Posts on Alike for February 2024

  1. Seeking Advice on Switching Antidepressants
  2. Severe Digestive Issues After Eating, Need Advice
  3. Questions about healing and EDS symptoms
  4. Tips for Managing Anxiety When Going Out
  5. Seeking Positivity: Share Your Success Stories!
  6. Concerns about Petechiae and Leukemia: Do They Come and Go?
  7. Constant Muscle Pulls - Need Advice
  8. Struggling with Weight Loss and ADHD: Any Tips?
  9. Need advice on job application for bird supplies shop
  10. Seeking Advice on Medical Cannabis for Depression and Anxiety
  11. Tips for Managing Pain and Preventing Exhaustion
  12. Struggling with Blood Sugar Control and Safe Foods
  13. Seeking Advice on Supporting a Loved One with CLL Diagnosis
  14. Struggling to Stay Focused: Tips and Tricks
  15. Experiences with Amitriptyline for Chronic Pain Relief?
  16. Dealing with Memory Loss: Coping Strategies and Seeking Advice
  17. Dealing with Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis: Tips Needed
  18. Managing Flare-ups of Crohn's Disease: Need Advice
  19. Frequency of Check-ins for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients
  20. Seeking Recommendations for MCL Treatment Centers in the US
  21. Dealing with a Diagnosis: How Did You Cope?
  22. Looking for new friends under 29 and single
  23. Tips for Managing Anxiety: Seeking Advice
  24. Dealing with Grief and Craving for Intimacy After Losing My Wife
  25. Seeking Advice on Possible MS Diagnosis
  26. Dealing with Breast Cancer and COVID Anxiety
  27. Struggling with ADLs and Routine Disruption
  28. Seeking Advice for Someone Scared of Possible Diagnosis
  29. Navigating COVID with Multiple Myeloma: Vaccine Safety Concerns
  30. Exploring Early Disease Symptoms: Share Your Experience
  31. Struggling with Bipolar Depression: Need Advice
  32. Concerns about Red Spots on Skin and Leukemia Connection
  33. Seeking Advice on ADHD Medication and Hallucinations
  34. Dealing with Panic Attacks and Nausea: Need Advice
  35. Impact of lifestyle changes on acute lymphocytic leukemia outcomes
  36. Possible Connection Between PCOS and Non-Binary Identity?
  37. Surviving Without Alcohol: Breaking Free from the Crutch
  38. Seeking Advice: Full Body Shivers with ASD and ADHD
  39. Seeking Advice on Foods During Treatment - Any Suggestions?
  40. Tips for managing chronic fatigue?
  41. Concerned About Breast Spot, Need Advice
  42. Recovery from My First Surgery - Is This Normal?
  43. Struggling with Sadness and Lack of Motivation
  44. Concerns about Itchy Armpits and Lymph Nodes
  45. Seeking Experiences with GLP1 for Weight Control
  46. Challenges of Being a DID System
  47. Living with CML Medication: Seeking Advice
  48. How to Calm Your Anxiety When Everything Goes Blurry
  49. Exploring Burnout: How Does It Manifest in Your Life?
  50. Sharing My Epilepsy Journey Since Childhood
  51. Struggling with a Balanced Diet? Need Suggestions!
  52. Struggling with Weight Loss and PCOS While Trying to Conceive
  53. Impact of Psychological Stress on Lymphocyte Counts
  54. Coping with Gut Wrenching Anxiety: Tips and Advice
  55. Seeking Advice: Balancing Teaching and Multiple Myeloma Treatment
  56. Struggling with Drowsiness on Lamotrigine - Any Advice?
  57. Opinions on Wellbutrin? Need advice!
  58. Seeking experiences with Lexapro for fibro or PMDD
  59. Sudden Onset Allergy Symptoms: What Could Be the Cause?
  60. Leg Numbness When Going to Bed - Need Advice
  61. Daily Life with Depression: How Do You Cope?
  62. Dealing with Anxiety: Tips and Strategies
  63. Coping with a Loved One's Leukemia Journey: Emotional Support Tips
  64. Living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Symptoms and Struggles
  65. Struggling with Nausea During Chemotherapy
  66. Seeking Insights: First Signs of Leukemia
  67. Dealing with Chronic Fatigue: Seeking Tips and Advice
  68. Impact of Sleep Disorders on Immunity: A Deep Dive
  69. Concerns about Diabetes Management
  70. Post-Surgery Recovery: What Treatments Are Recommended?
  71. Seeking Advice: Dietary Changes for Multiple Myeloma
  72. Safety of COVID Vaccine for Breast Cancer Patients
  73. Struggling with My Soda Addiction and Diabetes
  74. Sudden Onset of Acute Hip Pain: Possible Subluxation?
  75. Concerned About Red Spots: Possible Leukemia Symptoms
  76. Need advice on mast cell stabilizers for MCAS treatment
  77. Dealing with Lingering Neck Pain from a Past Car Accident
  78. Complications after Tonsil Removal: How Common Are They?
  79. Struggling with Overthinking and Staying Positive
  80. Exploring Natural Sleep Aids: Thoughts on Magnesium?
  81. Seeking Mobility Options for EDS-related Pain
  82. Seeking Advice on Non-Prescription Stimulants
  83. Seeking Advice on Understanding CLL Prognosis
  84. Managing Diet with Asymptomatic Health Condition
  85. Seeking Feedback on a New Medication
  86. Hospital Stay Entertainment Ideas: Keeping Busy for 4 Weeks
  87. Managing Fatigue: Tips and Techniques
  88. Scared to take prescribed metformin for PCOS, any experiences?
  89. Struggling to Stay Positive After Wife's MM Diagnosis
  90. Concerns about Immune System and Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis
  91. Tapering off Lithium: Any Withdrawal Symptoms?
  92. Dealing with Constant Fatigue: Tips and Advice
  93. Seeking Treatment for Red Spots: Leukemia Connection?
  94. Seeking Advice for Recent Increase in Nausea and Abdominal Cramping
  95. Transitioning from Gel to Shots - Anyone Else?
  96. Struggling with Fatigue: Need Energy Management Tips
  97. Need Advice on Coping with Parental Threats
  98. Dealing with Persistent Nausea: Tips and Remedies
  99. Struggling with Energy Levels and Workload as a College Student
  100. Seeking Tips for Painful Testosterone Injection Experience
  101. Seeking Advice for Itchy Cream for Sores
  102. Struggling with Sleep Medication and Hydration
  103. Struggling with Impulsive Actions - Need Advice
  104. Exploring the Impact of Stress on Mental Health
  105. Worried About Hairdresser Judging My Long, Unkempt Hair Due to Chronic Illness
  106. Exploring the Impact of Personal Journeys on Body Positivity
  107. Exploring Special Diets: What You Need to Know
  108. Exploring the Impact of Stress on Mental Health
  109. Exploring the Impact of Stress on Mental Health
  110. Dealing with a Lupus Flare-Up: My Recent Experience
  111. Struggling to Find Love: My Journey of Being Single
  112. Life After Thyroid Surgery: Seeking Advice and Support
  113. Exploring the Impact of Stress on Mental Health