Posts on Alike for May 2024

  1. Struggling with Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Seeking Advice
  2. Seeking Advice on Clonazepam Tapering
  3. Newly Diagnosed with Longstanding Symptoms - Seeking Support
  4. Seeking Input on Medical Marijuana Use for Symptom Management
  5. Understanding Panic Disorder: Anxiety Attacks vs. Panic Attacks
  6. Struggling Mom Seeking Supportive Friend
  7. Cramping in the Middle of My Cycle - Is This Normal?
  8. Seeking Advice on Saxenda Shots for Weight Loss After Medication Induced Weight …
  9. Seeking Answers About Wiggly Knees
  10. Dealing with Body Aches from Olzempic: Seeking Advice
  11. Looking for Comfortable Indoor Shoes, Any Suggestions?
  12. Struggling with a New Diagnosis of hEDS - Seeking Support
  13. Seeking Friends for a Chat
  14. Seeking Advice: Coping with Anxiety
  15. Seeking Advice on Pursuing an Autism Diagnosis
  16. Seeking Advice on Starting Ability for Bipolar
  17. Questioning My Bipolar Depression Diagnosis - Seeking Clarity
  18. Update on my mental health treatment and medication
  19. Struggling with Motivation on Clozapine: Need Advice
  20. Seeking Advice on Wellbutrin for Chronic Stress
  21. Overcoming Boredom and Loneliness in My Weight Loss Journey
  22. Disappointed with OZEMPIC weight loss results
  23. Dealing with Persistent Headaches - Seeking Advice
  24. Struggling with Weight Loss and POTS: Need Advice
  25. Concerns about Menstrual Irregularities in EDS Patients
  26. Questioning the Efficacy of Ketamine Treatment
  27. Coping with Distance from a Loved One: Advice Needed
  28. Struggling with POTS and Dehydration Headaches
  29. Managing PCOS without estrogen-based contraceptives
  30. Struggling to Find Motivation? Let's Talk About It
  31. Understanding Seizures: Exploring the Sensations
  32. Seeking Advice on Symptoms
  33. Tips for Managing Stress and Anxiety Levels Effectively
  34. Looking for Butterfly Friends to Socialize With
  35. Seeking Advice for Lower Leg Pain Relief
  36. Possible Gluten Intolerance - Need Advice
  37. Seeking Relief for Hip Bursitis: Cortisone Injection Questions
  38. Seeking Advice: How to Save Money on Weekly Food Budget?
  39. Exploring Different Therapy Options: Share Your Experiences
  40. Struggling with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Seeking Advice
  41. Causes of Extreme Anxiety and Panic Attacks at Night
  42. Considering Starting an Epilepsy Instagram Account
  43. Seeking Exercise Motivation Tips for Vertigo Recovery
  44. Grateful for Feeling Better and Taking Care of Myself
  45. Exploring Mental Health Awareness in Childhood
  46. Seeking Sedentary or Work from Home Job Recommendations with BA Degree
  47. Feeling Dizzy and Weak After Showering - Need Advice
  48. Looking for New Friends to Connect With
  49. Join Multiplicity Mosaic - A Supportive Group Chat for Systems
  50. Seeking Advice: Aggressive Baby Fever After Starting Testosterone
  51. Seeking Recommendations for Comfortable Wireless Sports Bra
  52. Feeling Nervous About Watch and Wait Approach
  53. Struggling with Overdoing Workouts and Feeling Dizzy
  54. Struggling with Psoriasis and HS - Any Tips?
  55. Finding Comfort in Tough Times: What's Your Go-To?
  56. Seeking Advice for Managing GERD Symptoms
  57. Seeking Advice on MRD Testing During Chemo Treatment
  58. Navigating the World of Dating After Loss: When is the Right Time?
  59. Safe Internet Use with BPD: Tips for a Positive Online Experience
  60. Struggling with Memory and Concentration - Need Tips!
  61. Managing CGM Readings with Diet and Exercise
  62. Unusual Menstrual Cycle, Seeking Advice
  63. Struggling with OCD Exposure Therapy, Need Advice
  64. Exploring Brain Training Options: What's Your Interest?
  65. Constant Fatigue and Stomach Pains on Omerprazole
  66. Seeking Advice for Upper Abdominal Pain and High Lipase Levels
  67. Seeking Support for Chemical Sensitivity Disorder
  68. Reflecting on My Weight Struggles: When Did It Hit Me?
  69. Medication Management for Sleep and Anxiety
  70. Seeking Relief from Chronic Pain: Any Suggestions?
  71. Struggling with Acne: Tips for Clear Skin
  72. Understanding the Complexities of the Limbic System
  73. Struggling with Tough Days: Seeking Advice
  74. Seeking advice on medication side effects
  75. Newly Diagnosed with Lupus, Seeking Advice on Seizures
  76. Struggling with Insomnia? Here's How to Get a Good Night's Sleep
  77. Seeking Relief for Daily Leg Pain with IST/POTS
  78. Navigating Cancer Treatment During COVID-19
  79. Seeking Advice and Support for Special Needs Child
