What helps staying awake through the day? Caffeine gives me chest pains, if anyone has any other recommendations I'd be so appreciative
So I heard about this drug that is usually prescribed for narcolepsy but is used for ADHD in other countries. It’s called Modafinil or Provigil. Apparently it’s not as popular in the US. It’s said to be a smart drug and doesn’t have some of the negative side effects as Adderall and Methylphenidate. I requested to be switched and I do like it better. My medication management Dr. basically said I’d have to be experiencing sleeplessness or be working night shift. (a common reason for prescribing Modafinil as well for those having issues with staying awake on the job) so I told her honestly that I do have issues falling asleep as counter intuitive as that sounds. It’s nice, If I don’t feel like taking it one day I don’t feel like a zombie or tired. Has anyone else tried this? Whats your experience, and has anyone experienced any adverse effects?
does anyone else take sunosi? it keeps me awake but as soon as I take it in the morning I start having uncontrollable diarrhea boughts on and off that lasts until like late afternoon. does anyone else experience this and if so, how do you cope?? I take a pre + probiotic every morning and that helps but the diarrhea episodes are getting more severe the longer I'm on sunosi. all advice welcome
Vyvanse crash. I'm taking 10mg, but I feel like I hit the crash too soon in my day and it's too hard of a crash for me to be productive during/after the crash. But when I initially started taking Vyvanse the crash wasn't this bad and occurred later in the day. Is my body just getting used to it? Would the next dosage be helpful, or can I help myself somehow?
Cataplexy & Narcolepsy
Hernia Diaphragmatic
Fibromyalgia (FM)
Esophagitis-Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
hi everyone, iv just turned 46 and really struggling with my health, I guess I ignore it so I fit in work, my kids (health issues too), life and am starting to really worry about getting worse. I'm after advice I guess or supplements I could be taking. I currently take pills to help me sleep, for pain and digestion. Thankyou for reading
My doctor is trying to get me on Xyrem because every stimulant I've tried has no effect. I have type 2 narcolepsy so my insurance keeps denying the medication because I don't have cataplexy. Does anyone have any recommendations on what I should do?
hey! i have yet to be diagnosed (working on it) but i suspect i may be suffering from narcolepsy. i have had multiple instances of my legs just spontaneously collapsing or dropping things for no reason, as well as having a slack jaw and drooling randomly. it doesnt seem to happen exclusively when im experiencing strong emotions so im not sure its cataplexy? it also doesnt usually happen on both sides at once. i also am constantly tired, takes hour(s) to fall asleep and i wake up every few mins during the night. during the day i can fall asleep like its no ones business, and have been known to nap at work and have had to supress being so exhausted in the car that i physically couldnt keep my eyes open is this narcolepsy? or am i dealing with something else entirely?
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Cataplexy is a sudden and transient episode of muscle weakness accompanied by full conscious awareness, typically triggered by emotions such as laughing, crying, or terror.
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