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Updated 10mo ago

Gas Leak Symptoms: What to Look Out For

Can someone clarify what the symptoms of a gas leak are? I have sore throat (kinda burns), lightheadedness, mild nausea, off balance and I feel tired out quite out of it.

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Try going outside and see if the symptoms resolve



it’s 10 at night so I can’t and also it’s not from my house it’s from my college <3



I recently had carbon monoxide poisoning from a gas leak and I didn't have a burning or sore throat, but I did have all of the other symptoms you've listed. Headaches, dizziness, chest pain when coughing (also increased coughing) and fatigue were the biggest things that I noticed, alongside my body just feeling really weak and fragile. Idk what circumstances you're in though so it may not be exactly the same as mine, as the boiler in my bedroom was leaking gas over weeks and built up until I was really unwell. It usually depends how long you are inside the room with a gas leak and how much you inhaled. I hope you're okay and not still in the room affected!



it was my college that had the gas leak and both me and my friend have had delayed reactions so we’re both at home and the college is shut tomorrow so we should be fine thank you <3



if you think you might have a gas leak, leave the space and go to a well-ventilated area (ideally outside) for at least 20 min. If you feel noticeably better, there is likely a gas leak. Briefly go back in and see if you can identify a distinct smell. Flammable gasses are mixed with strong odors to help identify potential danger. If you do smell an odor, leave the building and do not use any lights on the way out. If you do think you have a gas leak, even if it is not a flammable gas, you should call 911 or your local utilities maintenance if you have one .



this is my college not my house and I’m now feeling quite well again. Both me and my friend have had delayed reactions to it

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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