Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD)
I have recently found out that I am a system (I have DID/OSDD). It would be nice to connect with other systems that are chronically ill/disabled and are trans. c:
hello! so far I've come to know a few alters of mine. I found them out when I took a edible to go to bed. We all blended together and they started talking and moving, while letting me see. They said I was scared. anyone know how to help build communications and help them feel safe to front? it...felt good to be watching and not feel exhuasted for once.
Our alters are capable of switching when they want, rather than from external stimuli. While some do have triggers, it's very few. I have UDD, not OSDD or DID, and I don't think there's a UDD tag on here. Is anyone else like this? I've had a bad reaction after someone heard about our alters "switching at will" and stuff.
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD)
Chronic Irritability and Anger
Personality Disorder (PD)
Looking for systems like us: 18-23 body age range Autism BPD Bipolar Schizophrenia Stomach issues Other PDs Let's just chat :)
Does anyone else’s therapist call their alters “parts”? Mine does, but u feel like they should be called alters. Should I bring this up to her or just go with parts?
Does anyone else struggle with alter communication? The only things I’ve heard from my alters are random thoughts that aren’t even directed at me. It makes me feel like I’m faking sometimes. Idk, just wanted to see if anyone could relate.
i dont experience amnesia and i always feel co-consious. this makes me feel uncomfortable and like im just making everything up. i am still young and usually the condition doesnt fully develop until late 30's or 40's from what ive heard, so is what im experiencing normal as a young adult?
I'm currently going through an ASD Diagnostics process and it's brought to my attention that I may also have Alexithymia which would explain why it's so hard to figure out which alter, or alters are present. It feels like since I have a hard time differentiating between alters I may always have this problem. Also recently I got an app called Antar that helps me communicate with them and it's been better than other "self" communicating apps for me. But does anyone else have this problem because they can't just "know" what they're feeling or why they're thinking thoughts?
Do any other systems have alters that aren't super separate ? Like ... they're definitely different than me but sometimes when they front it just feels like I'm just ... acting uncontrollably different rather than being someone else completely ... like they're controlling me instead of them actively being in control ... does that make any sense ?
tw feelings/thoughts of dying (not suicide) ive noticed this thing going on for the past few years where i feel like im about to die/like i could just stop trying and give up. it feels like i could just stop breathing and fall to the floor dead if i just stop trying to survive. it isnt a panic attack, because those make me feel like im physically dying in the moment. this feeling is more like "i am okay right now, but if i stopped trying i could die right here and now." It's so hard to describe. it's like i can feel every aspect of my body struggling to continue functioning and my brain is tried of keeping everything together. i just want to let go and unwind like a ball of yarn. it also isnt about suicide. i dont *want* to die anytime soon, and whenever i get this feeling im afraid to relax too much or my heart will just stop. unsure if this is a dissociation issue, a trauma issue, or a physical issue.
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
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Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD).
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