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What’s the hardest thing about the holidays for you?

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    • XCxsmic.CalamityX


      I recently lost my baby in September so that’s been the hardest part of the holidays is coping with the loss

    • XCxsmic.CalamityX


      I recently lost my baby in September so that’s been the hardest part of the holidays is coping with the loss

    • Scarlet9904


      Being allergic to almost everything with less then understanding family so often I'll get gifts I'm allergic to and it sucks to pretend to be happy about those things

    • Blue62


      I would just prefer to skip the holidays. Nothing special to me. Maybe that's my depression talking

    • Bre19


      Getting overwhelmed with seeing a lot of people

    • shannonxnicole


      Feeling lonely 😩

    • Bre19


      My dad drinks a lot

    • jellypeanut


      Family & friends understanding that my symptoms are heightened over the holidays or large events

    • TweetyGal


      My mum died 2 days after Christmas 🎄 on the 27th of December in 2012. Christmas hasn't been the same without her. She is guiding her grandchild (my son) in spirit, but I just wish she was physically here 😭.

      • Bre19


        @TweetyGal I'm so so sorry

    • MidlightTheNightFury


      My gran died before Christmas so Christmas isn’t much to me anymore just a day of remembrance of all the family I lost and pets

    • Len


      Weight gain

    • leah14


      Social aspect and food aspect

    • Beetle444


      Seasonal affective disorder gets me bad this time of year. Also PDA and gift giving / receiving is a whole thing (not fun!)

    • El2542


      All of the tr@uma and past emotions that gets brought back. Feeling like I am “forced” to see family members who have either caused some of my tr@uma or who have denied it. And having to mask or act like everything is fine when it’s not. I am here for anyone who need to talk this time of year, just drop me a message 💕

    • hydroepilepic21


      My grandpa died 7 years ago today, so Christmas even 7 years after is hard.

    • dreambaby


      The hardest part is being around people who i know but don’t feel a connection to and finally living through a period of the year i look forward to the most despite feeling depressed, lonely, and disappointed every single time.

    • Butterfly9937


      Missing my parents and family who’ve passed on. We used to either gather together all at one house or visit house to house. I really miss cooking with my mom. Singing 🎶 and cooking all morning.

    • Tati96


      It had never been hard for me, until this year that my mom passed. Its been really hard. Even for my birthday she was the only one that called me, all my other family members texted me to say happy birthday and this year I was waiting for her to call me and it never happened. I was jealous of my other siblings that had the opportunity to get a happy birthday call this year from my mom before she had passed.

    • spooniegirl2005


      Family members saying that I don't have anything I've been diagnosed with and to stop faking 🙄

      • Bre19


        @spooniegirl2005 that sucks I'm sorry

    • packersfan95


      Having to be around family that I really don’t want to be involved with. Holidays now are just my immediate family, but my mom and sister end up criticizing and complaining about me and how I’m living that I hate going to visit. My dad has been in a nursing home for 2 years now because of his Parkinson’s and the only joy I get going to visit any time of year is I can tell how happy he is to see that I’ve come. So I feel mixed emotions 🥲

    • KatieKitKat


      I get overwhelmed with all the lights, noise, smells, & people, ESPECIALLY physical contact. I'm so tempted to just use my full break from the school I work at to rest instead of working my 2nd job. Both are part-time so not much working. But I live with my grandparents & help with my disabled grandma who's got dementia, sun downers, diabetes, & due to said diabetes she had blood clots in her left leg so bad that it had to be amputated to the knee. So my grandpa needs help with her. Some days I feel like I'm working 24/7, & that I'd rather enjoy 3 weeks off instead of going back to working. Still got some time to decide. Sorry for the rant 😅

    • alexiethebexie


      I get major depression around the holidays now that I've been removed from my family...

    • brkn1


      Anxiety depression and no one around

    • _Rat_


      This year I’m really struggling with gifts. I love giving gifts and have lists for everyone I add to all year. I’m low on money so I’m very stressed. I want everyone to know how much I appreciate them but my budget is low. I’m not great at communication so gift giving is especially important to me. I’m hoping making cards will add to it.

    • ProudDuck


      Trying to deal with sensory overload and not eating the same things as others. I also have trouble with understanding what the holidays are about and engaging in activities with family and friends.

    • ducksauce


      family asking what i’m doing with my life. i don’t know bc im disabled and it just makes me feel worthless

    • E11iefant


      My food sensitivities make it hard, you don’t realize how social food is until you lose it. Also having chronic fatigue while my whole extended family is very active makes me feel a little worthless

    • HiddenGem


      I don’t feel like I belong. I can tell my family is trying hard to relate to me and include me in things. It’s like a constant reminder I’m not one of them.

    • Milkovich


      I know how you feel I think when one of your loved ones passes away before their time Christmases are never the same afterwards. I lost my cousin who was like a brother to me when he was 18 and I was 19. I always think of him a lot around the holidays.

    • Milkovich


      Being disowned by my family due to my chronic illness, and not having a place I can call home. Christmas doesn't really feel like Christmas anymore. My partner tries to make Christmas nice for me(which I appreciate)but our miserable living condition makes it impossible for me to properly enjoy it . I miss having big family dinners, around a proper family sized kitchen table, in a nice cosy home. Ive lost all that forever,and it breaks my heart more every year.

    • GraveKeeper


      Past trauma and violence. Try to make them special and different every year for me and my family as best I can

    • celly1985


      Not having my kids

    • Annie28


      My fibromyalgia is getting bad cause of the season and so is my anxiety and depression

    • lynn1962


      I get depressed around the holidays because I miss my family who live 1200 miles away

    • bear246


      I get depressed around all the holidays I haven't celebrated my bday in 7 years because I get so down

    • Roseart


      The centering around food

    • YiaYia6


      That they start coming in the summer and multiple holidays at one time. For the love of sanity; one at a time!

    • YiaYia6


      The hypocrisy of people. They are not nice 364 days a year and suddenly 1 day, they are nice to everyone. When they need to keep the niceties all year long.

    • hydroepilepic21


      Just being around people and knowing that death anniversaries for my grandparents on my dad's side are around the holidays. It can be rough sometimes.

    • Zebrapotato37659


      People keep telling me to eat more when I can’t eat cause (gastro disorders) sometimes they don’t stop. Anyone else relate?

    • Ashleejen


      Worrying how my bpd will act up because the emotions can stir the pot fast if one tiny thing or feeling bad comes along

    • RissTheTiger


      Knowing I can't do what others will be doing because I need to put my body first

    • Rain13


      Feeling lonely even tho I'm surrounded by people

      • Ashleejen


        @Rain13 I feel that like every things going fast forward and your just there

    • packersfan95


      feeling obligated to spend a larger amount of time with people who just see me as the black sheep/disappointment of the family

    • midnightgypsy


      Too many ppl around me and going out alot I suffer from social anxiety

    • shays


      The hardest thing about the holidays is that I'm stuck in a house with 6 other people

    • kimmiekins


      Everything. All of my immediate family has passed and most of my extended family as well. The few left live 30 minutes away but I only get invited for the big holidays, and that has only happened the last year. Holidays are so hard for me.

    • idk_182


      Feeling not part of the family. Everyone loves each other and gets along then I come in and everyone insults me and says they wished I never came then they have the nerve to wonder why I hide away and don't wanna be around.

    • Bradbeer69


      My kids and not always having the money to go somewhere or 2 go 2 the movies even

    • legdaybae


      The food 🤦🏻‍♀️

    • Kittypop


      My emotionally immature mother trying to guilt trip me into visiting her -_-

    • Irelan


      Everyone gets so antsy and anxiety ridden to the point that they are downright rude. I love holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving, but people are just so mean!

    • Penguinmama


      I would have to say losing my parents... They passed 3 yrs apart & not having them here physically sucks..

    • idk_182


      Seeing everyone look perfect in bikinis and trying to remind myself I don't have to relapse cuz I'm not skinny like them

    • Lizzy1989


      Pretending that I'm fine.

    • Done


      Not having any family or friends

    • jamwje


      My dad died 5 days after Christmas. So it's hard especially my mom. Sometimes l just feel blah

    • xenith


      the division in my family. sensory overload. not having some people that passed, around anymore.

    • SilverLady


      My mom not being around anymore and the depression that comes from that

    • K9


      Having no one to spend it with

    • lillypod21


      Being without my grandma now. She has been gone for 2 years now so holidays are really hard for me

    • FMK


      Being expected to act like a normal person while experiencing excruciating pain.

    • hmmmm


      not being able to express my needs to my family. whether that's rest and not standing/walking for long periods or alone time to decompress.

    • Aiya_the_ill


      Feeling like I'm missing out when I have to rest

    • Karlie2000


      The social pressure to eat desserts when I know the sugar will make me feel awful.

    • LexaPeach91


      Lmao honestly EVERYTHING. Grieving my mother, and the relationship I've never had with my father, feeling anxious to see my partner's family, feeling like the holidays were so much more special in my childhood, having problems eating due to advanced tooth decay. The list unfortunately goes on. 😥

    • AnxiousPotato02


      The family I cant see or that have passed on, I have depression and the holidays are even more difficult because I feel ashamed of not really staying in contact with my family.

    • TattsCatsNaps


      Sometimes people have unrealistic expectations of what you’re able to do. Just because it’s the holidays I still need time to rest and recharge ya know.

    • Sajuu



    • LE95


      i want to celebrate and share with everyone but i don't have money to do anything

    • LovelyI


      Not having my sister's, and parents here..

    • WitchyWoman89


      I've given up on spending them with my family. They don't accept me for who I am and they think I'm faking all my health problems so I'm done.

    • StephanieL


      My grandparents are no longer with me, except for one. Last month I lost my second grandma and the 18th was 7-8 years since my grandpa passed away. My first grandma passed away 4 years ago and now my grandpa's not doing well at all. He can't taste anything and he's so skinny. I'm afraid of losing my last grandparent this year. It's been almost 4 weeks now since my grandma passed away and I couldn't be with her when she did. She was living in North Carolina and I live up here in Rhode Island. My relatives were with her when she died. I could only say my goodbyes to her on the phone. The holidays were always spent at their houses and now, it's different since most of my grandparents are no longer with us.

    • Beetlejuul


      I personally hate Valentine’s Day because I have to watch my partner slowly digress into ptsd and panic attacks. They have trauma associated with the day so I hate it

    • Opaldreams


      A broken family and loss of traditions

    • Njade


      Just being around my family. I dont live with them and havent done since i was 18. But when i visit them i get overwhelmed and im unable to have normal conversations and they dont fully understand why thats difficult for me.

    • cat69


      Being alone..and irrelevant

    • Rizbit


      Being alone. Or, thinking of past holidays with people who are no longer with me.

    • jacque87



    • jacque87



    • survivor_girl96


      Being surrounded by cookies and cakes ☺️

    • Kylielinda


      Missing my grandad.

    • AutumnCoffee


      The constant socialising with family, especially the side of the family who don't agree with who I am (lesbian who will never have children). It's exhausting anyway let alone when they make snide remarks and bring up topics they know we'll disagree on just to start a debate

    • AndromedaSpark


      The fireworks. And having to mask and play "grateful" the way they expect me to.

    • ClayBrooks


      Got diagnosed with DVT and chronic pain on Christmas day and have been in hospital on Christmas eve a year after for a suicide attempt and then a year after for self harm. Christmas amd new years is really tough. Although 2023 I didnt end up in hospital which was great but I felt really low

    • Muffen91


      My grandma died around the holidays when I was around 5.5 years old and I still have trouble with being happy including faking being happy. I have a 13 month old and another baby on the way. I'm struggling to find a way to at least fake being happy, but so far no luck.

    • UnknownGalaxySystem


      That I'll never know what to expect before or after the holiday event. Either it'll be hell, fun, and hell, or it'll be straight hell.

    • Twinkle54


      No family, and I'm estranged from my daughter. 😥

    • HocusFocus


      The judgement. I literally brought my own alcohol and weed last time because they constantly judge me, dead name me and treat me like a girl. I'm nonbinary. It all causes anxiety and they end up talking about topics I dislike. This year it was about politics, one year it was about my perfectly healthy dad signing up for disability he doesn't need nor quality for. He doesn't have anxiety or depression. He tells me it's basically in my head.

    • Kr11z


      Having to eat around people. I struggle to even eat around my own mother, who I'm very close to. it's very uncomfortable.

    • Ashcookie


      The food and family anxiety sometimes because I go through a lot of changes and idk how to deal with myself sometimes. It depends on how I'm feeling that day.

    • Deszy


      For examples Xmas 2022 I saw my young friends get lots and lots of presents and I sit here and think why can’t I get that or why didn’t I get that at there age like what’s the difference

    • CraftyMama


      Being type 2 diabetic and not being able to handle all the well as anxiety and being lonely. Holidays come around and I just want to hide because something ALWAYS goes awry. Somebody is either sick, something gets undercooked or burnt, something isn't available in stores, something gets dropped, timing of food getting done is off, something. Just never seems worth the hassle...then I look like a bad parent because I'm "depriving my kids of memories" 😒

    • Valkyrie


      Despite being professionally diagnosed, my family insists I’m lying about being disabled.

    • MagicBunny


      For me its the problematic/cut-off family members that i have to sit and listen to and then feel my own panic attacks and sensory overloads go haywire. On top of that also hearing parents arguing over things that couls be resolved...its bleh.😥

    • ClumsyWorm


      Driving to see my family because they all moved out of the area. Also my family being split between to cities that are 2 hours apart. If my niece and nephew don't make it to my brother's, I don't get to see them 😭

    • qveenofthecastles


      The fact that my family has so many communication issues and refuses to have much needed, but hard, conversations....

    • AstraDragon


      Living far away from my family. 😔

      • ClumsyWorm


        @AstraDragon I just said the same thing. How far away is your family?

    • Wowasake


      Everything. I actually hate the holidays every since my mental health has been out of control. I’ve let my daughter down two years in a row now because I’m too broke to buy her what she wants. Covid and holidays ruined my mental health. I hate both of them now

    • grilledcarrot


      It's actually really stupid but during Christmas I like have an anxiety attack or somethin because opening presents and having everyone watch me do it is just absolutely horrible and I never feel like I deserve any of the awesome things I get

    • Denotchka


      The last few years it’s been the isolation. I can’t stand it. I feel rejected and neglected. It’s been PAINFUL FOR ME.

    • chloerosbo


      Everyone saying 'happy christmas' 'happy new year' and saying it back with gritted teeth knowing it's been the worse of all

    • Shoyo1hinata


      This Christmas was the first one that my great great grandma couldn't come to because she has dementia and was put in a nursing home..

    • leigh12


      the hardest thing is that i have to pretend to be happy and love the holidays.

    • BrokenRainbows


      The fact that I don’t have a family anymore because my entire family has disowned me for being queer…..

      • chloerosbo


        @BrokenRainbows this is awful I'm so sorry but proud of you also to be brave enough to be proud of who you are and live your truth. You will find chosen family Instead 💕

    • KaiLuca


      The hardest thing is not having my people around as I lost a lot of family last year

      • BrokenRainbows


        @KaiLuca I’m in a similar situation as I lost a majority of my family when I came out 5 years ago 💕

    • toyspit


      i don’t spend enough time with family. i always end up feeling left out cause nobody comes to visit or i’m not allowed out or plans get cancelled. at this point i’ve just gotten used to it but the sad part is now when someone plans to come i take what they say with a grain of salt. not even just go the holidays that goes with friends and partners too

    • oliviaaa


      Feeling like i have to be bright and happy all the time. Being alone with only my family for 2-3 weeks especially hurts, seeing that all your friends spend the holidays hanging out and dont think about you. And my terrible sensory problems mame me feel like i need to act all normal when really all the bright lights, people, noises (such as bells, those have always been terrible a terrible sound ive never liked) make me want to cry half the time

    • Maverick_Meza


      My sensory issues, and not too supportive family

    • Kc13


      Lost one of my 14 yr old cats I've had since birth the day before Christmas eve his brother is lost without him and still trying to get use to my dad passing away soon to be 4 years this month

    • Littlemisssickness


      My Nana died in December and my step dad on Christmas Eve it’s not the same anymore x

    • Keisha


      my brother died by suicide on new year’s day, it’s always kinda rough around now

    • DahliaAnn


      I'm not a "fan" of the holidays. My Mom passed away during Christmas time many, many years ago, so the holidays always bring those sad memories back.

