Posts on Alike for January 2024

  1. Has duloxetine been effective for fibromyalgia?
  2. Seeking Guidance on Self-Accommodation
  3. Dealing with Severe Anxiety and Sadness After a Breakup
  4. Tips for Staying Organized with Medication and Appointments
  5. Exploring the Role of Diet in Mantle Cell Lymphoma Treatment
  6. Recovering from my first seizure: Seeking positivity
  7. Dealing with Fibromyalgia Pain During Menstruation
  8. Dealing with Asthma Attacks Without an Inhaler: What to Do?
  9. Monitoring Lymphocyte Count: Symptoms to Look Out For
  10. Looking for a Progesterone Only Pill to Help with Ovarian Cysts
  11. What to Expect from Genetic Testing in London?
  12. Sudden Palpitations When Moving: Is It Just Stress?
  13. Seeking Advice on Targeted Therapies for AML Treatment
  14. Make a Difference as a Chat Moderator!
  15. Looking for a Planner to Help Organize My Life as a Disabled Person
  16. Chronic Illness and Body Positivity: A New Perspective
  17. Struggling with an Eating Addiction: Need Advice
  18. Struggling with Quitting Sugary Foods: Need Advice
  19. Seeking Advice After Leukaemia Diagnosis, Waiting for Treatment
  20. Struggling with Meth Addiction: Seeking Similar Experiences
  21. Coping with Illness at 70: Seeking Advice and Support
  22. Looking for Supplement Recommendations, Any Suggestions?
  23. Seeking Advice for Long Bouts of Chronic Pain
  24. Effects of SSRI's on ADHD and OCD
  25. Looking for experiences with taking Seroquel for sleep
  26. How long does back shoulder blade pain last?
  27. Disliking Once Comforting Foods: Is It Just Me?
  28. Severe Nausea After Eating - Is it Related to EDs?
  29. Seeking Advice on BRCA2 Cancer Gene Mutation and Surgery
  30. Tips for an Easier Colonoscopy
  31. Anxiety after taking sertraline and caffeine
  32. Struggling to Eat, Need Advice
  33. Balancing Work and Cancer Treatments: How to Talk to Your Boss
  34. Dealing with FND: Improving Mobility and Coping Strategies
  35. Burning Pain and Sensory Hypersensitivity: Seeking Advice
  36. Experiences with Setraline for Depression, Anxiety, and Panic Disorder?
  37. Impact of Diet on Lymphocyte Count: What You Need to Know
  38. Genetic Testing for EDS in London: How Likely Are Other Types?
  39. Excessive Sleepiness on Xanax: Anyone Else?
  40. Coping with BPD: Seeking Advice for Managing Intense Emotions
  41. Impact of Emotional Well-being on Lymphocyte Count
  42. OCD Diagnosis in Early 20s: Share Your Experience!
  43. Experiencing a Duplicate of Someone I Know with Schizophrenia
  44. Seeking Advice for Supporting Family Member with AML
  45. Positive experiences with cymbalta for pain?
  46. Seeking insights: AML diagnosis symptoms
  47. Dietary Recommendations for AML Patients During Treatment
  48. Experiencing High Heart Rate with POTS Symptoms
  49. Seeking Advice: Boosting Lymphocyte Count During Cancer Treatment
  50. Influence of Family Health History on Lifestyle Choices
  51. Seeking Diet Tips for Mantle Cell Diagnosis
  52. Tips for Losing Weight with Autism: Seeking Advice
  53. Struggling with Dehydration, Need Tips!
  54. Coping with POTS: Seeking Advice
  55. Understanding the Impact of POTS on Gut Health
  56. Need advice on reorienting my sleep schedule
  57. Coping with Nighttime Depression: Strategies and Tips
  58. How Does POTS Impact Your Moods?
  59. Seeking Advice on Post-Chemo Recovery
  60. Dealing with Blisters in EDS: Any Tips?
  61. Staying Sane: Entertainment During Hospital Treatments
  62. Need help with my addiction, seeking guidance
  63. Managing Pain: Tips and Techniques
  64. Can stress worsen my Crohn's disease symptoms?
  65. Need recommendations for comfortable bras
  66. Looking to Connect with People from Texas
  67. Dealing with Chronic Pain at Work: Need Advice
  68. Finding Motivation to Clean with Chronic Pain and Fatigue
  69. Struggling with Medical Prognosis: Seeking Advice
  70. Seeking hEDS Diagnosis: Should I Trust the Specialist?