what is your best way to motivate you to push through flare ups + pain?
how you deal with daily
I’ve been posting under Crohns Disease for awhile now but my new doctor said it sounds way more like IBS and i agree How do i prevent or help flare ups ive tracked my food and theres never anything out of the ordinary that I’ve found causes flareups My worst symptoms are diarrhea, nausea, and hot/cold flashes
For the past week or so, I’ve had an issue with my stomach that I haven’t had for awhile. I’ll eat something, and about 5-10 minutes later my stomach starts to cramp up and I get really sharp pains. I had this issue last year which caused me to stop eating all together, and I have started that all over again. On new years of 2022, I was 190 Lbs- by the time December rolled around, I had lost 60 pounds (I was 130) from just not eating; I wasn’t trying to either. I’m at 140 right now which isn’t bad, but I just don’t want to start loosing too much weight again, you know? It’s just weird, I don’t know what causes the pain either. I have IBS, so it might just be a weird symptom of that but I don’t know for sure.
I finally went to the neurologist today and it was very insightful. It took me a while to muster up getting the appointment and I finally got through it. Now tomorrow is a celebration of me finally starting my journey to getting better by going and getting sushi!!! :D yay!
Does anyone know if time can effect sicknesses? For example, I used to work at 9 am and I found my symptoms more manageable, but when I switched to 8 am, suddenly I’d start having flare ups right at 7:30 or just when I was arriving at work. I like my job, not sure why it’s so unbearable lately.
After years of trying different medications for anxiety and panic attacks and not getting anywhere, I’ve finally started taking something that helps! 😃 It’s called Vortioxetine, and I felt an improvement after only a couple days of taking it! This combined with mindfulness and going to the gym has really helped me with depression, stress, anxiety & IBS. I don’t feel so panicked anymore which was the main thing I needed help with 😄💓
Anxiety with muscle tremors/tensing/tics?? Does anyone else experience a anxiety/panic attack that produces muscle tremors? For me it’s usually a silent attack, I can sometimes recognize that I’m anxious, but it usually doesn’t cause hyperventilation, a general “panic” feeling, or anything like that. I usually just experience chest and/or arm pain, chest pressure and/or discomfort, and then the shaking and tensing starts. This usually happens once every few months, my usual anxiety doesn’t cause this extreme of symptoms. These also usually occur at night time when I’m relaxing or getting ready to go to bed. Has anyone found a way to stop these? Or reduce duration or severity? I don’t take any medications for anxiety anymore. I’ve been off them for 1 1/2 years (if that helps any?)?
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) describes a group of gastrointestinal symptoms that last for at least three months and can’t be explained by any other disease.
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
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