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Updated 11mo ago

Acceptance of Autism Diagnosis in Different Countries

I have been diagnosed autistic this year, I live in London but I'm originally from Spain. I've been wondering if I ever move back to Spain or some other country. Would my diagnosis be accepted in other countries? or would I need to have a diagnosis assessment again? Has anyone been in this situation?

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It’s a wide spectrum of opinion in the international community. For example, you cannot become a citizen of Canada as an immigrant with an autism diagnosis. You would have to talk to someone who is autistic from Spain and/or someone who is autistic that moved country.


not that I'm planning to move to Canada... But I'm just curious how isn't this discrimination? Also how could they possibly know unless I told them? I've read today that Australia also doesn't allow Autistic immigration am I the only person who feels this is wrong on so many levels? What I read online is that they don't want to accept immigration of people who would cause increased expenses to the country. That's making a lot of assumptions. A lot of autistic individuals are making good money. In fact the richest person in the world is Autistic.

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