Posts on Alike for April 2024

  1. Seeking Advice on Weaning Off Pristiq - Any Similar Experiences?
  2. Seeking Advice on Stem Cell Transplant for Multiple Myeloma
  3. Strategies for Managing Neck Pain After Whiplash Injury
  4. Seeking Advice on Food Journal Apps for ADHD Management
  5. Exploring the Link Between Social Anxiety and Trauma
  6. Struggling to Find Motivation Without Cannabis
  7. Struggling to Understand ADHD and ASD Symptoms
  8. Late Diagnosis of Autism - Seeking Support and Connection
  9. Navigating Social Situations with an Invisible Disability
  10. Accidentally Took Double Dose of Medication, Help Needed!
  11. Seeking New Friends in Their 20s
  12. Weight Gain on Escitalopram vs Prozac: Seeking Advice
  13. Question about Social Anxiety and Autism Spectrum Disorder
  14. Seeking Advice on Zanubrutinib - Any Experiences?
  15. Dealing with Fatigue from Lupus: Tips and Advice
  16. Insights on Living with Cancer: Share Your Thoughts
  17. Looking for System Friends to Connect with!
  18. Struggling with Depression: Seeking Coping Strategies
  19. Starting Chemo Next Week, Feeling Stressed - What to Expect?
  20. Struggling with PCOS Hairloss - Need Advice
  21. Share Your Zoloft Experience
  22. Resetting Everything: Coping Mechanism or Escapism?
  23. Struggling with Fatigue: Seeking Advice
  24. Struggling with Weight Gain Due to Rheumatoid Arthritis
  25. Concerns about PCOS and Continuous Menstruation
  26. Surviving Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Testimony of Hope
  27. Struggling to Fall Asleep? Here are Some Tips!
  28. Struggling with Autism: What's Your Biggest Challenge?
  29. Share Your Nightly Sleep Routine with Us!
  30. Seeking Experiences with PCOS and Castor Oil Packs
  31. Constant Migraines: Seeking Answers
  32. Seeking Connection and Support in Times of Loneliness
  33. Starting Yoga Journey: Overcoming Fear of Being Unfit and Overweight
  34. Impact of Diet on Aneurysm Development
  35. Struggling with Chronic Pain, Seeking Connection
  36. Struggling to Maintain Hobbies During MCL Treatment
  37. Seeking Advice on HRT for Trans Masculine Individual
  38. Insights on Living with Cancer: A Personal Perspective
  39. Dealing with Recurring Anxiety Triggers: Strategies and Tips
  40. Understanding Autistic Meltdowns vs Anxiety Attacks
  41. Seeking Advice on Medication Side Effects - Tremors
  42. Struggling with Chronic Illness Disclosure: Who to Trust?
  43. Seeking Advice on Migraine Treatments - Ubrelvy and Botox
  44. Struggling with Medication Side Effects - Need Advice
  45. Where is Everyone From? Let's Connect!
  46. Struggling with Recovery and Loss: Need Support
  47. Getting to Know You: Newbie on the App
  48. Insights on Living with Cancer: A Personal Perspective
  49. Food Restrictions: What Can't You Eat?
  50. Coping with Multiple Diagnoses: Seeking Advice
  51. Navigating Social Challenges with Illness: How Did You Cope?
  52. Insights on Living with Cancer: A Personal Perspective
  53. Seeking Advice on Maxi-CHOP Regimen and Rituximab Maintenance
  54. Seeking Gastroparesis Travel Advice for International Trip
  55. Constant Lightheadedness, Seeking Advice
  56. Struggling to Lose Belly Fat Despite Exercise
  57. Checking In on Your Mental Health
  58. Seeking Advice on Coping Mechanisms
  59. Seeking Support and Advice for Managing ADHD Symptoms
  60. Struggling with Anxiety and Depression - Seeking Tips
  61. Seeking Advice on Healthy Eating Habits
  62. Seeking Friends with IBD in Their 20s
  63. Confusion between c-PTSD Behaviors and Neurodivergent Conditions
  64. Conceiving with CMT - Seeking Advice
  65. Seeking Advice on Thumb Pain with Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis
  66. Struggling to Get Updates on PCOS Diagnosis, Need Advice
  67. Considering a Mobility Aid: When is it Time?
  68. Concerns about Hereditary Risk of Multiple Myeloma
  69. Exploring the Pros and Cons of CAR T-cell Therapy
  70. Struggling with Depression: Seeking Coping Strategies
  71. Struggling with Neuropathy - Looking for Support
  72. Managing Anxiety and Stress: Tips and Techniques
  73. Seeking Advice for Menopausal Symptoms and Arthritis Relief
  74. Seeking Balance: Nurturing Self Amidst Family Duties
  75. Coping with a New Diagnosis: Strategies and Support
  76. Managing Symptoms Without Medication: Tips and Tricks
  77. Seeking Advice on Hormonal Supplements and Medications
  78. Seeking Second Opinion on Non-Epileptic Seizures Diagnosis
  79. Struggling with Social Anxiety and Depression: Seeking Medication Advice
  80. Navigating Treatment Options for CLL
  81. Question about leukemia type
  82. Struggling with Constipation: Seeking Advice
  83. Concerned about Gastroparesis Symptoms - Need Advice
  84. Seeking Advice on Amitriptyline for Treatment Resistant Depression
  85. Seeking Advice on Multiple Myeloma Treatment Experience
  86. Creating a Healthy Routine: Overcoming Withdrawal and Making Positive Choices
  87. Need Help with Fidgeting at Work Seminar
  88. Struggling with Anxiety: Seeking Ways to Feel Better
  89. New to the app, looking for PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression support