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1y ago

Dealing with Never-Ending IBS Flare Ups: Need Advice

I know this is a little tmi, but lately with my IBS I’ve been having really bad flare ups for days on end where I just can’t seem to stop using the bathroom, and I get it to stop only for it to return the next morning It comes on suddenly and will just consist of me spending the day on the toilet trying to suppress my symptoms. I can barely eat or even get out of bed or make it through my six hour work shifts. I’ve been following the same diet as always and am not sure what to give up/ add into my diet to help/ Has anyone else experienced this? What diets have helped? How do I get this never ending flare up to end? Been about two weeks now

Your answer



2mo ago

Have they done any GI testing?


1y ago

There’s a website heathers IBS that may help you.


1y ago

FODMAP diet, try taking those pills that help you stop stooling so much.


1y ago

Have you been diagnosed with IBS by a physician? Did they test you for celiac disease? Or IBD like colitis or Chron Disease? I have IBS and SIBO, I am on low fodmap diet and antimicrobials. I have 2 nutritionists helping me with the diet and the supplements. If I may give you a word of wisdom, do not fight it by yourself. It is a very difficult problem to manage without any medical advice. I hope you will be better soon. Xx


1y ago

I have, during the diagnosis process they said they checked for any allergies and they were all ruled out, and the advice from my dr, verbatim, was, “you might as well just eat whatever you want, because your stomach will have issues either way.” 🤷🏻


1y ago

I was diagnosed with celiac disease back in 1990 …tried the diet to fail and go through more colonoscopies to be diagnosed with IBS but with diarrhea….chronic D. Years go by with no resolve with drugs or diets …trying SCD…FODMAPS….omitting nightshade/lectins to joining Dr. Axes leaky gut program with hopes to end my miseries. Nothing was working …this leaky gut program included a private Facebook group so members could support each other or ask questions. As I was so disappointed that this program made me worse ..had recommendations to research the Medical Medium. I got his first book of 8 books he has written from my library in 2018 and finally had answers to why I have been a sick kid and all my health issues through adulthood. Yes he is a medium but as I previously read of Edgar Cayce…also a medium…this aspect was not shocking. I researched others following him …their improvements ..to decide to try his protocols. At this point I had retired earlier than planned (2015) as D was at its worst..barely had much I could eat…so many food intolerances. So in 2019 I started his protocols to in 3 months have my dry eye go away…by 6 months some foods intolerances improve …reflux/indigestion improve. Eczema gone and in years time my blood pressure balanced. I am over 60 yo and been dealing with gut/bowel issues most my life. I feel the earlier in your years to adopt his protocols would be most beneficial….as the more years you’ve been ill…the longer it takes to heal! But also requires a mindset change about foods! Since celiac diet and others…to what my body refused…I was eliminating and learning about foods for years now…to see what are best to worst foods to heal was not too upsetting! Was rather easy for me. My D has improved considerably …not 100% gone…but I can travel some ..leave my home…enjoy foods again and not fear that in 10 minutes I’ll be running or having accidents. I’ve had tons of embarrassing moments..people are not understanding at all with this health issue as they are to those of other chronic diseases like arthritis all the way to cancers. Even my spouse was not supportive….almost went thru divorce. Had been hell….was desperate ..grabbing at anything to stop the D. So I am sharing the protocol that saved me. Plenty of info online…MM on Facebook to Instagram.-check out celeryjuiceheals. I was so impressed by a mother whose autistic child has improved in time by following MM and is on Instagram Medicalmediummommy and so many others of their stories of improvements!!! I got his first book…The Medical Medium (front cover with X-ray of lungs) from my library and other books of his. I’m not a reader …but as my health improved finally …I was excited to read more of his books! It’s hard work…again I feel the longer one has been ill…the longer it takes to heal. I never had good response to supplements in the market and probiotics were disastrous. The MM has researched so many to have listing of safe/clean supps and I have had zero issues with what I’ve used. His detoxes are key too. So much to learn though. Is your choice to check into the Medical Medium . Anthony William! You will find posts claiming him to be a scam! Of course…trolls out there to damn anything good for you. If it’s a scam…damn it’s the best result scam I’ve ever had…and I’ve had plenty of fails! I use DuckDuckGo search engine also. Here are a few posts of his! Wish you the best in whatever you choose! Our health care system is a disappointment and feel we all have been scammed. All I ever got with doctors was test..test..test…to drug after drug. Drugs have their place…not ONE AND ONLY! Insurance coverage keeps you in the monotonous cycle of constant doctoring! I believe holistic medicine is key! Once I improved my immune system also my health improved…no more colds/ear-sinus infections, That’s another story in itself. https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/secrets-about-gut-health


1y ago

I use dicyclomine also. After a bad bout and switch from IBS-C to IBS-D I stopped the Align probiotics and went on Emma instead. It helped sooth my system and I was back on track. You can order it online, just search Emma.


1y ago

That's pretty crappy man. Try asking your doctor for dicyclomine it helps me, it was life changing.


1y ago

I've been there. I usually have to analyse what I've been eating. IBS seems to be where a build up of something causes this. A certain food that maybe you've been eating more of. A change of water. Remember allergies can develop anytime. If it is out of control go to the Dr. My worst was after a trip when I had picked up a bad bug. I had to go on antibiotics to get rid of it.


1y ago

Wow. I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. Has this happened this severely before? Are you taking any medication to treat this?

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