    • Marjo


      Traditions, family, good will are the main theme of the season! Try to give some effort in regard to needy families in your area! I believe everyone can give their time to help others! So many families get caught up in gifts. It’s important to remember the reason for the season! Volunteer in your local hospital: reading to sick patients, at a soup kitchen serving food, ring the bell for the Salvation Army!

    • Abigailborja


      Not be with them

    • bubs34


      It's the first Christmas without my grandpa :(

    • moonlit_shiv


      I’ve had a lot of unpleasant Christmases in the past, so sometimes those experiences stick with me when there’s no reason. Also, once the holidays are done and all the lights/deco are taken down, the rest of January and February are brutal, mostly due to the Chicago weather but also the bleak environment.

    • Rosepool


      Not being with family and not being able to eat a lot of the things .

    • DrexOrDanny



    • unicorn


      Being around family and the chaotic home environment. My mom has BPD and my dad had another personality disorder and the rest of my family face other mental illnesses, so there’s conflict and we trigger each other, etc. We do love each other and have good times, but the rough times can be hard.

    • WhoKnows


      Sure to finances, location, neurology, I couldn't give my kid the quality Christmas I would have wanted to.

      • WhoKnows


        @WhoKnows *due to

    • Feral


      Im trans and will hear my deadname over and over again even though ive told everyone to call me Nexus. And im a male getting girly pink nail polish... im 23 I dont want nail polish. And i want to be respected. Also i have agarophobia and going to others houses is a struggle especially when theres food bc of my arfid.

    • Charlie_17


      Oh God. It's literally God. So much religious trauma surrounding this time of year.

      • KratomEater


        @Charlie_17 there are lot of us here that understand how that is. Stay strong message me anytime.

    • SecondChance


      The tree

    • RandomRylee


      Getting in trouble and yelled at for talking and then also getting yelled at for not talking.

    • Bunny73


      Having to put on a happy face for everyone cuz they don't understand my mental health and tell me to "just don't be depressed or anxious"

    • Val0829



    • hydroepilepic21



    • SecondChance


      My cousin's death

    • Ryou


      The food and the expectations

    • luce__


      Going to spend time with family and wanting to be out but worrying that i'm overdoing it. Knowing I should probably really just use the break to properly recharge 👍

    • Joany


      Oddly enough, the gifts. Either buying them or receiving them, I always end up with anxiety because I do too much overthinking when it comes to Christmas presents 😓

    • hurt_copain


      The food. The stress. The mess.

    • minime273


      I don't actually know. Christmas is one of my favorite holidays (tho I celebrate Secular Christmas lol) and I love the experience, but a lot of my issues start acting up around this time of year, and I'm not entirely sure why.

    • sageblanl


      All of it. Seeing my family that hates me, eating food that makes me insecure, and all the crowded spaces no matter where you go.

    • Mouse12144


      For me, it’s thinking about those we have lost over the years, especially those I spent many a Christmas with. I get very stressed out around Xmas as I get so excited about it too ( I wake up around 4 am most Xmas days ) I guess my mental health goes to s**t sometimes around Xmas too.

    • everyanimalisFLUFFY


      This year particularly (2022); My father is dead, his kitty is dead, my service dog is dead, and I started chemo is November which means I’m in quarantine. it’s been a bad year and I wish holidays just went away.

    • Kangarabbit


      The massive change of routine.

    • Zebragirl


      So many plans and so much pre-break school work is taking a HUGE toll on my body. It's begging for me to take a break but even during break I'm pretty booked

      • luce__


        @Zebragirl yep!! Same here

    • hydroepilepic21


      Celebrating them

    • Stormcloud_Phantom


      The fact that i am at home, in an unwelcoming and unsupportive environment, which massively effects our mental health, as we are constantly reminded about being FAB status, our deadname, and the general family problems that we have at the moment tied in with our mental health… it never goes well. We always have to mask around my family, as we cannot be ourselves around them, and it takes a lot out of us and such we are more drained then usual.

      • everyanimalisFLUFFY


        @Stormcloud_Phantom 🙏 I’m sorry

    • SomeKindaKid


      My family likes to remind me how much they don’t like me by getting me stuff they know I don’t want. They do it on purpose so they can pretend they care and got me a present but it’ll literally be stuff I hate or already own 20 of the same exact thing.

      • everyanimalisFLUFFY


        @SomeKindaKid that’s terrible, I’m so sorry! 🙏

      • SomeKindaKid


        @SomeKindaKid Also my family members that like to scream infront of everyone when I took my PTSD meds “WHAT IS THAT” me:….”my ptsd meds” them:”WHAT IS THAT” and they’d literally keep doing it so everyone knows :(

    • Br1


      Meeting with family. i just know they’re gonna say something embarrassing i did years ago and they’ll tease me for it.

    • DustyPines


      Money stresses

    • PrincessTinkerbell


      I find it all very overwhelming..

    • Denotchka


      My elder family members are mostly gone and I can no longer have them to talk to.

      • everyanimalisFLUFFY


        @Denotchka I’m sorry 🙏

    • petersimp2023


      Being around over people it's hard for me to be around other new people

    • mysoulismelting


      Last two year has been the grief. My oma passed in February of 21 and my opa February of 22. It's my family's first year's spending it without them, as we would always visit and spend Christmas break with them.

      • everyanimalisFLUFFY


        @mysoulismelting I relate; I lost my father December 31 2021. The holidays will never be the same and it’s just the absolute worst. You and your family are in my prayers for your grief. 🙏

    • KendraRobotrix


      Having to think about the family members who are not with us anymore... 😥😥😥

      • everyanimalisFLUFFY


        @KendraRobotrix I relate. I’m so sorry. 🙏

    • SecondChance



    • MooGoober


      Guilt, lots of guilt.

    • shoe


      Holidays are supposed to be about family and spending time together. I am so jealous of people that can do that with family, even their parents. My family doesn't really get along and alot of my family is dead, and one set of Grandparents,that are divorced, is the only thing I have to enjoy on holidays, if my family doesn't fight.

    • nick88


      I feel the same, it's a really hard time of year, just remember aslong as you see your kids and they know your there for them that's all they need

    • SR96


      For me I get more depressed and feel majorly down after Christmas. After the build up is all done. After all the excitement when life goes back to normal

    • MooMin


      probably knowing that everyone is issuing a facade, none of us are truly happy

    • Harli


      I stress about making it a good Christmas for my daughter, about affording even just small gifts. It depresses me that I worry about that stuff.

      • SR96


        @Harli mines the same for my 3 children 😥

    • sarcasmic1der


      Getting it all done while swallowing the pain and exhaustion

      • luce__


        @sarcasmic1der 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • Len


      Work obligations smothering any chance of relaxing

    • fromhalfwaydown


      Being around my bigot family and feeling obligated to be the person to educate and correct them. It’s exhausting and emotionally painful

    • mtrocha


      Missing my kids who my x has n I haven't physically seen in 9 years now. We in different states

    • bellacourse


      Seasonal depression. It gets super bad around the holidays and at night.

    • alyssa2005


      I have lost 3 family members in the last year and a half. The fact that their not going to be at Christmas this year physically hurts me.

    • Xinderella


      Not getting gifts

    • Frances92


      Being around people, the extra stimulus in stores, christmas music literally everywhere, and my family "planning" things.

    • Scoutie


      Missing my grown children

    • SecondChance


      Knowing that I have a family back home who would rather be self destructive than get their act together. Sexual abuse, ignorance and pure selfishness are masked by lies. I also miss having a dad who cares and a cousin who would be alive today if things were different.

      • shoe


        @SecondChance That sounds very hard :<, im sorry about that..

    • Lovinffhmusic


      Having explosive GI issues and not knowing what my food triggers are. I tend to restrict instead of enjoying the holiday foods because I don’t want to end up in the bathroom all night 😥

      • SecondChance


        @Lovinffhmusic you need dicyclomine

    • FS_cookielove


      Not wanting to celebrate holidays due to my depression or personality but feeling obligated to. I want to just treat them as normal days and when I tell someone I have no plans they immediately feel bad and pity me. I just don't feel like celebrating holidays that celebrate things when I have so much trauma to feel I deserve to celebrate

    • Stephanya


      the pressure of giving gifts when I can barely afford to feed myself

    • lowempathyhighenergy


      My family. It sucks that just because there's a tree up my mom expects me to pretend that everything is okay and I forgive her...

    • Javen


      Affording the gifts I want to get for people. I feel sad I can't get what I want to get for people because I don't want to completely drain my bank account. I also feel guilt for it.

    • Sunflower_47


      Getting gifts. I struggle with the thought of being good enough or doing enough to receive even the slightest attention..

    • RTJS


      Financial pressure, social expectations, masking, and being away from my friends.

    • Amityzoe


      Being back to acting ciss

    • lazydaisy


      Financial pressure and expectations

    • frog.0928


      I get anxiety about seeing my family

    • allymwa


      remembering gifts

    • Rory_


      I have not enjoyed Christmas since I was young and have a lot of trauma linked to the festive period. Usually I would hide away and avoid family/celebrating beyond the bare minimum I was expected to do. But I recently gave birth to a baby boy in May of this year and I now acknowledge that avoiding the holiday will no longer be an option— as I do not by any means want to push my issues on him and I will do everything within my ability to make sure he never feels the same way about such an intimate family holiday like I have in the past. Yet whilst saying all of this, I cannot yet decide if I’m ‘excited’ for my son’s first Christmas, or as per usual dreading the entire ordeal. I have a lot of anxiety building, much like I always do this time of year. I just wish it wasn’t like this and that I could enjoy the special moments like these. 😥

    • Athena80


      Having to eat.

    • Rosie..Elizabeth


      Having family that doesn't understand anything that I need thim to

    • Jessabean


      My family are exhausting. We're pretty much all neurodivergent so we struggle to not talk over each other while also feeling overwhelmed by each other. I'm the only one with chronic illness though and they still never bothered understanding it and my symptoms. I'm expected to spend the whole day chatting and helping with the kids with no rest! 😥

    • Sydie_Bear


      I think my family is a bit overwhelming and so much stuff to do really gets me overloaded super fast and then I get kinda bitchy. It’s a terminal illness at this point.

    • Leah_leah


      That my cousin is not here to celebrate with me 🕊️❤️

    • OurLadyOfChaos


      Being broke af so not being able to decorate or get anyone gifts 😞

    • feralsharkdog


      Being so far away from my family. I'm halfway across the USA from them and it gets lonely.

    • Pikachu422004


      Missing all my friends. Being home from university means that my friends are no longer just down the corridor or a short walk away but instead miles if not countries away. It’s like my main support system (as I find it much easier to be open and myself around my university friends) has gone for 4 weeks which is hard.

    • PlatoLogic12


      Feeling like I’m the scape goat for everyone’s blame in my family because I put up the biggest fight against the toxicity.

    • StarrKeats


      I lost my grandad before Christmas years ago and it's my first Christmas without my auntie and best friend who both died to suicide

    • wifey28


      I lost my dad it has been a year he passed away September the 6 of last year

    • Miky


      My mom. I love the holidays, but the pressure of my mom stresses me out

    • Captain_Honey


      The fear of not being listened to. That and the bill

    • PDKB_Angels


      Knowing that again, I am the ONLY one left of my own (mom,dad,sibling) family. I can't celebrate with them anymore.

    • italianxpeaches


      The fact I'm single now. Was really looking forward to trying to make this Christmas better/happier than the last...

    • Tracks


      Seeing everyone with their spouses or GF’s, since im single.

      • italianxpeaches


        @Tracks this really hits home for me. Was just about to comment the same.

    • Mr._Dank


      Being with my family.. I’m trans ftm, and they don’t accept me. I have a few family members who do. But my mother, one of my two sisters, and one aunt in particular always got to be misgendering me.. I’m 5 years on T too… My father passed away in 2019, so that makes it even harder.. and this is most likely my last Christmas with my grandmother:( She accepts me, which makes it even harder

    • dan91


      That's a holiday ks supposed to be relaxing but they take effort meaning you feel you nedd a holiday for a holiday

    • Country_FLMama


      Not living up to the fantasy of magical moments.

    • beeangy


      Being reminded I feel terrible around my family. And I usually spend the holidays alone, or w my immediate family, and it always has something terrible happen. I wish I could spend it w friends or smt in the future. I like being alone tho for now

    • Melissa28


      My grandad no longer being here

    • Something_Strange


      Transphobic family who doesn't give two shits about who I actually am and only loves me for who they want me to be

    • Bug_bear


      Being around my entire family... I've never reacted well to it. I have social anxiety and c-ptsd so the entire time I'm just in fight or flight.

    • ihaschevy


      My bank account. And obesity.

    • ashj


      Not having my mom around

    • WhiteFlamingo


      Usually, the hardest thing is getting all the gifts together last-minute, especially since I often make gifts by hand. I have a problem with procrastination because of my anxiety and OCD.

    • riaa_


      this time of year just reminds me of my grandma that passed….it’s almost been a year in january

    • Leopuppy


      That i have to talk to the other side of my family

    • RattheRemi


      Seasonal depression and some holiday trauma

    • Sevyn0Sevyn


      Christmas trauma. There's been a lot of familial health crises right around Christmas and I moved away this year so it's rough.

    • colourfulburrito


      Food and people. I always think they're looking at me like oh you gained weight look at you when in reality, they're probably not. I also have to see my cousin who is a recovered anorexic but naturally on the bonier side and me and her got into fight about it because we both wanted to be better than each other.

    • cloudnine


      being pressured to eat (even more than usual) and needing time alone to be able to use my (unhealthy) coping skill. i struggle with addiction and my substance use kills my appetite so i just can’t eat and it’s very noticeable. it’s also hard to get private time to use. the shame and guilt kills me, honestly.

    • Fishkin


      Dealing with a family who thinks I’m lazy and disappointing. It’s just because I can’t manage when I’m undiagnosed. I’m tired and sad all the time even if I don’t have any reason. I try to keep my head up and do chores and all of that but it’s not easy. I’m just trying my best.

    • Kupkake96


      Definitely family…I’m usually the butt of the joke and they don’t understand why I get so upset.

    • el6


      Not having family or really anyone to spend any time with. I just have to watch everyone else have a nice time and making memories with loved ones whilst sitting alone in my flat

    • spatula


      Finding time for myself! Everything is so oriented around spending time with family but people make me so burnt out sometimes and there are so many commitments and it's hard to turn people down because they mean well but it is exhausting!

    • Tracks


      Seeing everybody in my family, with a significant other except me. 😥

    • ifyouknowmenoyoudont


      I've got a pretty big family on my dad's side and during gatherings there's always people I don't know who want to hug me. I'm not touch adverse... When it comes to people I know and love. At Thanksgiving someone hugged me like 6 times and I didn't have a clue who she was.

    • poodlelover28


      When my family and I start fighting. And I always break up with my partner around the holidays so I always end up being alone. This year was my choice but I didn't have much of a choice. Plus I've had to put two cats down on Thanksgiving before so that can be a trigger for me.

    • Prince.Ali


      Not spending it with my dad

    • mashed_potato


      I cant offer a healthy and full environment for someone I love because I can't get over the fear and abuse they've caused me. I'm happy when they go somewhere else for the holiday... they will be happier there, and I can be free from the stress.

    • MultiMato


      The loneliness caused by being around family I can’t connect with.

    • summershimmer


      Being expected to be healthy as its like my family forget I have limitations that don't disappear because of Christmas

    • Cuz


      The hardest thing about the holidays for me I miss my family that I lost. My mother’s been gone for a year and a half. I miss the old days.

