Posts on Alike for July 2023

  1. How are you feeling?
  2. Tips for Managing Anxiety and ADHD
  3. Constant Diarrhea: Causes and Solutions
  4. Struggling with Depression Caused by Pain: Seeking Support
  5. Hypothyroidism and Acne: Anyone Else Experienced This?
  6. Need advice on getting tested for PCOS without ruling out other possibilities
  7. Looking for Relief from Neck, Shoulder, and Back Pain
  8. Schizophrenia since childhood: What was your experience?
  9. Concerns about Passing on Bipolar Disorder to Future Children
  10. Does medicine affect blood pressure?
  11. Struggling with Insomnia: Melatonin Not Working Anymore
  12. Questioning Bipolar Diagnosis: Seeking Closure and Recommendations
  13. Seeking Input on Kidney Pain and IC Symptoms
  14. Constantly Cold Feet, Need Recommendations
  15. Seeking Advice for Hair Loss and Supplements
  16. Looking for Personal Experiences with PMDD and its Impact on Mental Health
  17. Questions for New Neurologist: Medication, Birth Control, and More
  18. Dealing with Never-Ending IBS Flare Ups: Need Advice
  19. Struggling with Emotions and Insomnia After Husband's Motorcycle Accident
  20. Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia: Experiences and Connections
