What do you use (OTC) to manage itching caused by eczema? My head and legs have been itching like crazy lately and I'm scheduling a dermatologist appointment next week but I'd like something to help me cope in the interim.
I used to be so addicted to burning hot showers. I could sleep a lot better at night as nothing would be itchy and I finally felt like I could relax. It was such a bad vicious cycle. I only recently got out of the cycle but I relapsed a lot before I properly stopped. Even now I still get urges to jump in the shower and burn the itches away
What are some things you've eliminated from your diet that trigger your eczema?
I can’t wait for my dermatologist appointment, but I’m also scared. I want actual guidance to heal my skin, not a magic medicine shot. I just wish I knew what to do about my skin
where is the worst place you have had a break out? for me it was my crotch.
I hate not being able to see a doctor or specialist, I’ve had a skin condition develop in recent years and I can’t pinpoint what it is, so I don’t know what triggers is and what to use to relieve it. I had rosacea as a toddler but I outgrew it, it looks the most like mild nummular eczema but I can’t be certain. I’ve used eczema honey product but it does not do much. I use Dr. Teal’s deodorant (which works well) and a regular dove bar soap (it’s not good or bad for me right now), I’ve even slathered on aloe vera gel just to try. I’m trying to stay more “organic” and fragrance free but whatever works, I’m willing to try.
I've had eczema (on my entire body, though the worst of it is on my arms, legs, and chest) for my entire life. I'm using lotion for the dryness, but I've never been able to find anything that really helps with all of my symptoms. I'm itchy near constantly, and it worsens with heat, humidity, and stress. I can only wear certain types of clothing and use certain types of sheets and the like because everything else hurts too much. I can't wear makeup or use most skincare products because they burn. If I forget to put on lotion for more than a week, I get sores and open wounds on the worst dry patches. I'm sure that all of this sounds relatively normal as far as eczema goes, but recently it's been getting worse and harder to deal with. I'll wake up scratching, sometimes bleeding. It itches so much, and sometimes it hurts to move because of a combination of dryness and itching. I'm just not sure what to do, as I've tried so many different products, and the most they do is help with the dryness. Nothing has ever helped with the itching or the pain. Does anyone have any advice on products to try, whether I should talk to my doctor (again), or just what to do in general? Thank you so much.
My Eczema has become very aggressive here lately. It has been quite dormant over mot of my adult life but has come back to haunt me much as it did as a child. What do you all use as far as soaps, lotions, etc…;In the summer months to stay fresh and clean yet keep the areas from getting and being irritated???
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Atopic dermatitis, also referred to as eczema, is a chronic skin condition that causes dry itchy skin.
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