    • mushroom.frog


      I suffer from severe social anxiety so when I am at an event with more than 5 people I go to the bathroom and have a panic attacks

    • Sapphire34


      My mom passed away October 21st of this year and not having her here anymore makes hard

    • DanaTheActress


      Just being alone in a toxic family. I wish I was around pleasant people to do festive things with, & I wish I could create my own life a little faster!

    • hydroepilepic21


      Christmas is an even harder holiday for me because my grandparents on my dads side died around that time November 2016-2017.

    • Mara.Vaughn


      cw : death Along with having difficulty socializing, I always think about my friend who passed away. Her birthday is 2 days before a certain holiday so I am working on feeling better during the holidays. I am a little better now that I can see a therapist sometimes

    • KittyMommy420


      Being without my grandparents. They really raised me, my grandma passed the day after Christmas 4 years ago. We got the call she wasn't doing well. My parents, husband and myself tried to get one last moment with her, drove 2 States away to see her , but the nursing home said we couldn't go see her. She died an hour later.

    • Something_Strange


      We worry that Christmas won't feel special... It hasn't felt right since 2020 ... And the fact that we don't talk to our family about our DID ... And the fact that they don't give a shit that we're trans and refuse to call us even neutral pronouns.... It pisses me off... They all act like they know me but I'm not even real to them... They don't know who I actually am and I can't tell them... Idk if I would still be accepted as family or dismissed as just some lesser voice in someone's head... I'm a person... And it just hurts to know I won't be seen or treated like one. (V.)

    • Ethan_Higginbotham


      I don't feel accepted in my own family. I am constantly misgendered and deadnamed by everyone who 'loves' me. I just constantly think about SH during holidays (never acted on anything)

    • Maddie6


      Relapsing in SH

    • Weiss


      Missing the deceased, my depression, and my aches, pains, and migranes.

    • IceGoddess


      Blood not accepting you and constantly misgendering/dead naming you

      • Something_Strange


        @IceGoddess same here

    • notsoccsionally


      the amount of people in one place together makes me feel weird, but its also mainly the food.

    • Crowsasgods


      Not being able to celebrate the way I want to or participate in [the holidays] how everyone else does.

    • Viynyl


      Sensory overloads as well as inaccessibility, as well as having the type of family that dosent care about my disabilities and oftend discards me when I say I have an issue going somehwere or doing something that people want to do.

    • Ley


      The stress, anxiety, and depression. Knowing that the holidays aren’t the same because no one really cares about each other.

    • The14thDoctor


      Sensory Overload

    • cakefan


      Last year my marriage falling apart and knowing I needed to leave, this year the first Christmas on my own, which is fine, but feel for the kids as their Dad doesn't want to see them

    • faeryshrooms


      Remembering my family (I was emancipated).

    • Harley100719


      I remember alot and the loss of someone is still effecting me really badly

    • Kittypop


      Being around my mom, knowing that she sabotaged such an important day in my life & has no remorse or takes any responsibility for it. I don't even want to look at her, but she's still my mom...

    • tea444


      TW: SELF HARM i started c!tting during the holidays, and i usually rel@pse around these times

    • DrakellaEuphrates


      Not being with family. Most dont like me.

    • Captain_Honey


      Not feeling as happy as others. People always act so happy during the holidays but im usually miserable. And depression feels like it's off limits during the holidays

    • YourLeftKidney16


      Seeing family sucks; it's all yeehaw, country music, and homophobia.

    • SageSlays


      Any public events/shows I go to because i feel so out of place

    • Arin922


      Seeing all the food that my family gets to eat that would make me sick. I really miss being able to eat a normal diet around the holidays

    • SarahW


      The amount of money I have to spend that I don’t have. I feel so guilty not being able to give gifts to my family

    • RosiePosie21


      My family is way too toxic so celebrating holidays with family just feel like it’s forced. We pretend one day out of the year to be a big happy family and go back to being super toxic. I just hate acting like nothing is wrong when something is clearly wrong.

    • AudaCity


      Traveling. This year is going to suck because my hip is screwed up and if I have to sit in an airplane without being able to lie down for four hours I'm going to scream

    • ATrainwreck


      People treating me like I'm both fragile and overreacting at the same time. They know it can get bad but they don't understand at all.

    • LeighShinoda


      The empty chairs....reminders of the ones I've lost..... makes the depression harder and deeper. I cry a lot around the holidays.....😥

      • ATrainwreck


        @LeighShinoda My dms are open if you want to put it out there with no response or if just you want to talk. I can be an ear or a distraction should you need it.

    • Gwen71


      Actually getting in the Christmas spirit.

    • Masscrystal


      New one here seasonal depression and getting blamed for the reason people can’t be with their families and feeling more urges to abuse drugs and alcohol

    • krogers05051995


      The most common problem with holidays for me is not being around family so my depression acts up this will be my first year having gastroparesis on Thanksgiving so I don't know how it's going to go

    • BeanBetter


      I would have to say that the Ice is probably the hardest thing for me during the holidays.

    • WhiteRose2021


      The hardest thing about the holidays for me is that I won't get to see my blood family...

    • Snuggie


      Worst part is leaving the house. Having to be near people and having to stand and walk for long periods of time. It’s exhausting.

    • mermaidap


      the food & the comments that come with it :(

    • spicysugar


      Seeing abusers

    • Whovian_in_221B


      Cooking. I love it and love people's reaction to it, but there's so many people to feed/in the kitchen that it's hell on my back and knee

    • lostinbmore


      Up until recent medicinal changes, for me. It was detention and anxiety. Things always kept going wrong and I began to anticipate the fights and the issues and greater depression which turned into a feedback loop.

    • ncizzle


      Living 2500 miles away from my family

    • Keke81


      Missing loved ones like my grandmothers and grandfathers I miss them a lot for real!

    • Kishi


      The schedule of Christmas day and the days leading up to it is so different than usual (staying in pajamas all day, opening boxes, etc.) that it always makes me dissociate, sometimes quite badly, and it can be very distressing which means I can't enjoy the holiday

    • Weneli


      😥 yeah it can be

    • Weneli


      Memories of holidays past with lots family around. Most are dead now... dinner for 2. 😞

    • Mafuyu


      I’m never able to eat with my family due to my stomach issues, so it’s always very emotionally hard to sit there and watch everyone eating happily knowing that I’ll never be able to do that with them. They are all used to me sitting out of it and think nothing of it, but it tears me up each and every time.

    • Target


      All the sweets

    • ThnksFrThMmrs


      Thinking about how my family was pulled apart this time of year and how I treated my mom because I thought I was doing the right thing then.

    • scurrly2


      All of it and leaving up to 😥

    • tblusmama


      Being alone because I refuse to be around my abusive family.

    • PurplePenguin


      The replays of my mom attempting suicide on Christmas Eve.... Waking up Christmas morning to my dad saying she's in the hospital.... It's rough

    • Jo420


      The immense feeling of loss and resentment. My brother passed in 2014, my mom (not my biological mother but the woman that *was* my mom) and uncle in 2016 and I just lost my best friend in October of this year. I feel so guilty for celebrating without them. And I feel guilty for not appreciating who I have left but it just seems like 90% of everyone else I have left has just hurt me over and over. I feel like shit saying that I would trade most of who I have now for those that have passed…

      • tblusmama


        @Jo420 I get that. I lost my boyfriend two years ago and I'm angry that all these other shitty assholes I know are still breathing and that beautiful man is gone. I guess it's true when they say God takes a good ones first. I don't think you should feel guilty about celebrating without them, they wouldn't want that. I mean How can you feel guilty not celebrating with him if they're not here to celebrate with you? Would be different if you were excluding them from something but that's not the case. I think that they would want you to enjoy their holidays. You always have to remember what they would want for you. But they want you to so guilty all the time? Leave your life like they would want you to live it, make them proud. Also, I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm here if you need to talk.

    • Junpier_Rising


      All the family thinking you are required to give them a hug. The fear of them judging you for a personal change. The idea that an argument could break out 👁👄👁

    • Karrieanne73


      Getting into the spirit of them

    • Eren2273


      Lack of money

    • puzzle


      food. i have an eating disorder and on thanksgiving it’s hell to get through and when it’s over, i remember that i still have to get through christmas. then there’s the family aspect. as a whole it just reminds me of how much i wish my family could be normal and healthy. christmas is one of my favorite holidays but over the years it has just gotten more and more sad.

    • x0_ar1a


      the fact that my grandfather died and he was always such a big part of christmas. also knowing that every christmas may be the last with my grandmother

    • imaginativewriter


      My dads death (10 years ago this year)

    • BeanBetter


      My cousin's death

    • MorganVL


      My mom's side and dad's side constantly at each other's throats (mom is Jewish and dad is Christian making me interfaith and my moms side gets me gifts for both Jewish and Christian holidays but my dad's side doesn't they only do gifts on Christian holidays) and my dad's side constantly wants to do Christmas Eve and always changes what we do behind our backs making it so we get stuck doing stuff with certain family members whom are very problematic on Christmas Day (but last year in protest we didn't go over to that person's house and my dad's brother got mad aka my uncle and my aunt but my little cousin could give lesser of a f*ck than I do we just text saying that the fighting is ridiculous and that the adults pulling both of our severely disabled neurodivergent arses into the fighting is unnecessary as f*ck)

    • Pooge2255


      Realizing the people that you once shared holiday dinners slowly decreases over the years.

    • LaEly


      For me, it’s the running around and trying to be this happy go lucky person when I’m actually dying on the inside. My anxiety is high during this time due to having to be somewhere at a certain time and the fact that I have seasonal affective disorder doesn’t make it easier. My SAD gets even worse when I’m around people that I either don’t want to be around and cause me more depression or because they have this ideal of me that is now unrealistic because I have changed a lot since being in high school. This doesn’t even include buying the presents and worrying about money which is a whole different story.

    • XElliottXOrionx


      All of the parties that I'm expected to show up to and the length of time I'm expected to be out doing things, going in the car is hard, and I get exhausted easily it's difficult to handle so many different parties and how sick I get from being around so many people who don't understand why I get sick so easily. Then they get mad when I don't go because I'm in too much pain or I'm sick and can't get out of bed and claim I'm the bad guy for not forcing myself to go or say I'm making excuses to not be around them.

    • Rory711


      Definitely the food. I have an ed so the big focus on food is super hard

    • AorticOwl980


      Having to sit through the conversation and asked about dating or something i couldn't care less about and don't know how to reply to

    • Magpie42


      The inability for my mother to accept that I really cannot consume gluten.

    • nonamki


      Not being able to be with my family

    • MsAi


      Dealing with bad memories that tend to come back up around this time. As well as dealing with family that I don't normally interact with.

    • Leviross


      Being around family I don't like.

    • JJ_W


      Food - triggers my BED and I feel guilty for eating anything even though everyone else is.

    • T1ffj


      Not being able to physically do activities. Everywhere is icy during the holidays and I can’t travel safely on ice of course so I watch from afar as people Ice skate & go see Christmas trees or walk around trick or treating or finding Easter eggs.

    • simply13



    • Tyler71


      The loneliness even when your around family

    • Phoinyxisnotonfire


      Having to be around people that don't understand how hard it is to live with the mental illnesses that I have to live with.

    • Masscrystal


      Probably the emotional hangover my mom calls it I do great but after I get so burnt out and kinda sad lol

    • Deep_Feelings


      Family gatherings have always been really stressful. I get overwhelmed and overstimulated when people yell. And, sometimes, I feel emotionally numb (emotionally “stonewalled” from myself?)…like I’m waiting to feel the magic of the holidays. Then I feel disappointed, once I’ve processed my emotions and am greeted with the feeling that feels like disappointment.

    • Sincerely


      I hate holidays. They have always been the source of a problem in my life. As a child, it was difficult because I had to spend them with one parent or the other. It was burdensome!!!! In my early life, I always had to defend myself and fight criticism because I didn't want to celebrate holidays. People would force me, as an adult, to celebrate things I don't believe it. Right down to government agencies....I was called a bad parent for not wanting to. Now, after going through h*** behind celebration, I'm completely alone and definitely don't see a reason to celebrate anything, not even birthdays, but it's still a nuisance because of how the world shuts down.... So while everyone else is carrying on and celebrating fables, I come home and close my door. Because the hardest thing about holidays for me is how forceful and abusive people can be about them. The hardest thing is people not respecting my right to not do them; I don't believe in holidays.

    • Songbird24


      The reminder that I don’t have a real dad (even though I do have my mom and I love her), that I never will have a real dad

    • PurplePenguinsPolka


      Family gatherings will never be the same or as exciting as when I was a kid. Too many people have died and now the stress of it all just removed a level of joy. And this year, my long term boyfriend dumped me so he won't be there either.

    • Talab00


      My cousins always been an outcast in my family🙌

    • Gwen71


      Actually having to put up decorations when I don't have the holiday spirit.

    • Alyh


      Once holiday season my depression hits hard. I can't enjoy anything. And like the magic if holidays isn't even there anymore. No one really celebrates. With Christmas I have to buy many people gifts that they probably could care less about and everything is now electronics so how could I get them something? It gives me anxiety because I have a super low paying job, many people to buy for, but they all want expensive crap. I'm not a fan of the snow. On Thanksgiving I hate the fights. There is many things I don't like and I wish I could enjoy it

    • Swiftie13


      Not getting to eat sweets associated with each holiday (I’m carb/sugar free)

    • WhyisOliviasopopular


      I just hate Christmas because most of my truamma stems from a holiday my dad has ruined or something of that sort but I also dislike Christmas cause everyone rushes it then I'm burnt out by December and not feeling it anymore.

    • Bob5648


      Everything, I don't feel like being around anyone

    • Kris_TheDumbo


      Being with my family

    • canadaisntreal


      completely unwelcome and unjustified disappointment. then the guilt for it.

    • NiiTA


      Not being happy when my fam is..

    • XJ


      Being absolutely alone

    • Hopeydopey


      That I don't have the money to get my boyfriend or parents anything. It sucks. I know it's all about being with your loved ones but I feel like a loser that I can't do it.

    • Chris1


      Some of my family members being deceased

    • shimshim


      Being expected to cook a Grand meal during holidays just about kills me.Evem worse now the dishes need cleaned .I just can't do it anymore .The pain is relentless and exhausting

    • songSungblue30315


      Being around my family and trying hard not to make everyone nervous. I can't say or look like I'm dizzy or too tired because then everyone is on alert I'll have a seizure. I'm on meds. There's like maybe a 5% chance if ALL of my triggers line up, but the dizziness still stresses everybody out.

    • Wildcat


      So very sorry dear. To have MS is terrible in itself.

    • adixon


      My fiancé passed away last May and I've just been a hollow shell of a person ever since. There's nothing that can ever fill that agonizing void.

    • poodlelover28


      I always seem to get dumped around the holidays. Looks like that's where my current relationship is headed...

    • DaBerryFactory


      Being so tired that I can’t participate. Not to mention the trauma that comes along with Christmas, because, I got SA’d by my cousin of 22 years when I was 12 on Christmas Day. Christmas has and will forever be ruined for me. -Celeste (DID host alter)

    • Sarahjean


      My ex died 2 years ago on Dec 14, 2 weeks later my best friend died in front of me dec 28, TWO WEEKS LATER my grandmother died jan 11. 😥 😥 😥

    • Babsmd


      7 years ago on Christmas I was driving home on an unlit road and I struck and killed a 19 year old man. I never saw him. He was dressed in black, walking in the middle of the road. Autopsy showed alcohol and cannabis in his blood. I was arrested for vehicular manslaughter and had to go to court monthly for 17 months until the charge was dropped. There was a civil suit as well which decimated my savings. Every Christmas season I get suicidal and have to be hospitalized. It was not my fault, but the guilt never goes away, as well as the damage to my reputation.

    • cheerycloud


      Seeing new babies on the holidays then getting asked "when are you next" knowing biological families are not in our cards and adopting is expensive and fostering is harder than people can understand.