  21. Experiencing Weird Feelings in Legs After Starting Mirtazapine
  22. Seeking Suggestions for Persistent Headache Relief
  23. Dealing with Autistic Burnout: Seeking Distraction Techniques
  24. Experiencing Brain Fog and Blurry Vision - Seeking Similar Experiences
  25. Preventing Migraines from Bad Weather: Any Tips?
  26. Looking for Alternative Medications to Quetipine
  27. Struggling with Anxiety and BPD: Need Advice to Manage Episodes
  28. Concerns about Autoimmune Disease and Related Symptoms
  29. Coping with Nighttime Anxiety: Tips for a Better Sleep
  30. Concerns about Physical Sensitivity
  31. Struggling with Increasing Chronic Illness Symptoms and Mobility Challenges
  32. Tips for Staying Safe While Running Alone in Your Neighborhood
  33. Need suggestions for managing my IBS symptoms
  34. Struggling with Sleep Schedule: Need Advice
  35. Struggling with Weight Loss After Pregnancy: Need Advice
  36. Struggling with Heavy Periods: Seeking Advice and Support
  37. Struggling with Albuterol Abuse: Need Advice
  38. Managing Chronic Illness and Work: Any Tips?
  39. Questioning Bipolar Diagnosis: Seeking Validation
  40. Should I Consider Using a Wheelchair?
  41. Coping with Depression and Anxiety: Tips for Getting Through the Day
  42. When is Mental Health an Emergency? Seeking Urgent Help
  43. Coping with Anxiety as a Caregiver: Seeking Advice for Self-Care and Staying Cal…
  44. Severe Nausea from Hunger: Autonomic Dysfunction Symptom?
  45. Seeking Help for OCD and Possible Schizophrenia Symptoms
  46. Coping with Depression due to Incontinence
  47. Struggling with recurring UTI despite treatment
  48. Dealing with Hair Thinning: Tips to Thicken Your Hair
  49. Need ideas to help with achey feet during Physical Therapy
  50. Struggling with Sleeping Positions: Need Advice
  51. The Impact of Religious Beliefs on Managing Chronic Illness
  52. Does fluoxetine really make a difference?
  53. Opinions on Mirtzapine for Anxiety and Depression
  54. Seeking Advice for Dealing with BPD and Finding the Right Therapist
  55. Struggling with Sleep After Coming Home from Vacation
  56. Managing IBS Symptoms While Working: Need Advice!
  57. Seeking Advice for Menstrual Cramps and Supplements
  58. Seeking Feedback on Emotional Intensity and Possible BPD
  59. Night Blindness and Astigmatism: Any Connection?
  60. Struggling with ED issues caused by Lexapro
  61. Bladder Botox: Share Your Experience!
  62. What to pack for a week-long hospital stay?
  63. Experiences with Epidural Steroid Injections for Back Pain?
  64. Debilitating Pain from Herniated Disc: Need Tips!
  65. Constant Lightheaded Feeling and Fear of Fainting
  66. Need pain relief ideas for upper back and shoulder pain
  67. Effects of Heart Health on Headaches and Dizziness
  68. Dealing with Chest Pain from Panic Disorder: Need Advice
  69. Need advice on nail biting and fidget toys at school
  70. Considering Mirena Coil for Birth Control: Seeking Experiences
  71. Decreased Motor Skills: ASD and Burnout
  72. Dietary Changes After Gallbladder Removal: What Should I Avoid and Add?
  73. Does this medicine increase blood pressure?
  74. Constant Fatigue and Insomnia: What's Wrong with Me?
  75. Effects of Sensory Overload on Sleep Patterns
  76. Constant Hip Pain While Walking - Need Advice!
  77. Dealing with Sensory Meltdowns in ADHD: Seeking Advice and Coping Mechanisms
  78. DMT's and No Symptoms: Is it Possible?
  79. Severe abdominal pain after laparoscopic surgery - need advice
  80. Smells as Migraine Triggers: Perfumes vs Body Mists
  81. Is it safe to take OTC painkillers every day?
  82. Seeking Advice on Underlying Condition After Self Medication
  83. Best anti-anxiety medication that worked for you?
  84. Can migraines cause memory loss?
  85. Looking for the Best Preventative Medication for Chronic Migraines
  86. Is pregabalin effective for anxiety relief?
  87. Struggling with Brain Fog While Reading, Need Help!
  88. Differentiating Chronic Fatigue from EDS and ME/CFS
  89. Diagnosing Bipolar I or Schizoaffective Disorder: Personal Experiences Needed
  90. Seeking Explanation for Physical Pain and Blood Discomfort
  91. Tips for Healing Scars: Bio Oil, Strataderm, and More
  92. Dealing with Severe Chronic Pain: Seeking Advice
  93. Struggling to Sleep? Here are Some Tips to Help You Get a Good Night's Rest
  94. Hair Loss and Stomach Issues due to Stress and Anxiety
  95. Dealing with Health Anxiety: Best Strategies?
  96. Main Symptoms of Gut Dysbiosis: Share Your Experience
  97. Realizing the Impact of OCD: Self-Analysis and Perspective
  98. Dealing with POTS Flare during Periods
  99. Dealing with Intense Feelings of PTSD During Periods
  100. When Should You Seek Medical Help for a Slipped Rib?
  101. Differentiating BPD and Bipolar Disorder: Can I Have Both?
  102. Looking for alternative antidepressants for weight management
  103. Dependence on Geodon: Withdrawals and Medication Transition
  104. Dealing with Intrusive Paranoia at Night
  105. Experiencing Eye Problems and Seeking Advice
  106. Natural Remedies for Gastritis: Boost Your Healing with Supplements and Herbs
  107. Perimenopause Symptoms: Missed Periods, Hot Flashes, and More
  108. Seeking Opinions on Medication and Treatment
  109. In Pain and Need Tips for Mobility in a Shop
  110. Looking for Effective Anxiety Medication - Any Suggestions?
  111. Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts and Sleep Anxiety
  112. Legs turning purple when sitting or standing for too long
  113. Desperate for Help with Chronic Dizziness and Fatigue
  114. Seeking advice on coping with unmedicated ADHD
  115. Taking ADHD Meds and Prozac Together: Safe or Not?
  116. Positive developments in managing my chronic illness
  117. Need advice on HRT patches, can't get them to stay on!
  118. Looking for Others with Sneddons Syndrome - Let's Connect!
  119. Considering Switching Medication After 10 Years: Need Advice
  120. Best Antidepressant for Anxiety: Finding Relief
  121. Need advice for severe body cramps and spasms
  122. Managing Stress with a Full Load of Responsibilities
  123. Seeking Advice for Foot Nerve Damage and Pain
  124. Seeking Tips for Managing Burning Pain in Heat
  125. Feeling Lost and Unmotivated: Seeking Advice
  126. Natural Ways to Treat Constipation Without Laxatives
  127. Seeking Advice for EDS Pain Management
  128. Questioning if I have OCD and its relation to bipolar disorder
  129. Understanding OCD, Generalized Anxiety, and Social Anxiety
  130. Struggling with Routine Interruptions: Autistic Perspective
  131. Seeking Advice on POTS Medication During Pregnancy
  132. Seeking Advice: Nausea and Vomiting from Xyrem Prescription Increase
  133. Morning Anxiety Attacks: Why Did They Happen?
  134. Struggling with Nighttime Depression
  135. Finding a Balance: Medication and Emotional Well-being
  136. Dealing with Weight and Bloating due to Endometriosis and Polysistic Ovary
  137. Looking for Coping Skills and Medication Advice
  138. Missed Depo Shot, Feeling Different: What Should I Do?
  139. Dealing with Everyday Pain: Strategies and Tips
  140. Questioning Bipolar Diagnosis after 10 Years: Need Advice
  141. Coping with Mental Health Issues: Strategies and Support
  142. Experiencing Physical Symptoms of Anxiety: Is it Normal?
  143. Struggling to Sleep: How Can I Quiet My Racing Mind?
  144. Struggling with Gender Dysphoria: How to Make the Right Decision?
  145. Dealing with Physical Symptoms: Seeking Advice
  146. Struggling with Chronic Joint Pain: Seeking Advice
  147. Using SNRI Medications for ADHD: Any Experiences?
  148. Combining Mirtazapine with SSRI: Need Advice
  149. Struggling with Anxiety and Medication Withdrawal