Tourette Syndrome (TS)
Disorders of The Nervous System
Complex post traumatic stress disorder
so... I've finally accepted that my lifelong illnesses are in fact NOT going to go away if I keep ignoring it. I'm gonna be signing up for disability which to me is gonna be the most scary thing ever. do you have any tips for me while I start this journey??
Does anyone else feel tics in their back? When I have a back tic or neck tic, I can feel this indescribable sensation along my spine leading up to the tic. Does anyone else experience this, or am I crazy?
Does anyone who takes aripiprazole for tics notice any changes? I’ve been taking it for a while and nothing seems to have changed
[possible trigger for tics] Does anyone else on here have sniffling as a tic? Or anything with your nose? My top tic during high stress is sniffling, and my nose has been so dry lately that I end the day with the inside cracked and bloody. It’s driving me up the wall.
Question for anyone else who has TS / A tic disorder, Do you let people laugh/talk about your tics? I've always had the policy that if your my friend, feel free to laugh at my tics, but if I don't know you/am not good friends with you, I've taken it as kind of an insult and then get very self contious. I've had people tell me I shouldn't let anyone treat me like that but I've never minded if I were friends with the person. How do you all react when others react to you? I know I shouldn't let others dictate how I handle my disability, but I always end up giving it some thought anyway.
Does anyone else with Tourette's and selective mutism find that when your mutism kicks in while you're ticcing your vocal tics stop? I've been going mute a lot as of late and I've noticed I stop having complex vocal tics when I'm mute.
I have had trouble getting a diagnosis for my tourettes partly because of how much I have been moving around and because I don't have health insurance 🙃. have any advice
hi, um I really need help! so I started having tics about a year ago and then something happened and they amplified,kinda, I just wanna figure out if I have ts or something more that's possibly deadly or something. so I get tics whenever I have bad anxiety or just randomly, I can kinda feel when it's coming like a feeling crawling from the back of my head, my mom thinks I'm faking because it's off and on but I just want help and see if I actually have TS and see if I can get diagnosed if I do! have a great day everyone (if you want I can explain it more in another post or in comments)
Do you ever feel like you're faking your tics, and you really don't have anything wrong with you at all? Recently, I've been feeling like I'm gaslighting myself into ticking 😂 It's usually when I see someone else tic, and I tic too. That makes me think I'm a fraud.
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder manifested by motor and vocal tics with onset during childhood.
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Tourette Syndrome (TS).
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