    • Asteroidrose


      I was in and out of the hospital last year. the things that my body was going through... I was in the hospital for each holiday.. it was very difficult for me and my family.

    • hydroepilepic21


      I always feel like an outsider because I don't always know how to communicate/ respond to people when they ask me things or talk to me.

    • Ella101


      LONELINESS I’m always alone and seeing everyone else be together all happy and I have no one

    • Razzberry


      Lonely and grieving loss

    • Nicoratboy


      Feeling stuck with my family

    • Charlyn


      Wondering if my boyfriend is going to show up or bail again. 😥

    • wilted_da1sies


      Remembering that my parents have to misgender me for my grandparents. It feels like a stab in the back. I’ve been trying to come out to my grandparents, but my parents keep telling me that it’s not a good time. But I also don’t know when a good time would be either tho.

    • cinnabunni


      My birthday is just a few days after the holidays, and my family usually picks one or the other- which means the birthday gets forgotten. Sometimes I wish I was born just a tiny bit earlier or later so I could celebrate independent of the holidays- they just make me feel a bit more alone than unified

    • SoggyWombat


      I have SAD. The end of the year is always tough, I will get, well sad, because of all the missed opportunities I had missed in the year. I really dislike December the most. This was primarily in my teenage, early 20s but I still suffer it to some extent nowadays.

    • Crypt6


      Knowing that maybe 3 people out my entire family will call me my name and pronouns without misgendering me. The rest are disrespectful and don't care how I feel. But I still stay around them because they're family and I don't have much of that left.

    • Bre19


      Having to give a lot of energy

    • spicysugar


      Seeing abusive, predatory family members that I can otherwise avoid

    • Aquarius_Mage


      I think the hardest thing for me is the weather and earlier darkness. It makes it hard to enjoy such a joyous time with family, when depression just makes you numb and want to sleep.

    • KaylaK


      When my little cousins get all the attention on Christmas it's like my mind is sometimes not in the mind set that I'm important to.

    • Masscrystal


      The family expectations except now I have my own family now so things are different thankfully but my family is more understanding now

    • TheMoonGoddess420


      Being around family members that don't take your health seriously. So this year will be different I will only spend it with the ones who truly love me and take my health seriously. ☮💙🖤💜🕯

    • NicheCacophony


      Dealing with family members who don’t understand you/criticize you

    • lilac.silhouette


      food and the overwhelming amount of people

    • Kishi


      Holidays often make me dissociate and every time a holiday comes around again, i'm hopeful that it will be different and i won't dissociate, but i'm almost always wrong about that so then i'm also disappointed on top of being dissociated

    • Magpie42


      My family. My mother refuses to try to make gluten-free food so the responsibility falls on me and my aunt, who also has celiac. I'm already tired enough from having to go to family functions and then I have to cook a bunch of stuff to take to them. Were it not for my Grandmother, who is more like a mom to me, I would just stay home.

    • flawedsanity


      Everything, really. Even when I was younger, holidays were never a big thing in my household. Once my Dad died, they became even less of a thing. But now that I'm older, alone, sick, and also sober - it's awful. It's boring, and lonely, and at least back when I was using, I had some euphoria/pain relief to look forward to, and that eased my emotional pain as well. I don't have anything to look forward to now. Being broke sucks too.

    • Aquapalooza


      My whole life I've never had anyone my own age to spend time with during the Holidays. It has always been just my parents and grandparents and sometimes they talk about subjects like retirement and politics...

    • SomeKindaKid


      The coke makes all my joints hurt. My jaw my knees my hips my ankles. And then of course I fall on my butt a million times on the ice lol

      • SomeKindaKid


        @SomeKindaKid COLD I MEANT COLD

        • songSungblue30315


          @SomeKindaKid 😂 Have to admit, my eyes widened a bit at "coke," but some people have strange holiday traditions. I know what you mean about the cold. I have a kind of sciatica and I can't stand anything cold on my back, hip, or leg. It's really inconvenient because I love Halloween and Christmas.

    • cricket2022


      Definitely seasonal depression and missing my dad.

    • RobertJames


      When headache comes 😥 😥

    • Denotchka


      Loss of llved ones and thefact that my cousins thi nk I'm a pain.

    • Bre19


      Feeling overwhelmed with needing to help clean around the house get gifts for the people I care about and calling people to thank them for my gift because I'm very forgetful

    • ashbear2022


      The fact that I refuse to take part in extended family dinners because of the emotional trauma they continue to cause me.

    • pagan


      Honestly it's the money, sure the holidays aren't just about spending but when everyone is getting everyone gifts I feel obligated to do the same, and I can't hold a job long enough to do that. On top of that there's 4 birthdays in February which adds on more stress

    • Honeybee1849


      It seems like every year during the holidays I push myself into a flare up by worrying whether or not the gifts are good enough, the house is clean enough, my parents house is clean (since I help them too), do we have enough food, and so I end up sick and in bed most of the day avoiding everyone so I can recover and then I get upset because I wish I could enjoy the day like everyone else

    • LostandConfused


      Trying to be happy and upbeat when all you want to do is go on a room and hide.

    • Sunflower.System


      Christmas Eve is tied to 2 different traumatic events for me. I tend to relapse around this time of year

      • LostandConfused


        @Sunflower.System sorry to hear that.

    • mx.mistoffolees


      They're just so exhausting. I want to enjoy them but the sensory overload, and having to be around people all the time and the completely different expectations of activity can be really hard both physically and mentally.

    • BevBug


      Honestly my upbringing made me despise Christmas. It's supposed to be about the joy of spending time with people you love and giving instead of receiving. I was taught that's the day you get dragged around to family members you barely speak to to put on a show of being happy, your feelings don't actually matter, and if you don't fake being sufficiently happy enough that you will be punished for doing so. I already have a problem with setting myself on fire to keep others warm. I don't need a holiday that glorifies that.

    • deardiary


      idk if anyone else feels the same way, but sometimes during thanksgiving i would get anxiety with visiting family members (esp the ones i haven’t seen in a long time) and ever since i was younger i’ve needed to step away and hide in the bathroom for several minutes because my social meter would be drained lol. i guess since they’re guests, i felt like i had to put on this sort of social performance?? does anyone relate? lol

    • kittycrime


      Everyone I know spends the holidays at big family gatherings, but because my extended family tends to be pretty toxic on top if living on the other side of the country, we don't really have big gatherings. We have found family, which is better obviously, but part of me still wishes I could enjoy "normal" family holidays.

    • highonfaith


      Expectations from others that I need to do something ie. go out,visit with family etc.

    • KayCeeBee


      I don’t handle big crowds well, and I find it stressful to have even a ton of family around. I feel like I’m putting on an act because if I’m honest about my struggles, everyone has an opinion and I end up trying to downplay my issues because I’m trying to make everyone more comfortable. I just can’t stand being told to relax and ‘stop overthinking’ like I haven’t been trying to figure out how for my entire life.

    • underwateralice


      My parents and grandparents died around the holidays I get most depressed this time of year 😥

    • shortlife


      My fam is always fighting and yelling, and everyone get stuff but me even on my birthday

    • ATrainwreck


      The unpredictability of my mood and other symptoms. They just don't get it and I don't want to ruin a holiday with a depressive or manic episode. If my sister wasn't there I'm not sure I would be either.

    • Elliott_Velvett


      Food and certain family members

    • Folly


      Before this year? Pretty much everything. We never had family get togethers. It was ALWAYS me, my sister, my grandmother, and Edna (the woman who gave birth to me and dumped me on granny). Sometimes Ednas boyfriend if she had one. A couple years ago Edna had another kid so she's been around too. Sometimes things like birthdays weren't celebrated the day of because of money trouble or just not caring/forgetting. Sometimes I wouldn't be able to eat stuff that was made cause it'd hurt or I'd eat it anyways and regret it later. Never really had friends around for any holidays except Halloween and that only lasted 3 years. This last year, since Christmas eve 2021, has been really good! My boyfriends been with me since then and we've celebrated most holidays together. We moved in together faster than others would and it was bumpy at first with all the moving stuff and our housemates joining and all. Valentines, Easter, his birthday, soon Halloween!! Then my birthday then Christmas. Everyone in the house current is atheist but we're still gonna celebrate. Why not? It's the time to give and decorate a tree and eat good food!

    • PEPhoenix


      The pressure of it also depresses me. It's too commercialized and it's not how many people really experience the holidays. It's hard financially and mentally. And can be very isolating.

    • PEPhoenix


      Not having parents (my father passed away from alcoholism and my mother has chosen addiction over her children) I don't really have any family to share it with, except my partner and cats. 🥺❤️

    • Hellokittyprincess


      Well since my lil sis who died is no longer here Christmas hits hard cause its her fav holiday

      • PEPhoenix


        @Hellokittyprincess I'm so sorry for your loss. 💕

    • suspiciouscat


      my family always fights. looking back on the moments i was younger and there were no arguments. wondering where it all went wrong.

    • roryascher27


      TW i was sa by my biological father and his friends in a group assault around thanksgiving when i was 7. i was sa again around thanksgiving when i was 15 by my ex. who told me it didn’t feel good enough and then abandoned me. i was abandoned by the first person who made me feel loved around christmas in 2021. my last suicide attempt was around christmas in 2020. the tension between family around the holidays. having to mask in front of people so i won’t be made fun of. the constant “you look bigger” comments. the loud noise and the alcohol and the drugs that i’ve been trying so hard to sober up from…. except weed i love my weed plant i’ve named him demarcus. the fact that i’m reminded that i’m a failure cause i dropped out of college. and even though i’m back in college now my major is not the one they wanted me to go for. being told my pagan holidays aren’t real holidays. so many things.

    • VioletRaine


      Most of my life I've found myself alone on the holidays, so watching the people around me go to gatherings and talk about time with family and loved ones reminds me of everything I want in life that I cannot seem to reach.

    • kitajenn


      Loss of my mom

    • bum


      It reminds me of being a child again, it makes me miss when I was oblivious to everything that was happening. Not just in the world, but in my family as well, I think I just miss being a kid lol.

    • Knees


      TW My SA. It happened on Christmas at my grandmothers house. The noise and the smell and the colors of the holiday send a trauma response. I usually blackout the whole time of November to December.

    • Rico_SD


      Seeing the hypocrisy in Christmas and having to bite my tongue around the Catholics in my family and my wife’s family. I was the most devout believer of us all. But the more I learned about religion, it’s roots in astrological mythology, the history of the bible(s) writing and editing m, the history of European Christianity (google Constantine), and comparative religion (many parallels because people across the world were gazing at the same sky) I realized it’s all bullshit. Then combine that with the evil that the Roman Catholic Church (the genesis of European Christianity) has done and continues to do (colonialism, rape of indigenous women, a culture of systemic child rape, inventing white supremacy, slavery, genocide, oppression of women, murder and oppression of gay people, etc. It’s pure fucking torture to hear them get all excited for an Americanized version of a European pagan winter solstice celebration under the illusion of European Christianity (which denies its pagan influence) while in the Middle East (remember, that’s where Christianity started Christmas is a religious day about Christ. Ignorance was bliss while it lasted but even as a kid it took quite a bit of cognitive dissonance to keep believing these poorly-written astrological mythology stories and accept it as not just fact but as a way to live my life.

    • Rico_SD



    • fratboykermit


      food is extra stressful. we have to find money and time to prepare holiday meals, and i still don't want to eat them

    • ashbear2022


      From September to "American Easter" is my families holiday season there is not a single month there isn't a "holiday" of some sort. I refuse to celebrate anymore with extended family because of the way they treat me infront of EVERYONE! I seem to have a mental breakdown every year around this time because of all the past trauma and stress. Like I need a vacation from all of it and there isnt time or money to do so.

      • Rico_SD


        @ashbear2022 it’s good you set limits and don’t celebrate with extended family when you don’t feel like it. Only YOU know what’s right for your mental health. Don’t be pressured to participate in something that harms you.

      • ashbear2022


        @ashbear2022 Ive also spent several "major holidays" in a psych ward because of the emotional damage it unearths like clockwork.

    • Leot0603


      Eating the food and not feeling guilty cuz of my eating disorder

    • MindPill


      Trying to navigate spending time with my family so I don't feel guilty vs respecting my own boundaries and telling myself it's ok to not want to be with them.

    • StevenIroy


    • spunky0129


      Not having my kids or my parents

    • twizabeth


      My family thinking my service dog is just a pet that I'm uptight about.

    • AnotherSDhandler


      The traveling. I get super depressed and physically in pain while traveling, migraine meds are my savior

    • rorose


      bringing the family together then actually being together.

    • Pickle19


      Not having my dad or his side of the family try to see me. They don’t make any effort to try and get together with me. On Easter his family invited me to lunch knowing I had plans at the exact time they wanted me over and when I started to make my way to their place they told me they weren’t going to wait on me and to just go home.

    • AnxietyGirl79


      Not having my parents here anymore 😥 and having to spend the holidays with in-laws who don't really want me around, they even buy everyone but me (even people who aren't family members) gifts except for me so I'm just sitting there smiling even though I want to cry and just deal with the blatant disrespect

      • AnotherSDhandler


        @AnxietyGirl79 ❤️

    • a86


      Declarations. Not sure if other people have this, but my adhd gives me some traits of ocd, so I get distressed when the garland thingy isn’t perfectly lined up on the ends lol

    • Sarahjean


      My favorite people being dead now.

    • pufpuff


      Having so much to do and prepare for. Wanting to create a beautiful dinner for my family and struggling to do it due to pain. I do it though... I won't give up.

    • Shad80


      Having to be the only single girl in her 30 ‘s

    • Robinfinch


      I grew up Jehovah's witness but left the environment recently this will be my first time celebrating the holidays and the first time celebrating my birthday which is in 3 weeks. I'm nervous and excited

    • Adrian.Wilde


      My Mamaw unexpectedly dying last year and a good friend dying the day after my birthday that same year. 💔

    • Space_Case92


      Hardest thing will be not having my dad around. But thank God I have my mom! We can take care of each other

    • vickisue


      Missing my mom mom she passed 2 years ago from dementia

    • ollywolf


      Not having my dad and stepdad around

    • vickie1964


      With me is the hardest is being in such a large family everyone talks so loudly and talks over one another

    • TigerLily79


      My brother was killed by a drunk driver the day after Christmas. It haunts the family every year. He died in 1997 and its still painful every Christmas dreading that anniversary.

    • Amnesty


      Remembering what would happen to me around the holidays. Being around people.

    • JoriAnn


      Sensory overload and social skills

    • depressedunicorn


      Extended family

    • Elektra


      Not having my husband with me as he just passed...

      • Amnesty


        @Elektra I’m sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine losing my husband

    • lenarollins


      Being alone

    • roberri


      it’s not the same as it was when i was a kid. everyone at least pretended to be happy during that time of the year, probably because if we didn’t someone would get super mad. however, it stopped being that way a long time ago.

    • bambipony


      Socialising with family

    • totalkiwi


      My anxiety during holiday trips & family gatherings. I have agoraphobia, and it's gotten better, but I still struggle with it. It gets in the way of every holiday when we have something planned; I hate leaving my hometown.

    • Otto95


      Not having people to spend it with. It gets to me sometimes

    • UPPERCaseGentleman


      I think the Holidays are great. I mean, if it weren't for the eternal emptiness I feel at my core, having no friends, no girlfriend, half the family being dead and the rest near death, crippling social anxiety, low self-esteem, a drug problem, and did I mention I have no friends?

      • UPPERCaseGentleman


        @UPPERCaseGentleman In recovery for rom the drug problem, but it is still a problem nonetheless

    • Exhausted_Aerialist


      The amount of people in the house And the pressure of receiving gifts and opening them in front of others

    • t4t


      I have a lot of trauma regarding Xmas specific events, so it’s a big challenge for me to engage with family and friends around this time.

