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Updated 11mo ago

Looking for Experiences with Infusion Therapy

Anyone try infusion therapy? will you share about your experience?

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Some individuals have reported positive experiences with infusion therapy. One person mentioned that they've been on infusions for over 2 years, three times per week, and it has helped them tremendous...See More




Best experience. I had forgotten how it felt not to be tense throughout my entire body and mind. It really opened my eyes to what feeling BETTER could mean. I never thought I could feel like that again :) it depends on the person for how long it lasts but it can be weeks to months in terms of when you’ll need additional treatments or booster shots.






I did ketamine infusions (they were not covered by insurance, I think other administration routes can be, but I couldn’t get into any of those clinics). So I got an IV infusion 2-3 times a week (more twice a week tho) got several weeks. It really helped! The idea of ketamine is super interesting. It’s not an antidepressant and it’s not meant to be used for ever, just on an as needed basis. What it does is increase your neuroplatisity. Meaning that it’s easier to form new healthier neuro pathways and allows antidepressants that maybe weren’t doing the job, to be able to do their job. Which is so fascinating to me. I also loved my infusions. I would occasionally get nauseous after but they started preemptively giving me Zofran and it was no longer an issue. I was able to chill out in the room and it relaxed me and made me feel a bit goofy and silly, but I was actually experiencing emotions and life again! Ketamine changed my life.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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