Posts on Alike for December 2023

  1. Seeking Advice for Comfortable Sleep Post Lumpectomy
  2. Transitioning from Vortioxetine to Lexapro: Side Effects?
  3. Tips for managing constipation in teenagers with IBS
  4. Dealing with Emotions After a Cancer Diagnosis: Seeking Support
  5. Struggling with Fatigue? Need Advice!
  6. Dealing with Post-Activity Pain: Any Tips?
  7. Managing Fatigue During Cancer Treatments: Tips and Tricks
  8. Understanding and Coping with Dissociation: Share Your Experiences
  9. Understanding the Difference Between Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia
  10. Diagnosing Sjorgrens: ANA, SSA 60, and ESR
  11. Post-Lumpectomy Concerns: Feeling a Lump After Surgery
  12. How to Determine if Your Period Has Stopped for Good?
  13. Living with Bipolar Disorder: Feeling Like Two Different People
  14. Hiding Health Problems from Family: Does Anyone Else Relate?
  15. Seeking advice for iron deficiency and IV Infusion
  16. Coping with the Emotional Toll of Supporting a Loved One with Breast Cancer
  17. Struggling to Sleep After Surgery: Is It Normal?
  18. How to Raise Your Blood Pressure? Dealing with Low BP and Dizziness
  19. Seeking Lifestyle Advice for Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis
  20. Need Rapid Nasal Relief for Virus: Any Suggestions?
  21. Seeking Advice for Weight Loss and Foot Pain Relief with hEds Medication
  22. Diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  23. Experiencing Side Effects of Sertraline: Share Your Stories
  24. Seeking advice for managing ADHD and executive dysfunction
  25. Need advice on eating with Lurasidone medication
  26. Struggling after Clonozepam withdrawal: Will it ever get better?
  27. Recognizing the Early Signs of Multiple Myeloma
  28. Struggling with Eating, Need Support
  29. Applying for Adult Disability Payment: Need Advice
  30. Seeking Remedies for Certain Conditions
  31. Struggling with Fatigue on Tamoxifen - Any Tips?
  32. Struggling with Erectile Dysfunction: Need Advice
  33. Struggling with Dentist Visits as an Autistic Person
  34. Seeking Emotional Support for Caregiving Challenges
  35. Effectiveness of Lexapro and Numbness
  36. Seeking Advice on Managing PCOS as a Transmasc Nonbinary Person
  37. Tips for Managing Pain and Limited Mobility
  38. Does tramadol help with M.E/CFS?
  39. Can Taking Vitamin B Complex at Night Affect Your Sleep?
  40. Need Advice: Lumpectomy vs. Mastectomy for Breast Cancer
  41. Choosing Treatments: What's Your Perspective?
  42. Seeking Tips for Returning to Running with POTS
  43. Navigating the Diagnostic Process: Insights Needed
  44. Dealing with a Flare-up of Medical Conditions: What Works Best?
  45. Dealing with Hip Pain: Subluxed Joint or hEDS?
  46. Managing Gleevec Side Effects: Tips and Tricks
  47. Dealing with Facial Hair Growth During Menstrual Cycle
  48. Dealing with Random Panic Attacks in Public
  49. Struggling with IBS symptoms after holiday events, need advice
  50. Dealing with Recurring Abdominal Discomfort: Seeking Advice
  51. Diagnosing SLE: Understanding the Tests for Lupus
  52. Dealing with Urinary Urges When Passing Gas
  53. Ways to Manage Panic Attacks Beyond Breathing Exercises
  54. Longest Time Without Period, Is It Menopause?
  55. Coping Strategies for Dealing with Stress
  56. Struggling with BPD Diagnosis: To Label or Not to Label?
  57. Seeking Advice on Hypermobility Diagnosis and Second Opinion
  58. Struggling with BPD and Toxic Relationships
  59. Reflecting on Health Milestones and Challenges
  60. Anyone tried Modafinil for ADHD? Share your experiences!
  61. Looking for Alternative Migraine Relief Options
  62. Bracing Joints at Night for Knee Pain Relief: Recommendations Needed
  63. Experiences with Ketamine Treatments: Side Effects and Impact on Daily Life
  64. Dealing with Post-COVID Fatigue and Chest Pain
  65. Dietary Recommendations During Chemotherapy: What Should I Eat?