    • Greenie23


      The energy it takes, as well as trying to seem healthy and excited the entire time. It feels very demanding and like there’s no room for me. Nobody ever takes into account that I’m disabled or that I might not be able to spend time with people for hours on end. It’s been a bit better in recent years, but that might be because of how limited everything was during the pandemic.

    • alyssa25



    • Phoenix4962


      This is when my childhood sexual abuse started so I have anniversary nightmares and triggers more.

    • JoranTal


      GIFTS. I love giving gifts. I hate receiving gifts. My autistic brain gets a gift and says “oh lit, this is practical for these reasons.” And then people say “do you like it? You don’t look happy about it.” And I have to explain that yeah I love it, and then convince them that I like it

    • junovesta


      the mere fact that i HATE holidays, they're traumatic to me, my family has ruined them. the hardest thing for the holidays for me is being forced to be with my family when i feel like i don't even want anything to do with them in general

    • brabbit


      Being away from every single family member I have 😥

    • Butterfly9937


      Missing my parents 😥

    • EmilyG


      The stress

    • HorrorMaster88S


      The hardest part about the holidays for me is not having family get togethers anymore like when I was younger due to deaths and moving and not speaking anymore. I miss my family. I still enjoy the holidays, they've always been my favorite but I miss my family a whole lot during the holidays .

    • callee


      This year will either be my first year with out my grandma or my last year getting to celebrate with her

    • ricecake


      I feel that I don’t deserve to celebrate bcs I didn’t accomplish anything

    • Sassy05


      Having no money and feeling like crap for not getting anything for anyone.

    • thechameleon


      The phony smiles and the commercialism.

    • blood_rose


      Trying to remember who all these people are that I've not seen in a while or have never meet but am supoed to now case they new me before I was born 😅 and rn it's fingering out how to shuffle having all most 13 thanksgiving dinners with my family and my boyfriends 😅

    • Aperellime


      That is actually coming 😥I have no family left

    • mobychick


      Knowing I haven’t accomplished what my brother and cousins have

    • Nemma


      Then I feel like I've failed

    • Nemma


      Being broke

    • d1sc0haus


      Being alone on the holidays

    • Vinnie2765


      All of the Anxiety that goes into all of it

    • Vannah349


      Missing my mother, who I lost 3 years ago.

    • HeidiJ


      Well now it is a couple of things. My parents are gone, we aren't in our house yet, and money to buy presents

    • kirbycal


      the food /:

    • fromhalfwaydown


      As a kid on holidays my dad would always be angry, for whatever reason he would find something to be angry about. I think of Christmas and think of a broken family

    • sufferish


      I have a very split family, so it’s the constant decision of who to celebrate with. Its a decision of who to disappoint and who to make happy, and it makes my anxiety rise to a unhealthy level.

    • kk062001


      I have to work them. I love what I do, but my grandpa has pancreatic cancer, so I don’t really get to spend any holidays w him like they’re my last. he’s been my father figure most my life. but he lives 10 hours away. and planes are expensive.

    • NickyBear


      I lost my grandmother … she loved holidays and always managed to make them special especially Christmas and new year’s… It’s been three years since she passed… Christmas doesn’t feel the same and New Years just reminds me that I have to go another 365 days without her smile and her warmth to keep my company

    • Braeliynn


      My family isn't accepting of me so I don't see them on the holidays

    • Mafuyu


      Not being able to eat! My IBS makes me unable to eat most things, so the Yule, Samhain and Harvest dinners are off limits for me. I still cook for everyone, but I can’t eat any of it which just makes me sad, you know? I want to be able to eat with everyone and enjoy a meal together! But instead I’m stuck with a granola bar and apple sauce like a toddler.

    • Wheezerr


      My family finally embraces love and compassion for one day. I hate it. I blocked my mothers kiss in 2015 on new years bc inside I was tired of the fake love and good luck kisses when throughout the previous years were hell daily.

    • TunaGoon


      1. Everyone expects me not to look sick when we celebrate. 2. It's hard to make it to planned celebrations when I don't know until the last minute if I will feel ok. 3. My family all lives a few hours away so I always have to try to pack lots of things "just in case" I have a problem when I'm away from home. Worst case scenario it's so bad I can't get home and may have to hole up somewhere for a few days or even go to a hospital away from home.

    • 1_lucky_gma


      Christmas is the amazing beautiful 5 year old grandson passed away in a terrible accident christmas day 2019. I can't even handle a anything Christmas and it use to be a special time of year now it's all different and unbearable

    • Stigmatico


      Being single and alone

    • archerinnit


      Seasonal depression and feeling alone.

    • bean21


      My grandma not being here anymore 😥

    • Ech0


      Well having your birthday on the biggest holiday of the year nobody really wishes you a happy birthday and it’s just a reminder that I’m only getting older

    • LyricRainn111


      Having a broken family as well as no friends, while seeing others have quality time, dinners, and gift exchanges with theirs. I have to be completely off of social media for the holidays or I put myself at risk.

    • GlowLight


      Lets see having a totally dysfunctional family that doesnt talk anymore and having a significant other who has manipulated our connection to fall short of what I feel its supposed to be versus what it is ...feels like I am losing out on a real 100% son is autistic and its difficult to have a relationship at all so around the holidays i feel the loss of all these things and how limited I am

    • AriEden


      racist family 🤷🏼

    • Denotchka


      Right about 1430 hours or 2:30 pm I get depressed. Holidays are worse now because I have been used to going to my grandparents house and now they’re deceased and I’m also an only child.

    • mothful


      too much socialization leading to dissociation, especially when i’m around ppl i don’t know well, eating around others

    • Lillian69


      No longer having people around

    • MithPhenix


      For me it’s just simply the fact that I never feel like I’ve been able to provide enough for my children compared to what their friends experience so then I get sent into the I’m a horrible father and they’d be better off without me spiral. Stupid materialistic stuff I know, but growing up not ever having a lot myself, especially compared to those around me and knowing how that felt, made me want to do better for my own kids (along with alot of other more important things but I digress), so anytime I’m reminded that the high expectations I set for myself as a father haven’t been met it destroys me.

    • Dad.of.Many


      Dealing with people and family. I am borderline agoraphobic and my immediate family and my parents are the only ones that don't trigger me. My brother and one nephew are bad triggers because they judge me.

    • CozyVibez


      Controlling and insincere family members. They boast about their intellect but fail to connect with others, and I get frustrated and shut down.

    • bptomboy


      The lack of connection from extended family and lack of respect or fights hieghtening around those times spoiling a good event or holiday gathering.

    • dearestdoe


      im converting to a different religion and my family doesnt know. family celebrations are super awkward and my mom doesnt understand why i dont want to do them, and i havent settled myself into my new community enough to have anybody to celebrate with

    • ryeedl


      My mom isn't here anymore.

      • Dad.of.Many


        @ryeedl I'm so sorry 😞

      • bptomboy


        @ryeedl im sorry for your loss

    • Wesj75



    • MicheleElizabeth


      Family not understanding the way my brain works and making me feel like.less of a person because my brain works differently.

    • Katie_H


      Trying to explain my many medical conditions to my family every year

    • _Robbie_


      Oh but gatheringss. I wouldn't say I like being ALONE, but I like doing my own thing. After a while I'll get tired around everyone and I'll want to just be on my phone and listen to music or something, but then I'll get bothered and told that I'm being rude and it's really annoying.

    • _Robbie_


      Holidays are usually great, it's after the holidays that get me. Winter always seems longer than it is and once the Christmas feeling is gone, everything is kinda depressing and I feel tired a lot.

    • cfkid


      If you want to talk I'm here

    • K.C


      Being around my relatives period. They’re toxic. So this year my husband and I decided we’re going somewhere else just OUR family.

    • Pea.Soup


      Dealing with family

    • TuxedoCat


      The fact that I see everyone connecting with family, but I can’t do that.

    • SarahSmile


      Not having a large extended family. Plus, it makes me miss my loved ones that have crossed over to a better place.

    • amandasnyder588


      Not having dad around and being asked when I'll get my tubes tied.

      • Dad.of.Many


        @amandasnyder588 😳😦how awful!! I'm so sorry

    • LilyUnicorn


      Having migraines and all the noises. The Grandchildren and great-grand children running around and playing with each other should be joyful but when it makes you hurt that 💔.

    • AlliGee


      The loneliness loss isolation grief and feeling like I could disappear and it wouldn't matter

    • Jojo97


      Also SAD (seasonal affective disorder)

    • Jojo97


      Feeling pressure to be around family I am not comfortable with. Spending money I do not have on traveling and gifts for loved ones.

    • kk062001


      the need to preform

    • kk062001


      being in a room full of people who don’t really know me.

    • jess26


      Being around family members That haven't been only for very long

    • Cancer


      The loss of my mom 9 years ago. I used to love Christmas but now I don’t.

    • DaddySatan


      Not having my unborn son to share those precious moments with..

    • camel


      Just being at a family party/gathering with people I don't know too well. It just makes me feel uncomfortable

    • tangledupinblue


      it’s so overwhelming and emotional. i get so sentimental and disregulated every year

    • Keisha


      my little brother, who was my best friend, committed suicide january first. christmas and thanksgiving has gotten easier to stomach, but new years is always the worst time of the year for me.

      • Dad.of.Many


        @Keisha 😥🙏

    • NiiTA


      I volunteer every year to help with preparing a wrapping gifts for everyone. Idk why I do it it makes my anxious but I also love Christmas so.... 🤷🏾‍♀️

    • mnmerritt02


      BuYiNg GiFtS!!! Especially when you know a person but you don't know what they want/like. I find this very difficult with my sisters.

    • Actow


      The passing of time.

    • Anakoni


      Someone said this and i feel it, being alone, and what a lot of people dont realize, being around people once a year isnt enough, it just amplifies the aloneness, so we never not feel alone

      • Dad.of.Many


        @Anakoni I feel you on this one. I want so badly to get my family to connect back together like it was years ago, but I just can't make it happen. I've tried for years but I've about given up. It's like whatever glue held us together years ago has dried up and let go. I don't feel like I know my siblings, niece's, nephews, etc anymore and get-togethers (when they rarely happen) are stressful to say the least.

    • Ella101


      Being alone

    • RogueDream


      My family doesn’t talk to me anymore or invite me to events so they post online about it all in pics together and I just sit at home with my wife and wonder why they don’t care about me anymore like they used to, I assume it’s because of all my mental illnesses but no one will say why

    • ChristineD


      No it able to have a happy family around. I have issues with my family. Also, they have issues with me. So we don't get along. I wish we got along and legit love each other, but whatever. I make my own family. My chosen family!!!

    • hannahslay


      i love candy canes

    • CaptainHolmes


      Memories of abusive relationships

    • katitomato


      Not having the money to get the gifts I want to get the people in my life! I still try to make my gifts thoughtful but when I straight up can’t afford to gift around the holidays or birthdays it hurts me emotionally speaking and I feel so much guilt

    • Redvelninja


      I got a lot of people to buy for and I only get so much money from ssi so my budget is constantly on my mind..

    • opo



    • d1sc0haus


      Cutting out my family was the best decision of my life for sure, but it sucks being all alone for the holidays now.

    • heatherfeather14


      My grandfather passed away on Dec 2nd, my grandparents anniversary is the 20th of Dec. So Christmas is hard for my whole family.😢

    • Marry_Me


      Dealing with my eating disorder and anxiety is bad for me

    • VolcanoMama


      Feeling like I don't belong when my family is around. Also, this will be the first Christmas without my grandpa. 😢

      • mnmerritt02


        @VolcanoMama my great grandmother passed away in October. She always read the Christmas Story to us as she did every year. But last year, since she died, my Mimi read the Christmas Story. While it felt good to pass down that tradition in our family, i missed my great grandmother reading it to us. I understand your pain

    • lillypod21


      The hardest thing about holidays for me right now is not having my grandma around anymore. And that with Christmas my birthday is right around the corner so people want to celebrate both at the same time even though they are two different holidays

    • Krista_Beth


      Not having the energy to do and enjoy everything I used to be able to do. I often push myself past my limit trying to bake cookies, make gifts, etc. and then I am left with no energy to actually enjoy holiday gatherings.

    • Cosmocat


      Dealing with family and there jug mental state especially with my autism

    • KatherineSage


      Having absolutely no one to spend them with, and worse than that, bc I don't have anyone to spend them with, my son doesn't either. No cousins, no grandparents, no one... 💔

    • dragonknight


      Missing my birth mom that passed away four years ago

    • ineffably_me


      Summer vacation brings a lot of loneliness and (as much as I hate to admit it) envy. I see everyone traveling and hanging out with their friends and I'm stuck at home alone, unable to go anywhere.

      • ineffably_me


        @ineffably_me Oh, and the heat makes it so I can't even go outside 6/7 days of the week

    • Starlightie


      I met my rap!st right before Christmas so that whole time of year is very stressful for me. I go through a lot of regression and flashbacks.

    • knightmare


      One, my Dad is gone and he was the ringleader for everything. Two, I have to put on a facade because realistically I just want to be left to my own devices.

    • chiken


      going back to being a hermit crab

    • JaneDoe


      Being alone.

    • StarlightFlower


      Being misgendered. Im in the closet, but it still really bothers me when people keep calling me a girl when i dont feel that way at all. I cant say anything cause my family is really homophobic.

    • Lil_Prince


      The noise, and the questions. It's so loud, and I'm always being asked why I have braces and my cane.

    • Lemondrops


      Socializing with extended family

    • Cait24


      When it’s over.

    • CinderLorel


      The loneliness. My brother used to wake me up on Christmas morning and thanksgiving was always a big deal. Now that I’ve gotten away from the toxic abusive family, it’s just me and no one around me sees that yes they put me through so much but they were my family -parents and siblings and grandparents- and now I have nothing so what the point of decorating and cooking?

    • Keisha


      my dad went into cardiac arrest that he somehow survived while i was a kid on christmas eve, my grandma passed away around the holidays, and my brother committed suicide on new years. it’s anxiety ridden for me on top of seasonal depression.

    • Finches_Wishes


      As someone with autism I’ve always been called ungrateful or spoiled during the holidays because I don’t know how to convey my excitement in a socially acceptable manner. If I’m under excited then I’m a brat and don’t deserve anything but if I act too excited im labeled an attention hog and get reprimanded for not “sharing the festivities”

    • Emmazing


      Watching everyone eat..when I can't

    • BellzH


      Dealing with the holidays, everyone is happy and I've never gotten why. My family ignores or dismisses I'm transgender and my family is very old fashioned.

    • spicysugar


      Visiting my abusers for Thanksgiving and Christmas and sometimes Easter 🙃 every year I try getting out of it. I'm afraid cause this year I don't have covid to hide behind

      • CinderLorel


        @spicysugar can u say your having symptoms but haven’t had the chance to get tested and u don’t want to risk it? I will 100% help u find a lie to hide behind.

    • Loladoja


      My ex husband committed crimes against children and I was obviously very PRO the victims. Cause no kid lies about abuse. But anyways a month after kicking him out, a search warrant was ignited on my house on 12/14/18 right before Christmas. I found out he was a huge criminal (and Air Force veteran) and had to obey to have him prosecuted and protect further children. So now November-January are really difficult. I hate him. My kids have to go without their dad cause he couldn’t be a decent human let alone father

      • spicysugar


        @Loladoja I'm so sorry to you and your children but im so thankful to hear that you're on the victim's sides. So many people wouldn't be in your shoes 💕

    • Toodaloo


      Being around my family. They're very toxic and being around them brings me great pain. I don't feel like I can say no to attending holidays with them because they find a way to make me regret it. Like neglecting and hurting themselves and blaming it on my absence.

    • Snz


      Being alone all by myself, no friends no family here in US!

    • gurspaceport


      All of the comments about my weight. (I'm not even chubby. I'm pretty slim). And people thinking that just because they're related to me or married to someone who is, they get to be privy to my medical information.

