How do you do the asthma attacks if you don't have an inhaler and can't afford to get one because your insurance doesn't cover it
Is There Anyone Here Who Has Asthma And Consumes Edibles That Has Had It Sorta Flair Up Your Asthma
I need to get a methacholine challenge test to evaluate my asthma. Has anyone here done it before? the online description worries me a bit so I definitely want to know more on what's going to happen
Morning, I am new to this so I am not 100% sure what to put 😂 I live in the UK with my husband and 2 children. I have Bipolar, ocd traits, depression, anxiety, occasional physchosis, Raynaud's, hypermobility, asthma and on news year eve I was in a&e with a pulmonary embolism so I am now on blood thinners for a while! I try to stay off medication as much as possible and prefer to battle through it, obviously with a PE and asthma I have to take medication to be breathing and well. come say hi if I don't sound too crazy 😜
Hi! I'm Kirsty, I am 31 and I live in the East of England in a lovely little flat with my cats who I love very much. When I was about 8 I developed asthma which got worse and worse as I grew and along with the asthma I was getting lots of chest infections which damaged my lungs and caused more infections. I now use a non invasive ventilator and oxygen to breathe. All of my other conditions are pretty much caused by the steroids I need for my chest. I can't wait to get talking to you!
To all the other bio-females with asthma, is it just me or does your asthma get worse when it's that time of the month?
Hey does your asthma just bother you when you do physical activities or also at other times?
Has anyone else's asthma been worse lately? I went to the doctors a week ago with chest pain/pressure and was prescribed Prednisone and antibiotics. Now that I'm finished with those, I'm still having a hard time breathing. Constant wheezing as well. Is this happening because of the weather??
just got out of the emergency room. I got in their because of P.E earlier today. We did a mile run, luckily I only had to do 3/4 of a mile because of my condition. I had to use my inhaler and I actually had a small athsma attack. Then 4 hours later, I was taking a walk in the park. I played some basketball with the kids in my high-school. Then I had a bad asthma attack randomly. probably from the overwhelming breath loss in P.E and then loosing breath a lot again. I'm doing fine though. But, are 2 asthma attacks a day normal?
The significance of online communities lies in the emotional support and understanding they provide, empowering patients to express their concerns, fears, and triumphs without fear of judgment. Such platforms foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie, helping patients navigate the complexities of their conditions and treatment options.
night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Asthma (also called reactive airway disease) is a disease of the airways (called bronchi), which constrict in response to various triggers.
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