  80. Seeking Alternatives for Depression Treatment: St. John's Wort
  81. Seeking Answers for Low-Grade Fevers
  82. Concerns about Menstrual Irregularities - Seeking Advice
  83. Dealing with Lower Back Pain and Scoliosis at a Young Age
  84. Excited to Share: Surprise Visit from Boyfriend!
  85. Struggling to Stay Focused While Studying, Need Help!
  86. Struggling with New Antidepressants: Is It Normal?
  87. Talking to Voices: Normal or Not?
  88. Seeking Advice for Hip Pain Relief - Any Suggestions?
  89. Struggling to Breathe: Seeking Advice
  90. Struggling with Sciatica Pain - Need Advice!
  91. Managing Eye Pressure: Tips and Tricks
  92. Seeking Recommendations for Comfortable Ear Protection
  93. Late Night Snack Without Spikes: Is It Possible?
  94. Seeking Advice on Cancer Treatment Regimens
  95. Seeking Support for Understanding BPD Diagnosis
  96. Discovering Post Socialization Depression - Seeking Support
  97. Seeking Advice on Endometriosis Diagnosis and Laparoscopy
  98. Struggling with Sudden Body Shutdowns: How to Cope?
  99. Seeking Advice: Signs of Pre-Menopause?
  100. Seeking Advice: Weight Loss and Pain Relief
  101. Checking In: How Are You?
  102. Seeking Advice for High Heart Rate and EDS Connection
  103. Seeking Positive Experiences with New Medication
  104. Dealing with a Friend's Communication Issues and Temper
  105. Managing Anxiety: Impact on Daily Life
  106. Struggling with Painful Eating on a Tight Budget
  107. Seeking Relief from HS with Cimzia for Ankylosing Spondylitis
  108. Managing Daily Activities with Chronic Illness: Coping Strategies
  109. Seeking Advice for Fatigue and Shortness of Breath
  110. Seeking Advice on Midodrine for Orthostatic Hypotension
  111. Expectations from People with Disabilities
  112. Seeking Advice on Inositol for IIH and PCOS
  113. Duration of Gastrointestinal Exam and Fluoroscopy Procedures
  114. Embracing the Good in Life: A Positive Outlook
  115. Concerns about Raynaud's Phenomenon Symptoms
  116. Concerns about Seroquel and Ditropan Interaction
  117. Uncertainty in Decision Making: Seeking Advice
  118. Seeking Advice on Midfoot Fusion for Chronic Foot Pain
  119. Struggling with Diagnosis: Tips for Functioning
  120. Seeking Advice on PCOS Medication for Period Regulation
  121. Link Between Eating Disorders and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
  122. Impact of Rejection on Mental Health
  123. Struggling with Asthma Flare and Costochondritis Pain
  124. Seeking Understanding and Connection for My Condition
  125. Impact of Summer Weather on Raynaud's Syndrome
  126. Seeking Support for Chronic Health Issues
  127. Dealing with Anxiety Onset Emotions: Seeking Support
  128. Seeking Advice on Switching from Humira to Enbrel
  129. Seeking Answers for a Mysterious Kidney Condition
  130. Struggling with guilt over enjoying life after a short time
  131. Seeking Support After Recurring Miscarriages
  132. Concerned About Swollen Lymph Node in Left Armpit
  133. Seeking Advice on CBD Dosage for Anxiety and Depression Treatment
  134. Best Health Gadgets: Share Your Favorites!
  135. Seeking Advice on Gamma Knife Treatment for Atypical Trigemenal Neuralgia
  136. Looking for a New Friend After BPD2 Diagnosis
  137. Struggling with Weight? Try These Easy Tips!
  138. Dealing with Severe Nerve Pain in Leg - Seeking Advice
  139. Seeking Information on Hyper Mobile EDS and Pelvic Pain
  140. Dealing with POTS and Stress: Seeking Advice
  141. Seeking Advice for a Growing Lump on Thigh
  142. Seeking Advice on Bilateral MVD Surgery
  143. Dealing with Low Blood Pressure from Medication: Need Advice
  144. Hair Loss on Antidepressants: Anyone Else?
  145. Struggling with Heel Spurs and Plantar Fasciitis, Need Relief
  146. Coping with the Daily Grind: Strategies for Everyday Challenges
  147. Struggling with Happiness and Communication in Marriage
  148. Seeking Advice for Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  149. Dealing with Tremors: Medication Questions
  150. Seeking Advice for Factor V Laden and Recurring Miscarriages
  151. Struggling with Insomnia and Depression: Seeking Advice
  152. Struggling with Weight Loss on Ozempic - Need Advice
  153. Struggling with PCOS Diagnosis and Treatment Options
  154. Seeking Advice on Dealing with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Diagnosis
  155. Coping Strategies for Dealing with Stress and Anxiety
  156. Navigating Career Choices with a Chronic Condition
  157. Seeking Advice on Preventing Migraines with IIH
  158. Seeking Advice on Pain Medication