    • Inezz


      Not having my mother around my mom passed away April 12 2015 and even though it’s been 7 years it feels like it was yesterday my mom passed away less than a month after my birthday My mother and I were close k was the only girl out of 4 children my mom was my go to my outlet when I’d gave life problems marital issues or just needed that don’t worry everything is gonna be fine kind of stuff my husband has both parents still alive and me I’m felt like I lost both mine my dad moved across the country n my family is scattered in different states and my husband family are Jehovah’s Witnesses so they don’t celebrate holidays so I feel so down and depressed There’s is just a empty void and my husband doesn’t understand what im going through

    • SkylerRose


      Acting like everything is ok. And people making the excuse of the holidays to be a decent human for once lol

    • CelticCoffeeMom


      My family sucks. Since my parents divorced and my uncle died, everything fell apart. I ended up making my own family with dear friends who do care. We celebrate together instead.

    • thisgirl2311


      My family doesn't get together like we used to. I find myself very alone no where to go. All I want is to be with the ones I love and my family acts like it's a big deal. No one wants to host it. They say no one has a big enough house there's to many of us. It's terrible. The holidays suck as an adult. I wish I was a kid again!

    • thatweirdspice


      Being screamed at and told that I'm the "family disappointment" and that if I wasn't born things would have gone smoother for everyone (this happens almost every year, but I love my family so much that I feel the need to put up with it)

    • mincedgarlic


      family drama 🤗

    • Harley.Q


      Not being able to see my kids on those days and never getting to see them on mothers day or getting anything from them for mothers day :(

    • Satans_lil_devil


      That my partner and I have very different views on family and holidays. How we celebrate and approach them. Family is so important to me I want him to be there but I know why he doesn't come

    • _Chrysanthemum


      Gift anxiety. I don’t know what to do when I open a gift (whether I like it or hate it - although I usually don’t want it but I know I should be grateful) or when I give a gift and I just wish I was never gifted anything and I have a meltdown every Christmas Eve stressing about it.

    • The_Struggle_83


      Not knowing how I'll feel for preparing for the holiday, and then worrying how I feel for the day, and the stress of everyone's opinions, who gets along with who, who gets offended, and the after math of all of it. 😭🤦‍♀️🤪

    • SlothMomma94


      The stress, travel(if I have to) and constantly reminding others of my conditions and limits

    • Max_F


      Having to be around a lot of people who are being very loud and not being allowed to leave until other people are leaving when I don't know how to keep a conversation because I've been stuck inside my house for 12 years being extremely sheltered.

    • Jshor18


      Pressure to eat

    • shoe


      Pressure from parents and that we never do vacations because everyone doesn't get along......always at home.....

    • Ghipsee


      I lost my mom when I was 17. Nothing has been the same without her but Christmas is a bit harder because it's her birthday.

    • Ink789


      Acting like I'm actually happy and ready to be social when in reality i just want to be in my room

    • Pisforpotato


      I lost a very important family member last November and so far, all the holidays that have followed have totally sucked. I can’t imagine what thanksgiving and Christmas will look like, let alone Halloween. Halloween was a special celebration for both of us, kind of our thing I guess. It hurts, but we’re managing.

    • Ponyboy333


      Seeing my siblings that don’t talk to me and don’t even talk to me on the holiday and just give me weird looks

    • ollywolf


      Losing both my dad and stepdad

    • Indygal


      My mom not being here. We were really close.

    • Zil



    • frecklez


      Not having my grandparents around specially my grandpa he had alzheimer's I don't like the holidays anymore he made them special and with the endometriosis it sucks 💔 😢

    • CL207


      Sometimes it's lonely because I'm not close with my family, we don't really celebrate and i don't have many friends

    • Piper11


      Having no one to spend it with, been having Christmas alone for years, it's hard watching people post their family gatherings and little parties, or present hauls knowing I can't have that. Feel super happy for the people who do have that and i will always encourage them to send me pictures of them having fun if they want to! It's just hard

    • Shamrock1916


      Remembering my parents being murder via car bomb in Northern Ireland a week and half before Christmas

    • Alyssagpwarrior


      my gastroparesis

    • PurplePenguin


      The childhood trauma that pops up.... Christmas has been hard for 20+ years.... I put on a show so my kids can at least enjoy themselves

    • Saillea


      All of my family including my son and my parents live in Missouri and I'm in Tennessee. Christmas is the only time I get to see them but traveling there is so painful and exhausting so I start getting anxious about it months before hand. But I will never miss it because I miss them so very much.

    • Chill2536


      The expectations. Getting gifts for everyone, cooking, cleaning up afterwards. It's all so stressful at a time that is supposed to be fun

    • Sleak67


      Attending any holiday. Constant tremors and irretractable pain gets worse with noise ect. Thankfully I can make some due to alternative medicine. I just want functional quality of life. Hugs

    • ponyowastaken


      Being around family/people in general

    • brian32


      What's the matter girl

    • History.and.cats


      The fact that my family is Christian, I'm not, and so I have to be around people practicing a religion and a holiday I don't like and then get told how Im awful and that they hope I find Jesus and can get saved. Essentially I don't like being threatened with infinite torture in the name of love.

    • PokemonGirl502


      My 2 girl cats died right after Christmas in 2020. I had them for 13 years. They saved me. A lot.

    • BombLion


      I hate hate hate winter. I'm always cold and it's always dark out.

    • Frejya


      Trying to enjoy myself and have fun while being around the family that traumatized me the most

    • Dad.of.Many


      I miss the closeness my family had in my younger days. Since several relatives who were the glue of the family passed away, the family has drifted apart. Family gatherings were the only crowded situations my anxiety could handle.

    • jamesh11


      Not wanting to be there the whole time, being depressed the whole time knowing the arguments that have gone on in the past and how we all just pretend smile for the nicetys.. if it wasn't for nicotine I wouldn't go to any family get together

    • hannahkat27


      Not being able to do most things staying inside most of the day and having crying attacks every 4 minutes of every day

    • Canda


      I don’t get to see my family because my father is there, and I still fear him.

    • lulu2020


      Having to switch between my moms house and dads house and grandmas house and dads friends house and all of the houses

    • BonnBonn


      Not being able to do as much as I used to be able to do (ex cooking thanksgiving meal) and missing my mom.

    • Soskae


      Feeling like an attention seeker asking for accommodations for my disabilities with family around.

    • Kyrabooo


      Forced family time and the sensory overload that comes with it. And the expectation to be perfect and have the perfect holiday season and squeeze every drop of holiday enjoyment out of the season.

    • crash101


      Missing loved ones. The family photos getting smaller.

    • MaryC


      Missing my dad. Christmas was his favorite, we would have 4 or 5 trees of various sizes, a little village & decorations every where. He passed away December 6, 1994 & Christmas has never been the same. Now it is all I can do to even get 1 tree decorated & gifts wrapped

    • Chosen1618


      Missing my Mother 😭

    • spenciepie69


      I'm with my family and ALL of them have to deadname me but I really don't want to tell them

    • In_vino_veritas


      Ugh - somehow the "Christmas spirit" can bring out the worst in my family...

    • camel


      All of the stress for me.

    • Lolalove


      I think others being happy and food both are really hard for me. I have depression and an ED.

    • ChristineD


      Everyone feeling happy and cheerful or at least pretending to be.

    • danimarie214


      Trying to fit in with my family in law beacuse my family was never around

    • Lucky4life


      Not having my mom, my great grandmother, and both my grandparents around 😥

    • Dayze


      Being alone with no friends or family

    • scorpubus


      I buried my son on Thanksgiving. He had died less than a week after my birthday. Now I don't celebrate either

    • mysterygirl


      Wishing that I had the energy to go out and celebrate them. Go to a restaurant for Thanksgiving, or go watch fireworks on the 4th of July. Go to a smalk town that decorates beautifully, for x-mas. Even though I have no one to celebrate with, if I wasn't so fatigued I would dress up and just go out. I used to do that a lot b4 I got sick. I traveled to Bali & Quebec by myself. I wasn't afraid. Now, the thought of packing and getting through the airport overwhelms me.

    • BongoCat


      My (now divorced) parents used to constantly fight during the Holidays and it honestly sucked. Now those bigger holidays are just reminders of one of the worst times in my life

    • Casper2002


      My be loved died around the holidays 😪. November is the hardest for me. I lost my gram and close friend of mine around Thanksgiving. 2 I think going 3 years. People I have hard time being around me because I don't show any emotions

    • quackasaurusrex


      having to interact with people i barely see or know

    • lucyblue


      I was raped on Christmas Eve, it makes it hard to start. My partner has lots of anxiety/PTSD symptoms that time of year that manifests in anger and a very bad attitude...yep Merry Christmas 🌲

    • Reallyhopeful


      Depression! I come from a large family. My family used to get together every year at Christmas. But since my stepfather and my mother has passed, we don't see each other unless we have a reunion. Christmas also brings memories of my father's death. He passed away on my mother's birthday in January. It's a tough season to get through!

    • Radioactive


      For the last few Christmases I've lost family members right before or right after. Since like 2019. One cousin passed in January 2019 right after Christmas, his mom (my great aunt) passed just this past December. Her funeral was right after Christmas. Another cousin passed 2 weeks before Christmas in 2019. Just a lot of loss that my family is still trying to heal from

    • Frapples


      The noise, food, travel, and everything I do being a "downer" on the mood. Or the inverse, all the jokes "omg you can't X?? i think I'd rather die". Like come mean.

    • NonbinarySlytherin


      Celebrating different holidays and not comfortable with sharing because of my judgemental family.

    • JosephOpalLover


      Every holiday even birthdays suck my life is very miserable and I have no one really that close to celebrate with

    • im_literally_a_duck


      No family, which holidays kinda revolve around having.

    • JayBerrd


      My grandmother had passed a couple days before. I can never think of Christmas music, or Christmas the same way again

    • Javen


      I'm actually way happier around the holidays. I have a lot of summer depression and my anxiety gets worse too.

    • lydi88


      drinking family

    • lydi88


      narcissistic mom

    • karlielewis93


      Depression and anxiety due to my mom being passed away

    • reading.baker


      Having no family or friends

    • mtngoat


      Family and the abundance of food.

    • kc123


      Definitely how it changes my schedule, so I have less time to manage my symptoms or take preventative measures. Also the forced family get togethers with my extended family (who I don't know very well, and am always on edge around) the combo of not being able to prevent brain fog, likely stressed by my immediate family coupled with normal holiday stress, and increased questions, and a ton going on... oof

    • Anixty


      The stress

    • MusicalMicha


      Missing my deceased loved ones.

    • Horror_Boi93


      The hardest part about the holidays for me is the constant loneliness I feel from around Thanksgiving all the way to New Years. It's hard seeing brand new little families celebrating their first Christmas. It's hard seeing people and their partners wear matching pajamas. It's hard watching people kiss their partners at the strike of Midnight on New Years Day. It's hard witnessing that when all you want is your own partner. Your own little family. I'm not jealous of those people, don't get me wrong. I love that they're happy! I just wonder when it's my turn to do all that lovey dovey holiday crap with someone I love. That's what's hard about the holidays; Feeling alone even though you're surrounded by friends and family.

    • darklily


      Not having anyone to celebrate with and always feeling alone and not having my fqmily here like my gma,aunt,uncles holidays just havent been the same sometimes i wish the holidays would just disappear

    • MushroomFern


      Being alone. I don't have any family and all of my friends do things for the holidays that my health won't let me do

    • Shamrock1916


      Christmas since my parents were murdered 2 weeks before

    • mnmerritt02


      Anxiety and stress. Other than that, i try to have a good time with friends and family.

    • sabbymer


      That my favorite people have obligations. I prefer my regular schedule. I also hate that it makes everyone in an office just not wanna work and I have to wait 5 or more days for things to get back to normal and my meds or appointment. I also hate that it makes everyone in society act like everything is fine. Everyone is pissed about social issues and discrimination but then holidays come and it's a total distraction. Holidays just feel like a fake bandaid to me these days but people seem to love the fake safety bubble. Also hate that holidays are usually watered down from other pagan traditions. I'm just ranting if anyone enjoys them I'm not trying to attack their good feelings about it I just don't have any.

    • DariaFae


      Everyone I loved died at those times and caused my drug habbit to get really bad and it's been a few years but sometimes things are soo tempting... it's really hard

    • green


      SAD is the biggest thing, the cold makes my joints lock up, and my family can't understand my conditions

    • Option_Unavailable


      For me it's the religious ties to basically everything (especially in the town where I live) cause I have PTSD related to experiences with religion

    • Kitty83


      All the amazing food. I've had a gastric sleeve and I have to be very careful to not eat too much or I get sick. I either have to choose one favorite to indulge in or only have one bite of a handful of favorites.

    • Tini


      Knowing things arent the same as they used to be and that it will never go back when things were fun and cheery

    • Horror_Boi93


      I get depressed around Thanksgiving and it continues for a couple months. I don't think it's Seasonal Depression. For me, like... It makes me feel lonely. I'm 29 years old. I'm not married, I don't have a girlfriend, and I don't have kids. Everyone is around their families and stuff, and while I love mine, I would also love to have my own little family.

    • Creator


      The fact that I NEED to see family, even though I'm not in the motivated mood to do so. And the fact my introverted self needs to be a part of the conversation when I don't want to.

    • amc


      It's the memories of my mom buying my brother Christmas presents and not me as a kid. It's a reminder that it's another year without my grandpa around. This year is going to be rough. I lost my young niece this year back in April. She was only three. Oh and the vitamin D deficiency doesn't help either. The only highlight is trying to distract myself to get things for other that I love because all I want around that time is to make everyone happy.

    • Esri


      Having to spend time with my family but not really. My sister's always force the responsibility of watching the kids on me while they all talk with the adults. Then they get mad that I never know conversations that they had and say things like "you were there, you should know." Like I love kids but I can't spend hours and hours with a 4 year old, 2 9 year olds, I think an 8 year old, and a 10 year old now add a one year old and then a new born who's going to join. I can't take it. One would be fine but the one thinks that if I play with someone else it means I don't like him and begins to whine. There is only one of me and he starts throwing pieces of games if he's not winning.

    • Toadette


      Missing my grandpa. He passed in 2020, and his birthday was Christmas eve. Its so hard going to the family gathering and him not in his spot, and giving his speech after we sang happy birthday. My only positive is that he made it to 93 years old. 😔

    • Highly_kade


      Definitely the lack of sunlight snd seasonal depression, but also the stress snd anxiety of changing myself to please unacceptable family.

    • Gi_Jane


      Not having my parents around, by their own choices and who they have picked to be around. That and loss of pregnancy around Christmas.

    • RoxieAnn


      The stress. So much to do i just cant think!

    • Lolalove


      Food, anxiety about my family being around and depression from the lack of routine.

    • yukichano


      Missing my dad and my brother

    • maic


      Pressures of gift giving (it gives me INTENSE intolerable anxiety but I'm not sure why)

    • _Robbie_


      It's not usually very hard for me, except for when all the family comes over. There's just so much going on and I barely get any time alone and it's "rude" if I don't want to interact with everyone. I can only handle so much interaction, then I get tired, and I usually have to go past my limits on the holidays.

    • Ally05


      My family never got along and so holidays were kinda just a yelling match 99% of the time so when holidays come around it just reminds me of the environment.

    • AriEden


      racist babies (my family) not understanding that I can't just chose to not have anxiety and nausea around them

    • NervousDepresso


      My depression and anxiety. I get anxious because I'm never able to get anyone gifts anymore, and my depression hits me like a fucking dump truck because of how lonely I am. I really hate the damn holidays.

    • SalineTurnip


      I don't celebrate holidays. So one thing that's hard for me is having to shop in advance because the stores will be too crowded and won't have anything in stock the week of the holiday. Also stores being closed on the holiday. I forget almost every single time and try to go to the store for something. (Especially the Sundays!)

    • cupcake123


      Resentment towards family

    • Agradine


      We so far from my family. I miss my mom.

