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Updated 11mo ago

When is Mental Health an Emergency? Seeking Urgent Help

At what point is bad mental health considered an emergency? how do I know if I'm "ill enough" to call a more urgent number instead of waiting for my appointment months from now?

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Your mental health crisis can be considered severe enough to seek immediate help if you feel like your mental health is potentially harmful to yourself or others. If it gets to the point where you wan...See More




You can call Crises anytime you feel like it's an emergency



I texted a hotline once and all they wanted to know was how much i was at risk of suicide and it made me feel invalid for reaching out. Like i wasn't sick enough to need help. Everyone is allowed to reach out for help. That includes you



You can always reach out for help. Some numbers you can call / text include: 988 (suicide hotline) 741741 (support text) 911 On occasion people have had negative experiences on those lines though, but its worth a shot. If you have a support system, such as friends and family, you should confide in them. I hope you get the help you need, stay safe.



You can always call or text a number. If you're thinking about wanting to, then you're "ill enough". People who are coping okay don't think about calling a hotline πŸ’œ you deserve to be heard, to be supported. Don't wait. You deserve help *now* πŸ’œ

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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