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Updated 6mo ago

Alters and Different Conditions

Does anybody else have specific alters that seem to be more affected by certain conditions than other alters? For example, there is an alter in my system that seems to struggle much more with OCD than the rest of us do. Same with ADHD. Certain aspects of the conditions are present for everyone but the severity depends on the alter that is at the front. Is this normal for alters within the same system?

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For us, we're affected by conditions affecting the host. We do have one or more alters that are affected by separate conditions that the host does not suffer from, but it's currently only one.



Okay, that makes sense. Thank you


Some alters may already have conditions that can get more intense when fronting. A alter in our system has tourettes syndrome and since the body already experiences tics, it gets worse for him. Some alters just have different affects on the body. :)



Yeah it seems for things that effect the brain as a whole we all experience differently. Some of us are *more* autistic/adhd/psychotic than others and some just have more specific symptoms that others dont have as bad. Things like our stutter, lisp, and tics seem to be alter dependent entirely, only one or two of us have a lisp at all so its rarely noticed, most of us have some form of stutter but some barely have it when they're anxious and some have it constantly. Only a few of us have some small unobtrusive tics so that also goes mostly unnoticed. I learned a little while ago that the alter fronting can effect your body in different ways such as having different eye pressure as say the alter who went to the eye doctor to get glasses, so sometimes its wrong for some of the alters and we struggle to see in our own glasses. I also have alters who have slightly different allergies from the rest including one who is at least *less* allergic to my pet rats than the rest of us so he can clean their cage with less problems.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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