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Updated 6mo ago

Disliking Once Comforting Foods: Is It Just Me?

For curiosity's sake, has anyone else experienced the slow but sure dislike of a food item that was once a comfort? I have been, and I can't decide if it's just me being very very sensitive because I have been under some reasonable stress and I'm in a very new setting and I'm not used to it just yet, but I have noticed that I cannot handle many foods or drinks lately, or even the temps of them. I can no longer handle cold drinks, I still don't prefure hot food, and I have relised that if something has "Too Much" flavor or seasoning I won't eat it. Even when it comes to what were once comfort food/drinks. I used to love teas and juices and now when I even just think about it I would rather have water or nothing at all, and its usually the nothing option that wins. I'm also not sure if this is related to my ARFID or not. If it were up to me id eat next to nothing and just have water all day. Has anyone else experienced this and/or is there a way to help or just wait it out?

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I’ve experienced this my entire life my parents used to get so frustrated because they would bulk buy my favorite foods then all of a sudden i dont like them at all anymore. For example when i was a kid for like a year straight id eat 3 bananas a day i was obsessed with them but one day i took a bite and hated it and havent eaten them since



Yes. I have the thing I call "getting it out of my system". Happens with anything food especialy. With mild ADHD that is not enough present to get diagnosed, but might still make you feel "that doesn't feel like ASD". For example getting fixated on something and in few months "I'm done with it forever now". Or It might be one or two types depression. One type is emotional, caused by something (from what you said it can be stress responce) other is physical, like geting sick without symptoms or eating spoiler food, but it wasn't spoiler enough for food poisoning.



Taste is a sense and sometimes with autism when you get overstimulated and stressed it can cause you to not be able to handle sensory stuff that you usually can and it definitely effects food, especially when ARFID or other EDs are involved. For me when im stressed all I can handle is fruit/smoothies and plain angle hair pasta because they don't have as much going on sensory wise as my usual foods do.



I have ARFID and am in a community for it. This seems pretty common, unfortunately. When I'm stressed, it's especially bad. I'm in therapy for it, and one of the things we're working on is my ability to recognize and deal with stress appropriately. It does seem to be helpful.



I have been experiencing that for awhile now both food and drink (water)

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