Posts on Alike for September 2023

  1. Dealing with Guilt and a Challenging Living Situation
  2. Looking for Support and Advice with FND Diagnosis
  3. Dealing with Anxiety Symptoms: Sensations and Fear
  4. Struggling to Stay Hydrated: Any Tips?
  5. Seeking Guidance to Overcome My Struggles
  6. Tips for Losing Weight with PCOS
  7. Looking for alternatives to hyoscyamine for IBS pain relief
  8. Nausea and Vomiting after Drinking Water with Gastroparesis
  9. How Does Anxiety Make You Feel?
  10. Can I lie down while taking midodrine during the day?
  11. Struggling with Food Options After Teeth Removal
  12. Looking for Apps to Help with Panic Attacks and PTSD Flashbacks
  13. Friend with Ulcerative Colitis Keeps Getting Flare-ups When Visiting
  14. Dealing with IBS Pain While on Holiday
  15. Newly Diagnosed with Arthritis, Seeking Similar Experiences
  16. Unusual Menstruation and Lost Belongings in a Crazy City
  17. Tooth Stains from Tums/Alka Seltzer Chews: Remedies?
  18. Struggling to Fall Back to Sleep, Need Advice
  19. Mixing Alcohol with Medications: Can You Drink on Clonidine?
  20. Do you gain weight on Lexapro?
  21. Common side effects and effectiveness of Fluoxetine as an antidepressant
  22. Tips for Studying with Mental Health and Medical Conditions?
  23. Opinions on Mirtazapine for Depression?
  24. Struggling with Homelessness and Unhealthy Diet: Seeking Advice
  25. Unusual Anxiety Attack Symptoms: What Are They?
  26. Quick and Salty Snack for Dizziness in Class
  27. Seeking Recommendations for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief
  28. Intermittent Fasting with Type 1: Morning High Readings
  29. Experiencing Nasal Congestion on Testosterone?
  30. First PCOS Symptom: Seeking Medical Advice
  31. The Impact of OCD on Daily Life
  32. Changed Taste After Covid: Is It an Autism Thing?
  33. Acceptance of Autism Diagnosis in Different Countries
  34. Questioning if I'm Neurodivergent and on the Spectrum
  35. Duration of ovarian cysts and treatment options
  36. Experiencing Reflux Symptoms: Any Advice?
  37. Understanding the Side Effects of Medication
  38. Need help lowering my blood pressure naturally
  39. Experiencing Post-Injection Sickness: How Long Does It Last?
  40. The Impact of Ammonia Pollution on Air Quality and Human Health
  41. Questioning the Accuracy of Multiple Diagnoses
  42. Struggling with Self-Diagnosis and Seeking Support
  43. Dealing with Heavy Periods and Intense Emotions: Need Advice!
  44. Question about bottom growth on testosterone
  45. Need help fixing sleep issue!
  46. Concerns about New Stretch Marks and Body Changes
  47. Managing Fitness with Chronic Pain: Tips and Advice
  48. Concerns about Recording Events on a Cardiac Monitor
  49. Dealing with Time-Related Depression: Seeking Advice
  50. Dealing with Racing Heartbeat on Wellbutrin
  51. Tingling sensations in fingers with underactive thyroid
  52. Seeking advice on ADHD medication and stimulants
  53. Is zoning out while watching TV a sign of autism?
  54. Evening Asthma Symptoms: Any Explanations?
  55. Need help with finding foods that aid digestion
  56. Seeking Experiences with POTS Syndrome: Brain Fog, Vision Issues, and More
  57. Friend's Empathy Towards Your Condition
  58. Does taking vitamin D actually help? Need advice.
  59. Looking for Experiences with Infusion Therapy
  60. How does the voice dropping work on T?
  61. Concerns about a Lump in My Breast - Need Advice
  62. Questions about Thyroid and Iodine
  63. Struggling with Loss of Appetite: How to Eat for Survival?
  64. Seeking Information and Support for Hirschsprungs Disease Diagnosis
  65. Question about testosterone gel and stopping periods
  66. Questioning My Diagnosis: Could I Have Bipolar Disorder?
  67. Looking for Advice and Support on Dealing with OCD
  68. Experiencing Memory Gaps and Altered Behavior: Possible DID?
  69. Coping with DID and ADHD: Strategies and Support
  70. Struggling with Sleep and Eating Patterns, Need Advice
  71. Effects of Starting Venlafaxine
  72. Dealing with Recurring Negative Emotions After Leaving a Toxic Environment
  73. Seeking Advice: How to Discuss Possible POTS Diagnosis with Doctor
  74. Looking for a Wearable Heart Monitor for Tachycardia Episodes
  75. Has anyone tried Spravato? Seeking experiences.
  76. Turning Point in Health Journey: Impactful Moments
  77. Progression of AS: Has it gotten worse over time?
  78. Questions about increasing Lexapro dosage and potential side effects