Posts on Alike for November 2023

  1. Seeking Advice on Getting Mobility Aids Through Insurance
  2. Finding the Right Anti-Depressant: Questions to Ask Your Doctor
  3. Managing Depression, Fatigue, and Bloating at Work
  4. Fibromyalgia and Intercourse: Experiencing Pain?
  5. Coping with Pain Relief: Seeking Advice on Managing Chronic Pain
  6. Managing It: Self-Care Tips and Strategies
  7. Experiencing Side Effects with Zoloft?
  8. Seeking Pain Relief for Fibromyalgia: Any Medications That Work?
  9. Need advice to curb alcohol cravings
  10. Managing Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Specialist Recommendations
  11. Dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms: Bubbles in the Rectum
  12. Reducing Pain from Blood Tests: Any Suggestions?
  13. Seeking Advice for hEDS Symptoms and Rheumatologist's Response
  14. Dealing with Painful Periods and Seeking Support for Endometriosis Diagnosis
  15. Considering a Formal ADHD and ASD Diagnosis: Seeking Advice
  16. Dealing with Medication Side Effects: Do They Improve Over Time?
  17. Panic Attacks and Fibro Flares: Are They Related?
  18. Navigating Holiday Meals with Dietary Restrictions
  19. Best tests for suspected MS without brain lesions on MRI?
  20. Intense Headaches and Passing Out from Flashing Lights: Is it Normal?
  21. Seeking advice for chronic rhinitis and related symptoms
  22. Do these symptoms indicate GERD?
  23. Struggling with Explaining My Mistakes
  24. Seeking Advice for Knee Pain Relief
  25. Antipsychotic Medication for Bipolar Disorder and Night Terrors
  26. Stomach Pain and Nervousness: Anxiety or IBS?
  27. Dealing with PCOS and Belly Fat: Need Advice
  28. Seeking Advice on BPD Medications
  29. Feeling Lightheaded and Dizzy: Need Tips!
  30. Seeking Advice for Frequent Knee Subluxation
  31. Need help with albuterol shakes
  32. Experiencing Narcolepsy Symptoms: Tics, Dream Confusion, and More
  33. Dealing with Different Sexual Desires in a Relationship
  34. Seeking Clarity on my Diagnosis: Do I Have BPD?
  35. Discovering the Root Cause of My Chronic Migraines and More
  36. Struggling with Mental Health and Medication
  37. Looking for Diet Tips to Alleviate Symptoms
  38. Need advice on NJ tube vs J tube for long-term use
  39. Struggling with OCD and Anxiety: Need Advice on Medication
  40. Dealing with Colitis Flare Up: Need Advice!
  41. Looking for experiences with low dose Naltrexone
  42. Need help with constipation, feeling stuck
  43. Dealing with Light Sensitivity in Uncontrollable Environments
  44. Questioning if I Have Bipolar Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder
  45. Considering Ketamine for Borderline Personality Disorder: Need Advice
  46. Struggling with Weight Loss: Need Advice
  47. Dealing with Progressive EDS: How to Manage the Pain and Restrictions
  48. Looking for HRT Cost Estimate - Any Advice?
  49. Seeking Job Recommendations for Someone with Health Issues
  50. Managing Chronic Pain and Academic Challenges
  51. Dealing with Multiple Medical Conditions and Loneliness
  52. Long-lasting periods with hypothyroidism
  53. Next steps after being diagnosed with hypermobility condition
  54. Seeking Experiences with Dissociative Identity Disorder and Uncommon Alters
  55. Dealing with Tender Muscles: Seeking Advice
  56. Can high strength peppermint oil capsules help with IBS-related stomach issues?
  57. Struggling to Hear Low Sounds, Need Advice
  58. Need exercise alternatives for living in a flat with thin floors/ceilings
  59. Looking for Friends with Epilepsy
  60. Struggling with Opioid Addiction and Withdrawal
  61. Seeking Answers for Severe Pain and Hypermobility
  62. Dealing with Chronic Health Conditions: Seeking Support and Understanding
  63. Considering Getting a Service Animal for PoTS and Mobility
  64. Confusion while driving, anyone else?
  65. Is it safe to follow my doctor's suggestion for borderline personality disorder?