    • Lightswitch


      Still working on getting over how anxiety wrenching my mom made holidays as a kid and trying to actually enjoy the season again :(

    • Void_Winters


      I really only celebrate holidays for my family, sometimes I get really disociared during holidays because I have not so fond memories of them. It makes the holidays foggy and cloudy. I can't always remember the days and it feels like I dreamt it.

      • Void_Winters


        @Void_Winters *dissociated

    • JaneDoe


      Being alone

    • Shroom_Fairy


      I've lost a lot of people I used to celebrate with and it just seems like everyone is filled with so much constant joy while mine is just momentary, like a spark of happiness every once and while when everyone is always having fun and smiling

    • Dreamangel49802


      My youngest son Jesse passed away last year Jan 7,2021 so all holidays make me sad :( I miss him sooo very much .He was only 29 ...he choked on some food started seizing then a heart attack ...God rushed to Green Bay ...seized for 3 days was pronounced brain dead Jan 7...😥😥 Why did his roommate wait 10 mins to call 911??? I'll never get over it ...He was an organ donor tho and saved 4 lives 🙏❤️🙏

    • lonebaritone


      Family drama

    • Lauren316


      Not drinking and social anxiety

    • SkylerRose


      I don't have my eldest daughter right now, and her birthday is 3 days before Halloween

    • VariaMoon


      The fact that to the whole world it’s a big deal, to me with no family and close friends it’s another tues.

    • freyaslady


      Having to deal with all of my family, mostly on my moms side, and my husband's dad and step mom and their family. It may seem like a good thing by my family and I have vastly different religious and political views, to the point that I don't actually celebrate the same religious holidays they do. My husband and I are both pagan and from Christian families. My family also doesn't understand mental illness, and they don't believe that I have all the other health problems that I have, so there's this constant acting like I should be further along in my life by now and I don't do enough. Plus my mom and aunts telling me I'll be just fine when I get pregnant because "women have been giving birth since the beginning of time, its fine". I was told I would be high risk when I was 22. I'm now 33. Not to mention when I was born my mom and I both almost died.

    • NoraLeigh


      My grandparents not being around 😢 Things changed so much

    • Riptide


      Missing my mom

      • Bre19


        @Riptide I'm so sorry

    • Mz.Styles


      Actually having somewhere to go, and feel like I'm welcomed.

    • Tomster


      Keeping my conditions in check. This last holiday season I was sick for literally every single holiday from Thanksgiving to new years. Contributing to my depression

      • Bre19


        @Tomster it's very difficult

    • chokingonmysins


      i grew up being told that i ruin every holiday

      • Bre19


        @chokingonmysins I'm so sorry

    • Wolffgirl


      Realizing certain people I want here, aren't... And don't start me on the whole, "But they are!" Yeah I get it I do... They are. But not physically. I can't hug my dad or hear his voice. I don't get to have the big Christmas tote from my aunt this year.. I don't get a cute chirstmas wreath from her either. I don't get the Thanksgiving with my grandparents anymore. I don't get the special trips to the light show with my dad anymore. Those things are gone.. And yeah sure I can do some of that myself. But holidays will never be the same as they were. I think of my traditions and they are all different and messed up now.. Everything changes, but God I hate it

    • shellybear333


      Not having someone to spent them with

      • Bre19


        @shellybear333 so sorry

    • Ajr


      Deciding where to celebrate and now what in law to have over. Also spending money

      • Bre19


        @Ajr must be difficult

    • April_Veneguas


      The lack of vitamin D, stress, and peer pressure I receive on a daily to keep a smile on my face when all I want to do is give up and stop existing for awhile

      • April_Veneguas


        @April_Veneguas Not to mention my high levels of anxiety during this time of the year it happens all the time without fail



      I hate the anxiety of being around my family. And I can't handle being out of routine because of my ADD.

    • tz


      Being forced to things with my family in an overstimulating environment. The lights and noises are the main issues

    • lunakitty414


      I always get really sick around the holidays and it makes it hard to be with my family

    • laceyandme


      Missing my kid Sam he killed himself last year. Even tho people said he wasn't real he was real to me and every time i talk about him it makes me sad. I Dont care if he was a delusion due to schizophrenia he was my kid and always will be

    • Lucas.exe


      The pressure to see family I don't like

    • KrystenMaree


      My childhood was either constant anxiety and fear or completely unstable in the household and we moved often and my mother would use her money for drugs so holidays have always been so hard for me. I had 5 good Christmases in my life and I was in high school and just became an adult then. Now both of my grandparents who raised me then are dead. One died of stage 4 pancreatic cancer in front of my family and the other died of broken heart syndrome to put it nicely. I don't even like my birthday because my father deems me to be a mistake or not his yet doesn't want to do a paternity test (like for real dude youre almost 60!?) I do not like holidays.

    • Kimcita


      Trying to seem fine and healthy to try and please everyone else. I literally put on a brave face so that the family and friends that don't understand will not be uncomfortable.

    • chocosmom


      I'm on pd and my run on the machine is about 9 1/2 hours long so the hardest thing for me is that I can't stay up late and hang out with everyone.

    • Mr._Dank


      And everyone is just like a fake happy, so it seems. It’s like the time of year to pretend to be okay and buy shit.

    • Mr._Dank


      So much. My depression gets worse during holiday season. I have to be around family and I work on holidays, which makes it worse. I’m transgender and most of my family aren’t supportive at all whatsoever and are against it. And working on holidays is frustrating cause people are actually more rude on holidays. Everything is so busy during holiday season, which spikes my anxiety very badly. There’s more traffic, which gives me more anxiety too. And also the thought of knowing I’m alone in this world really puts me into a depressing/suicidal state of mind.

    • Kado


      Trying to act like I am fine when I am not.

    • Soskae


      Ice and sudden weather changes. One slip and I’m dead and temperature fluctuations cause my arthritis to get pissed.

      • Bre19


        @Soskae that must be frustrating

    • BD3_Nic


      I just don't like seeing my entire family. They always judge my live or my looks and always make comments about how in really skinny and how I have no tits or ass

    • dream6284


      The anxiety that comes from being around my family is the hardest part for me

    • ElizabethJune


      The holidays have almost always been either very uneventful, depressing, lonely or traumatic for me. A couple of my family members were toxic. My uncle who I lived with the majority of my life was abusive and the rest of my family who isn't toxic was still overprotective to the point of being overbearing. So I was isolated and sheltered and failed to keep any lasting friendships and relationships even after I moved away from my family almost 6 years ago due to the effect that had on me ( not having good social skills and bring socially/ developmentally behind) and my BPD. I have also been in several toxic relationships and stood up and/ or abandoned on the holidays by several so called boyfriends. Plus financial struggles. My family lives 4 hours away from where I live and I'm on a fixed income and there have been times I've spent the holidays alone and depressed stuck at home because everything is closed on Christmas and thanksgiving craving some turkey and dressing and pie but not having enough money to buy any food. So I had to eat the junk food I had left in the cabinet. Then to top it all off the cold weather , the lack of sunlight and my seasonal depression only exacerbates it all.

    • CloverCorgi


      I get anxious when it comes to putting ornaments on a Christmas tree. I get overwhelmed and frazzled, and my family has gotten annoyed at me for not helping put ornaments on the tree in the past.

    • wowwie


      summer is when i have seasonal depression

    • Desperanza


      I feel like an outsider looking in and I just want to cry.

    • MaeBea


      I find it hard to set boundaries and manage time. Next thing you know, I feel like there's all these obligations to keep and places to be until I run out of already limited energy before getting the chance to relax and do anything to celebrate the season on my own. By the time Christmas comes around, I feel overwhelmed and just want to sleep even more so than usually. Online shopping has helped me with this, as it takes less time to find the perfect gift and it dosen't require so much energy.

    • TLR


      Its hard for me to deal with money stresses during Christmas and getting all the presents.

    • Emery33


      Memories of not a good child hood

    • JazzyStarlight


      Trauma from childhood. I'm triggered by every holiday and can't celebrate them. It really sucks.

    • MsDaisyMae


      Both my grandpa and my dad died near the holidays two years apart. From November to January, I can feel the change of emotions.

    • Lady6ug


      Big life moments hit me big in the existential crisis. New Year's and my birthday freak me out the most. And others tend to tire me out, especially the 4th of July. I take frequent breaks.

    • somebodysomeone


      Family get-togethers. I hate my family. If I don't go I feel bad though so I'm kinda stuck with the situation. Not to mention the guilt trips.

    • dadoen


      It brings up bad memories of times where traumatic events happened during these times

      • Bre19


        @dadoen I'm so sorry

    • audRei


      Being forced to pretend to have a normal family while thinking of all the things normal families actually do

    • Bunny.girl


      The pressure to feel happy all the time. That's never obtainable 😞

    • Alliekatt


      I'm extremely prone to wild moodswings in the holiday season because I have bipolar I and am already a sentimental and nostalgic person. I tend to cry easily especially on actual christmas.

    • Lydia8271


      It's actually opening gifts i never had materials in the past so opening them now gives me survivors guilt now that I'm adopted and all my siblings are still at home

      • Alliekatt


        @Lydia8271 you can't take that on honey. You had as much control as they do of the situation, I'm betting.

    • s1eepy


      feeling alone in a room with my family. I want to feel happy with my family but insted I leave reality, I feel like I'm not real and they are not real, and I get this incredibly alone feeling.

      • Alliekatt


        @s1eepy I definitely can relate, but you're not alone and they love you for all of you as your family so you don't need to hide either (which is easy when you feel so detached)

    • lilmomma782


      Never seem to have the amount of money I'd like to spend on my children. Even though they are greatful regardless. I think a lot of my stigma is bc I had family members who had same situation go on during holidays and maybe I'm reminded of that. Otherwise it just makes me realize that if I'm not willing to travel to see other family they won't come to see me. Probably how we all were raised.

    • Jomanji


      Knowing my family doesn't see me as normal.

      • Bre19


        @Jomanji that is not the best feeling I'm sorry

    • Lyss9109


      Not having my family get together anymore

      • Bre19


        @Lyss9109 I'm so sorry

      • Clarissa1234


        @Lyss9109 so you know you're not alone my mom doesn't go over to my grandma's anymore for holidays it's irritating

    • jerrielyn


      Missing my mom

      • Bre19


        @jerrielyn so sorry

    • LadyZephyr


      Every passing year it gets more and more apparent I will never have christmas like we used to as a family when I was growing up. I have 2 or 3 very vivid memories of my favorite Christmases with my grandparents inviting the whole family and everyone having so much fun. But as I get older and have married a person who doesn't care about holidays at all, im also across the country from my family so there are no visits... I feel despair I will never see a christmas like that again and I feel grief almost. Its an odd feeling, my childhood disappearing forever is sad but inevitable. I now have a 2 year old and my only hope is that i can give her happy christmas memories and hopefully it'll be good for me too...

    • shimba


      Having to be around people who act like they care about me when they are just nosey and only care for themselves

    • Wintie


      Definitely boredom and people. I get so overwhelmed with people so easily it's hard for me to connect. With boredom on the other is connected to people because I don't know them and I feel uncomfortable to be open. We also tend to do nothing on holidays so I like to get in and go because I get anxious quickly.

    • Y0g1


      Being hidden away upstairs while my family gathers together and gets to share in laughter and community… and the 4 of July and NYE suck because of the fireworks which cause anxiety attacks and can cause migraines

    • spudlord


      Dealing with the expectations of doing all the holiday shit I don't have energy for.

      • Bre19


        @spudlord felt this deeply

    • k8lynt


      Having to eat inn front of people.

    • Sevanna


      Not having family members that have passed away there

      • Bre19


        @Sevanna I'm so sorry

    • Sagan


      My kids won't talk to me anymore. They're angry that when I had a bad mental health break i asked my mother in law to take care of them. My husband had just died, I tried for 2 years but I can't hold a job, we were down to ramen for meals and I felt like they were suffering. Things were about to get much more grim, and I couldn't let them suffer with me. I hope one day they understand, but for now.. everything about cold weather and the holidays is achingly painful.

      • amandasnyder588


        @Sagan one day they will see that you tried to give them a better life.

    • Underlighet


      Not being able to eat the majority of the food because of my dietary restrictions + cross contamination:(

      • Bre19


        @Underlighet I'm so sorry

    • Dahedgiesthog


      Recent parental divorce and now recent long-term relationship ending make the holidays a rough time. I'm not excited for the holidays this year...

      • Bre19


        @Dahedgiesthog that must be difficult

    • Milano1015385


      All the judgy aunts making fun of my tourettes

      • Sagan


        @Milano1015385 wtf you need better family 😕

    • PurpleMage


      My dad not being with us. He passed away 6 years ago

    • katzgoddessa


      It use to be dealing with the parent, do we visit them are they coming here, expectations. Now with just my sisters, step-family, and my brother in law it's more on expectations, decorating and having the energy for tat and acting like I care.

    • Gizmoe


      Knowing that my grandparents are not here to help celebrate. The anxiety of what to get everyone and trying to figure out what I want. Worry about money

    • AngelVII


      Being invited to my best friend's family gatherings and how they are so much more kind to and accepting of me than my bio family ever was. I love them so much. But its hard at the holidays. It's a painful reminder of what I didn't have.

    • Las7983


      Both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer right before Christmas. Both died the following year - dad before Christmas, mom two months later. I HATE the holidays.

    • Love7721


      Seeing my friends and family eat delicious foods that I can’t have.

      • Bre19


        @Love7721 that must be difficult

    • ConfusedTeddyy


      We discovered physically and mentally I can not handle he holidays anymore. Going to my parents, then one grandparents to the other. We left everyone half way through the day this past year. Trying to figure out what to do this year.

    • kittycat


      The fact it's a holiday bothers me

    • poodlelover28


      Dealing with the stress of having to be around my family. They get toxic when I'm around them too long and it's hard to deal with it.

      • AngelVII


        @poodlelover28 why do you *have* to? 😥 I don't know your situation, but if you're an adult, you can choose to go no contact with them if they're destructive to your mental health. It was the best decision I've ever made for myself and my husband and son. We're all much better for it. Its really hard though. But worth it, for me at least.

    • sendhelpmydudes


      The amount of people that crowd into small areas to "get together for the holidays". It's quite hard for me to cope

      • Bre19


        @sendhelpmydudes same for me

    • nuttybooker


      Feeling inferior to my brothers and sisters

      • Bre19


        @nuttybooker felt deeply

    • Mpowell


      Loosing my normal schedule and having days off from work and activities makes me confused.

    • Starlyn


      Missing my mom.

    • LisaSimpson


      Family 🤢 gross

    • SummerGirl


      It’s been hard and sad because my dad passed away in 2020 so it’s hard knowing that I won’t be able to celebrate the holidays with him anymore

    • MisunderstoodWidow


      Knowing that my I will never get to see my husband ever again, his passing has destroyed me.

      • Bre19


        @MisunderstoodWidow I'm so so sorry

    • HiddenGem


      Being around family. I’ve always felt like the outcast and it was hard for me to feel comfortable when I was younger. Now I’m older and I feel so isolated because I was never close to anyone except my parents.

    • Unknow


      The crowds in the store

    • WildFlowerGirl


      To be honest, having enough money for everyone’s gifts is difficult.

      • Bre19


        @WildFlowerGirl felt

    • PandaWuver


      Dealing with the in-laws who I know don’t respect mental health. I’m “in the closet” with my ocd.

      • Bre19


        @PandaWuver I'm so sorry

    • Myrabelle


      Whatever holiday it is me and my family and cousins and basically everyone gets togethed and eats, and with my misinphonia its very painful, i end up blasting my ears with music to the point thst i realize that my hearing is getting worsw because of how ling i blast my music to avoid hearing any eating noises

    • livvie361


      My mom makes it hard because she will make me feel guilty that I'm hundreds of miles away. It often makes my depression and anxiety worse

    • A.Zuni


      I have a lot of issues with family. They kind of disowned me. I am the black sheep. The holidays has always been traumatizing for me. Fights, arguments, excessive drinking, abuse.

