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Updated 11mo ago

Is the FODMAP diet effective for managing IBS?

is the fodmap diet any good for ibs? and does anyone keep a food diary for possible triggers?

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I’m still on the fence with LFM x and I’ve found a good diary was pointless for me as one day I can be relaxed and eat celery and it’s fine next day stressed and eat anything even glass of water and in excruciating pain! I have so many different pains and levels of them and different sicks I feel it was impossible for me to keep track and the doctors were even more confussed than before I made the food diary xo



I tried FODMAP to try and identify food sensitivities but it did not really help me/point me in any type of direction, but if you feel like you definitely have certain food triggers it can be helpful in identifying them. Keeping a food journal or using the “My Fitness Pal” app are good tools to keep up with it



For me low fibre and high meat keto helps massively



I haven’t gone completely FODMAP, but my IBS (sever flatulence only symptoms) have got better without doing FODMAP. More so, I try and notice triggers by going off things one at a time. Difficult, because my IBS goes in natural cycles of bad then good, so it’s hard to identify if it’s something I’ve gone off, or natural cycles of my IBS. Frustrating. Have learned though that milk and boiled sweets are not good for me.



Out of FODMAP, definitely avoiding sugars, onion and garlic are the biggest triggers for me, so I'd definitely say give it a shot, at least the different parts of it to see which part works for you

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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