I'm planning on making a appointment with my PCP to talk about possibly having a hypermoblity disorder (me and most my family are hypermoblity and have joint pain [+some other things that from my search could be caused by one]). I'm not really sure how to go about this though? She knows I've had chronic pain for years but I never have brought up anything to do with hypermoblity before and the only testing she has done before is for a type of arthritis (negative). Any suggestions on how to go about this?
Best ways to help with the daily leg pain? Most stretches hurt and I have IST/POTS as well. Looking for exercises or vitamins! I'm already in physical therapy.
To hypermoible people out there, have you had severe pain cutting steak and eating it? I found out this isn’t normal recently. I was wondering about finger and wrist braces or supports to get to help me with things like that. Does anyone have any suggestions?
What are peoples thoughts on Pilates? My physio is super proud of my improvements and wants me to start Pilates. I have managed to commit to daily physio (takes about 5 minuets my routine) and hula hooping daily for 35 minuets (started at 30, increasing by 5 minuets every month until I get to an hour). There is a gym a 10 minuet walk away from me that does it twice a week, but I’ve read stuff online that the benefit for hyper mobile folk heavily falls on the trainer and their understanding of HSD/hEDS. However I did find a 20 minuet YouTube video on Pilates made for hyper mobile folk - so might up my hoop to 40 minuets and then add that 20 minuets of Pilates to it too to make an hour of exercise every day. What do people think? What do you guys do?
does hypermobility have any connection to Pots or not because When I'm carrying something uphill, I always get really out of breath but have had tests, but it came back negative, so I was wondering if I need to go back to the drs but the wait will be way to long to get seen or hear anything back
Esophagitis-Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Fibromyalgia (FM)
Hernia Diaphragmatic
Hypermobility Syndromes
I had quite a hard thought just now - it made me feel sad but I’m being mindful of it. I’m seeing it, giving it space, but don’t want to dwell. I thought, at some point I’m going to forget what it was like to not be in pain. My symptoms flared up and diagnosis came when I was 27, so I’ve been managing for about a year now (nearly 29). Although this was a sad thought, I just think I need to get to know the new me. Get to know how to thrive despite it - as I’m blessed to have an amazing job and support network. Anyone else ever have these thoughts?
my hip has been in so much pain for a few days and I don't know how to help
im on my journey of being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and feeling frustrated :(. ive been tested for all the common ones, + thyroid and rheumatoid test that came back negative. my only outstanding symptoms are hypermobility and joint pain, plus the normal keynotes of an autoimmune disease. is there anything specifically i should ask to test for? (i am a teenager, been testing since summer 2022)
I dislocated my hip yet again yesterday. I'm in agony. I do physiotherapy every day to strengthen all the muscles around my hip and I am having less frequent dislocations. But I hate permanently worrying when I'll next be debilitated. Has anyone found anything else other than physio and strength training to help?
anybody have some good pain management ideas? recently. I'm going through a flare up and it seems like nothing is working. would love some new ideas other than ibuprofen and hot baths. I do smoke occasionally to help regulate my pain but I try to keep it only for my really bad days. I just don't know what to do right now
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Learn moreHypermobility syndrome is a condition in which the joints are easily moved beyond the normal range that is expected from each specific joint.
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