to admit. Hang in there. It's worth it.

      • calion


        @Torriblaidd PREACH

      • shortlife


        @Torriblaidd same honestly and I told my brother I loved him in public but he said all I do is embarras him and ruin his life and then he and my grandma told me if I died tomorrow that no one would feel bad, I actually considered giving up my battle

        • DarkWhispers07


          @shortlife Damn... I'm sorry to hear that, but if I were you I wouldn't bother being around those people if all they do is dis on you and make you feel like giving up. If I were in that situation and didn't stop talking to them I think I'd eventually commit.

        • Lavs


          @shortlife it is very normal to tell someone you love them in public. It makes me so angry to hear what he and your grandma said, they sound like manipulative assholes

        • ArkansasGirl


          @shortlife family can be cruel. People never understand what they don't experience for themselves..thats y were on here for each other, we understand. For me that's a hard thing to even think about because I've fought everyday of this fight by myself. But we r here for u. Never give in to ur battle. It's a thought we have all had to be honest though for one reason or another. We will help in any way we can..u got this.

        • CatCollector


          @shortlife please don't ever give up, I'll be your support if you want/need.

      • SommerSDR


        @Torriblaidd This is perfectly said! Sometimes I'm glad they don't know what it's like because I don't wish even a fraction of what I feel on them. Plus, I don't want to hurt or worry them by revealing how hard it truly is. You can even potentially face harsh judgement if you tell someone how hard it is because they don't fully believe..BUT then other times..I wish they could just get a small glimpse to they could really understand..then they wouldn't ever question my pain or my actions...or lack thereof of actions I should say. It's a hard spot to be in. You want them to know you're strong and fighting every day to it makes them feel better if they think you're ok...but..that has consequences. Like when they question why you can't do something when you just did it yesterday or something. Most of the time I try to put all my energy into taking care of my family..which leaves little energy for myself and others. You want them to understand so you have a safe space to lean..but at the same would be hurting, worrying, or potentially facing judgement from some of you reveal how hard it really is. A vicious circle...and we're stuck in the middle. I wish there was a solution.


        • Laurelpeabody


          @SommerSDR this hit home, everyone just tells me try harder stop giving up and I am trying every second of my life I’m giving it my all but I’m out of energy I have no way to stand back up I’m so tired. My friends are so done with me, I don’t like talking to my parents because they just worry and feel bad I just wish someone could understand I feel like I’m drowning and barely stay a float each day

        • Trudie_tootie


          @SommerSDR yessss.

      • Adventuremom


        @Torriblaidd exactly!!

      • honeydulce


        @Torriblaidd I don’t want to die, I just want to take a break from living and being exhausted 24/7


        • Jaxsmum


          @honeydulce exactly and getting told I have pain from nerve pathesyd(Hyperalgesia) when I have legit reasons for pain, the Drs won't look at medical records from last country Iived in,I have pain alot,told oh it's from taking pain relief,live in my body Dr,I know it better than your guesses..I live with it 24/7 😭

        • Alistrange


          @honeydulce amen to this 🙌.

        • Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee


          @honeydulce YES

        • Trudie_tootie


          @honeydulce i hear this. Since middle school or b4 I've felt just that. Asking the world to put me in a coma in 7th grade. 34 now. I finally have some peace with an amazing partner. I hope you find some peace yourself.

        • Trudie_tootie


          @honeydulce when I realized that it was a game changer.

        • sydygorl


          @honeydulce LITERALLY

      • D4s


        @Torriblaidd Life is constant process. It often feels like “too much”


      • KimmyQuakes


        @Torriblaidd Same🤗

      • HorrorMaster88S


        @Torriblaidd yess

      • Jgar


        @Torriblaidd right 👍

      • Bludesign4


        @Torriblaidd 🙏

      • IcecreamMoon


        @Torriblaidd same!! 😥

      • trocket13


        @Torriblaidd that part !!

      • Telescopial


        @Torriblaidd Oof. This is it.

      • Zaebug


        @Torriblaidd same 😥

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