Posts on Alike for March 2024

  1. Seeking Tips for Dealing with Vaginismus Pain
  2. Struggling with Lucid Dreams and Nightmares
  3. Dealing with Bad Days: Coping Strategies and Tips
  4. Checking In on Your Health and Wellness Journey
  5. Physical Differences Among Alters: Eyesight and Allergies
  6. Question about Light Sensitivity and Seizures: Seeking Advice
  7. Struggling to Sleep Without Medication, Need Advice
  8. Dealing with Mantle Cell Lymphoma: Need Advice on Chemo Options
  9. Genetic Testing for MM Inquiry
  10. Exploring Therapeutic Hobbies for Managing Your Condition
  11. Seeking Advice for Frequent Nausea and Hot Flashes
  12. Understanding Anxiety Attacks: Tears and Overwhelm
  13. Tips for Staying Organized with Medication and Treatments
  14. Considering Botox for Overactive Bladder: Thoughts?
  15. Reflecting on My First Symptoms
  16. Seeking Clarity on Breast Cancer Diagnosis Stages
  17. Tips for Staying Organized with Medication and Treatments
  18. Struggling with Anxiety While Waiting for Test Results
  19. Understanding Anxiety Meltdowns and How to Cope
  20. Concerns about Hereditary Risk of Multiple Myeloma
  21. Preparing for Healthcare Team Meeting - Need Advice
  22. Gabapentin for Anxiety: Does It Work?
  23. Struggling with Insomnia on Lexapro, Need Advice on Melatonin
  24. Long-awaited Rheumatology Appointment for EDS Diagnosis
  25. Must-Have Bag Items: What's in Your Bag?
  26. Living with CLL at a Young Age: My Journey
  27. Struggling to Stay Awake While Driving, Need Advice
  28. Concerns about Dental Implants with High White Blood Count
  29. Reflecting on My First Symptoms
  30. Seeking Advice on Stem Cell Transplant Recovery
  31. Struggling with Night Terrors and Lucid Dreams
  32. Coping with Social Anxiety: Tips and Strategies for Managing
  33. Understanding the Origins of POTS: A Question on its Onset
  34. Exploring Special Diets: What You Need to Know
  35. Exploring Special Diets: What You Need to Know
  36. Seeking Advice: Does Zoloft Help?
  37. Seeking Advice: Foods for Anxiety and Depression Relief
  38. Seeking Advice for Persistent Health Symptoms
  39. Struggling with Chronic Pain and Bras: Any Recommendations?
  40. Struggling with Shortness of Breath Due to Anxiety
  41. Exploring Special Diets: What You Need to Know
  42. Struggling with Veganism and Prescribed Medication Dilemma
  43. Preventing Knee Hyperextension While Standing at Work
  44. Managing Fear of Relapse in Mental Health Recovery
  45. Bringing a Support Person to Your Lymphoma Appointment: Helpful or Not?
  46. Need advice on chemotherapy options - Rituximab, Bendamustine, Cytarabine
  47. Introduction and Update on CLL Treatment Journey
  48. Exploring Holistic Therapies Alongside Medical Treatment
  49. Seeking Advice for First Round of Chemotherapy
  50. Struggling with Fatigue Post-Chemo: Need Advice on Regaining Strength
  51. Struggling with Chronic Fatigue: Any Tips for Feeling More Alive?
  52. Seeking Support for MS Complications
  53. Seeking Advice on Medication Withdrawal through Microdosing
  54. Understanding CRAB: Medical Term Confusion
  55. Seeking Advice on Wellbutrin Experience and Effects
  56. Seeking Help for Excessive Drinking Water
  57. Seeking Mental Health Resources Post Leukemia Treatment
  58. Exploring Wig Options After Chemotherapy
  59. Concerns about Visiting Family
  60. Seeking Safe and Effective Exercise Tips
  61. Reflecting on First Symptoms: Share Your Experience
  62. Newly Diagnosed with IDC - Seeking Support and Strength
  63. Struggling with Memory Retention Due to Undiagnosed ADHD
  64. Seeking Experiences with Amitriptyline for Migraines
  65. Seeking Advice for Managing a Chronic Condition
  66. Is it safe to drink alcohol with POTS?
  67. New Member Seeking Advice on Hydration for MM
  68. Concerns about Leukemia and Eye Symptoms
  69. Concerns about Fluoxetine Side Effects
  70. Struggling to Disclose My DID to Loved Ones
  71. Managing Fear of Relapse During Illness: Tips Needed!
  72. Seeking Advice: What Habits Helped You Achieve Long-Term Remission?
  73. Struggling with Dehydration-Induced Migraines, Anyone Else?
  74. Reflecting on My First Symptoms
  75. Navigating the Maze: Yolanda's Journey with MM Diagnosis
  76. Concerns about medication combination and potential judgement
  77. Seeking Advice for Nerve Pain Medication
  78. Navigating the Conversation: Sharing Your Diagnosis with Others
  79. Seeking Advice on Using Mobility Aids for Balance Issues
  80. Impact of Lifestyle Changes on Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
  81. Excessive Weight Gain on Gluten Free Diet
  82. Concerns about Cancer Recurrence After Treatment
  83. Seeking Advice on Lyrica for MS Pain Relief
  84. Seeking Advice on Taste Changes During Breast Cancer Chemo
  85. Tips for a Productive Morning Routine to Start Your Day Right
  86. My Cancer Treatment Journey: From Diagnosis to Remission
  87. Seeking Advice for Sister's CLL Diagnosis
  88. Managing Chronic Fatigue: Seeking Advice and Support
  89. Exploring the Impact of Social Anxiety on Daily Life
  90. Understanding Medical Symptoms: A Guide
  91. Seeking Advice on Sharing Diagnosis with Family
  92. Seeking Relief: What Activities Bring Comfort?
  93. Tips for Organizing Medication and Treatments Effectively
  94. Dealing with Unsolicited Chronic Illness Advice: A Guide
  95. Need Tips for Using a Wheelchair on Inclined Surfaces
  96. Considering Genetic Testing for BRCA1/BRCA2 Mutations
  97. Seeking Advice on Chiropractic Adjustments for Hypermobility
  98. Seeking Advice to Lower A1c Before Vacation
  99. Struggling with Eating Again, How to Tell Partner?
  100. Struggling to Maintain Medication Routine, Need Advice
  101. Struggling with ADHD Coping Mechanisms Without Medication
  102. Coping with Grief: Strategies and Support
  103. Struggling with ADHD: Sleep, Memory, and Irritability
  104. Question about dental health post-treatment complications
  105. Struggling with Fatigue and Mood Swings Post Stem Cell Transplant
  106. Struggling with Anxiety Due to Uncontrolled Epilepsy Seizures
  107. Struggling with IBS flare-ups, need medication suggestions
  108. Impact of Abilify on Caffeine Intake
  109. Seeking Advice for Mastectomy and DIEP Flap Reconstruction
  110. Struggling with School Stress: How to Cope?
  111. Struggling with Blood Tests: Any Alternatives?
  112. Managing Meltdowns: Self-Regulation Strategies
  113. High Lymphocyte Count and Possible Mantle Cell Lymphoma Diagnosis
  114. Discovering the Impact of Encephalitis After 20 Years