      • Bre19


        @A.Zuni I'm so sorry to hear that

    • Porkbun


      Having to spend time with family. Grieving the family I never had. Having to be around people who abused me

      • Bre19


        @Porkbun I'm so so sorry

    • aries02


      the pressure to be happy and seeing everyone else’s “normal/happy” families

      • Bre19


        @aries02 I felt this

    • Plato


      I am in assisted living and still feel alone. I am probably the youngest one here and really can’t relate to most of the people here. I spend most of the time alone not just holidays.

    • jingjing



    • jingjing


      Same on holidays no sunshine

    • Crystal_Rose


      Not having my son 💔

      • Bre19


        @Crystal_Rose I'm so so sorry

    • nainai


      It's hard for me around holidays bc my dad basically told us on thanksgiving that's it would be his last 💔 then around 2020 thanksgiving my mom caught COVID and she didn't make it 😢 now I have too go thru another holiday with my dad, mom, & older sister my older sister loved Christmas so it's definitely not gonna be the same next year 🥺

    • Phrrya


      The crowds or when the family goes somewhere and has to take an elevator. I'm severely claustrophobic and can't be cramped for too long or have to keep moving otherwise I'm going to have a panic attack/seizure

    • natley


      Not being able to eat, drink and be merry lol my stomach and esophagus can't seem to handle most food and drinks anymore but I use to be such a foodie.

    • Jessa_Rae


      I am no contact with my family. Sometimes, I feel lonely during the holidays.

      • Bre19


        @Jessa_Rae I'm so sorry

    • Silvio


      It's high stress days..everyone wants everything to be perfect but i got an alcoholic fam

      • Bre19


        @Silvio I'm so sorry

    • Dani_Girl


      The last time I talked to my mom was on Christmas Day when I called her. Then she died in January of 2020 of covid before it even had a name.

    • Fullhouse1990


      My dad not being here cause he die 4 years ago 😥

    • Sparklelover


      My family not allowing my husband to celebrate Christmas or Thanksgiving with the family I always have to go by myself it feels awkward everytime without my husband my family hates my husband it's sad

    • Lakelife


      Food and family drama…

    • incogneato


      Knowing I should be celebrating them with my son but I can’t because he’s dead

    • Anne8769


      Not having someone to share them with 😏🌸🦁💜

    • MadiV


      I don't really know my family on one side and I was kicked out of the family on the other side (because I was other reason) so the idea of family holidays feels foreign and lonely. I was also threatened with a knife on Christmas one year by a family member. That didn't help things either.

    • D3stiny


      I don’t really have anyone to spend it with.

      • Bre19


        @D3stiny I'm so sorry to hear that

    • gweny


      i hate feeling like im dragging everyone else down bc of my chronic pain- no one does much anymore but i still feel like i dont do enough

      • Bre19


        @gweny I'm so sorry you feel this way

    • PEPhoenix


      Loss of my father was especially difficult. I had a lot of panic attacks and general anxiety and depression. I also have very little supportive family left due to being queer and separating myself from abusive or toxic family relationships.

      • Bre19


        @PEPhoenix I'm so so sorry to hear that

    • mandicandi



    • Rhen


      I always feel like I am the grinch. My facial expressions when opening presents are always forced even though I like them. It just ruins my whole Christmas.

      • Bre19


        @Rhen must be difficult

    • Mango_Monkey


      Feeling alone while seeing everyone else enjoy their time with their own families, friends, and loved ones

      • Bre19


        @Mango_Monkey so sorry

    • Ayaki


      As well as not being able to see my family or friends since I moved

      • Bre19


        @Ayaki must be difficult

    • Ayaki


      Not feeling the joy I used to anymore

    • Vickie2spirit


      Being by myself. 😥

      • Bre19


        @Vickie2spirit so sorry

    • NiftyNicole


      The arguments

    • Naite


      There is time where I feel like I need time of myself instead of family and times has been hard lately

      • Bre19


        @Naite it can be difficult

    • NiqueMK


      Being around a lot of ppl can be a bit much even if it’s my family. Usually we’re all in a small space so it can be a. It much. Sometimes I take breaks in the bathroom lol.

    • Miloz


      Being alone and not celebrating them anymore 😥

    • em_Jay


      I lost my best friend many years ago during the holidays in a very traumatic way..i think of her all the time. She was such an amazing person 😔

    • Charmander.Char


      Bring around family

      • Bre19


        @Charmander.Char felt

    • blueye


      If you live in the US, you will be on permanent Daylight Savings Time starting next year. 🤗

    • MyChangeOfHeart


      Figuring out what I can/cannot eat 🤦🏻‍♀️

      • Bre19


        @MyChangeOfHeart that must be difficult

    • Sifu


      Sometimes not seeing my kids

    • RareEyez86


      😥 Missing everyone I love so dearly 💕😔

      • Bre19


        @RareEyez86 sending you hugs

    • FoxChaser


      I miss my parents who are both passed away.

      • Bre19


        @FoxChaser I'm so so sorry

    • E11iefant


      Because of my highly sensitive celiac disease I couldn’t eat any food with my family during the holiday season. Food is so much more than something to fill your belly. The fact that I’ll never be able to eat my grandma’s cooking again is heart breaking.

    • mitrite



    • fiction.finatic


      I cannot eat sugar or ill get a migraine

      • Bre19


        @fiction.finatic that must be difficult

    • Birthdaycakes


      Being the only one in my family that's single. Holidays are hard enough but to be constantly reminded I'm alone sucks

      • Bre19


        @Birthdaycakes felt

    • Kell


      Being in so much pain. And not being able to stand on my right foot.

      • Bre19


        @Kell so sorry to hear

    • SemenSlurper9000


      meeting old family is horrible for me :/

      • Bre19


        @SemenSlurper9000 felt

    • Proxy


      Family been toxic. Also the lack of light and weather don't help

    • Urfavstarr


      My memory loss it just hurt me I just don't want lose them.😓

      • Bre19


        @Urfavstarr so sorry

    • Harper_Leo


      Some of my closest family and my pets have died around the holidays and my family always make things more stressful then they should be

    • Spookybee



    • Kairi


      (I’m talking about winter btw)

    • Kairi


      Reminds me of other hard holidays I had, and how the sun feels nonexistent. That comfortable warmth is gone.

    • arthoe99


      Family conflicts

    • Odessa


      The holidays are very hard because those are the times, when I think about the family members. That passed away so close to a holiday, it makes holidays so difficult but I try to smile for those around me.😔

    • Zillah


      Even though it's been seven years already, my dad passed on December 9th. My brother passed on good Friday in 2020. It will never be the same without them.

      • Bre19


        @Zillah I'm so sorry

    • PeculiarSpiral


      Valentine's Day 👎👎👎 only the good day to cry

      • Bre19


        @PeculiarSpiral felt

    • Medically_Challenged


      I’m on sever diets and a part of me is happy knowing the people around me help make food dishes to support me. However it’s still really hard having to pass the buffet of food. My biggest problem is I was born with a serious sweet tooth and desserts are so hard to replicate without dairy, gluten, and sugar (obviously 😂😅) but I always feel like I’m working more on patience then enjoying the environment.

    • SheriLeigh


      Being alone.. my family is on the east coast and I am on the west coast. 😔

      • Bre19


        @SheriLeigh so sorry

    • sammiesam


      Constant worry and stress about my family take their anger out on me because they think it's ok

    • 3ri


      Food . So much of it me I eaither binge or can’t eat it

    • marori22


      Be far away from my family 😥 😥 😥

    • Daryl


      Trying to feel safe eating without being judged or feeling guilty after, and wanting to lose weight after the holidays.

    • AngryPanda


      Having to see my abusive mom

      • Bre19


        @AngryPanda I'm so sorry

    • Emo_Enby_99


      Tye lack of good family to be around. This coming holiday season will be just me and my SO. Last one was spent wishing i hadn't gone out to see my mother and grandmother. They just don't keep in touch, and frankly were abusive in my early childhood. Once I move in citing everyone out except 2 people.

    • JouJou


      Being around family. For one because it’s too many people for me to feel comfortable. Another thing is because some push my buttons.

      • Bre19


        @JouJou I felt it's hard I get overwhelmed very easily

    • Zonnie


      Having my loud family at the house and no one will hold a conversation with me because they want to talk about stuff I can't relate to, and having to sit on the stairs because I'm noise sensitive and they don't seem to care.

    • Lms526


      Just the stress and all the family get togethers. I have have a real hard time when the days start getting shorter. I also really hate winter. There's a lot about the holidays that really triggers me. December and January are always really tough. I also have seasonal depression that can get really bad. Last winter, my seasonal depression was pretty mild. This year, it has been brutal. The holidays are always overwhelming and stressful. I'm always glad when they are over

      • Bre19


        @Lms526 yeah seasonal depression is definitely hard to deal with winters are not fun

    • Clarissa1234


      A lot of trouble eating on the holidays when there's a lot of food so food overwhelms me a lot

    • Thasia


      Being alone. I’m always alone for the holidays. I’m alone all the time but it’s worse during holidays.

      • Bre19


        @Thasia I'm sorry to hear

    • stargirl738


      i feel like i have to be good for everyone around me and i end up becoming so unhappy because i’m trying to be who they want me to be

    • FooDog


      The dysphoria caused by my family and the fact they don't believe that I have medical problems

      • Bre19


        @FooDog oh no hopefully you get the help you need

    • CaliDreamer


      Getting off a routine! Routine is what keeps me alive lol

    • Lilith420


      I get really depressed during winter. During Christmas I’m depressed and all the Christmas lights I see are black and white. I hate me being that way because I would show emotions to the presents I received and I would make my family happy by not being so mean and upset around Christmas.

    • Melcore


      I’m so alone. I see everyone celebrating with their family and I’m just alone. Sitting in my room with no one.

    • Halloween


      The social anxiety of having to see extended family members and feeling like i disappoint them when i tell them what's going on in my life. Aka i don't have a job

    • Tomboyish_Pisces


      Having to deal with going to so many gatherings with social anxiety

      • Bre19


        @Tomboyish_Pisces same

    • Naomibaby


      I don’t celebrate Christmas and people shove it down your throat so bad they make it seem like it’s “sad” if you don’t care about consumerism or christmas

    • DumbJock


      Feeling like spending them alone is going to make me feel better than it does with my family

    • PinkPupButt


      the trauma. it sucks and I hate it and I always get so depressed. I expect for it to be ruined for me no matter what, always anticipating the let down and all the things that made me scared as a child. its a pattern that won't seem to break no matter how hard I try, it makes me feel alone and unloved. I'm just waiting for the day I don't feel this way every week during the holidays, no matter which one.

      • Vidya


        @PinkPupButt hugs honey

    • bobbyshmurda


      The expectations that come with the holidays. I pictured myself happy and carefree on Christmas and hoped to have a good birthday, which was 9 days before Christmas. However, because of my OCD, I spent my entire birthday washing my hands. I didn’t open any presents either because I was scared I would contaminate them.

      • Bre19


        @bobbyshmurda I'm so sorry

    • sprite


      right now… loneliness. this was my first christmas since my wife and i separated. and even though we’re still best friends and live together, she chose to spend that night with an ex-boyfriend she claims she doesn’t really care about, instead of with me. i was so heartbroken and it’s thrown me into a serious depressive episode.

    • Venti


      The physical struggles that myself and my chronically ill cousins go through despite being pushed by abusers and feeling unappreciated for simply being present.

    • Boo5


      First one without mom. Found our cat passed away 12/24

    • quinn1221


      my mother has always had bad luck around holidays,especially christmas. this christmas was good but the last christmas effected everyone in my family. My 22 brother got super drunk and crashed into a parked car. The christmas before that,he had gotten into a fight with his gf and his gf pushed him and his 2 kids,Kash was a few months at the time and turned 1 while he was with us the last time and Dream turned 4 while she was staying with us last time,he came to our house. He stayed there for months. My mental health was already shit so obviously my parents walked in on me crying multiple times. The last time he was over it got so bad i had to call my grandma,crying,because i didn't know where my dad or mom was and i was home alone with him and the kids. He's a known abuser. Not only that,i also didn't feel safe around him since i had heard him say disgusting things about my body and me before to his friends while i was pretending to sleep.

    • ADreamInside


      The hardest thing is grieving my friends deaths. Over the past 5 years, I've lost 4 friends to suicide and 5 to accidents, and all of them were around Christmas time. I am 20 years old. This isn't the stage of life I should be in. I try not to dwell on their deaths, but my grandmother uses Christmas as a time to tell us how close she is to dying, tell us everyone she's lost this year, and everyone who is close to dying. I am so sick of death all around me. Can people just... live?

      • GingerHair


        @ADreamInside 💕 😥 ❤️

    • Ellen


      Doing all the shopping for the holidays with my back pain just makes it worse.

      • GingerHair


        @Ellen I switched to online shopping during 2020 holiday season and found it to be a great decision. I still shop online for holiday shopping and found Amazon has almost everything you could want or need.

    • HoneyB


      Being around family while struggling quietly in order to not ruin it for others

    • fyrefly


      Being tired from medication and sensory overload…and not being able to keep up

      • Bre19


        @fyrefly same I have those issues

    • OuchiePrincess


      Trying to get so many things done in a month that normally would otherwise take 3 months. And doing it on an able-bodied time table. I did it. And I’m proud. But man am I tired.

      • Bre19


        @OuchiePrincess that must be difficult

    • Princess911


      Not being able to see all of my friends and family

      • Bre19


        @Princess911 so sorry that must be difficult

    • Nana1124


      @SimplyImperfect - I'm sorry your family doesn't communicate with ASL with you. I can't even begin to imagine what that must be like for you. I taught myself some signs and then taught my hearing baby how to sign before she could verbally communicate with me. I taught her 'diaper change', 'milk', 'more', 'please', and 'thank you', 'sorry', 'I love you' and some others. It came in very handy! So, I at least can somewhat empathize with you. Do you have any friends who sign? It must be very hard not having anyone, in your family, who will communicate with you. I pray this changes for you and soon.

    • moonwxtcher


      family is stressful when they’re still periodically abusive & in denial :/

      • Bre19


        @moonwxtcher oh no so sorry to hear that

    • sydalex


      My grandfather passed away on Christmas day, 2020, due to covid. This Christmas, as well as last Christmas, is very hard for my entire family

    • Mangogodancer


      So much food. Plus going back home to the place and person that jumpstarted my EDs

      • Bre19


        @Mangogodancer felt

    • healthybean


      social situations!

    • gpstruggleisreal


      My toxic family

      • Bre19


        @gpstruggleisreal so sorry

    • TheDragon


      All the delicious food that triggers a flareup

    • Em0113


      Having to deal with both my mental health deteriorating and sugar/carbs being everywhere constantly

    • Andi_F


      Holidays are a reminder of everything I don't have, like family & friends.😥

    • RosesForMyDear


      Having to split my attention to different people, things being overwhelming at parties, and being too poor to buy presents.

      • Bre19


        @RosesForMyDear same

    • distri


      most people have very happy christmas memories but i have a lot of negative ones that always tend to resurface. my ocd tries to find a common theme there and i end up dreading what bad thing will happen this year. also i have dyfunction in my family, so i can feel lonely, but i am so fortunate to have some family members who really love me too. happy holidays guys you are not alone

      • Bre19


        @distri I'm sorry to hear

    • Ellen


      So much to do!! Finding the right gifts for everyone and planning where and how to celebrate the holidays , I feel a lot of pressure in this time and it just makes my anxiety worse.

    • Poggers


      Divorced parents, separated from family members, I’m diabetic and can’t eat how I used to and loved to eat so much :(

    • callmeblue


      i go out of state during the holidays to see my family every year and always have, but i had a break up last year with an extremely abusive ex boyfriend that was also from that state and he lives nearby. even just being a few towns over stresses me out horribly and really triggers my PTSD. it's gotten better but it's hard to not have panic attacks at the smallest things and be really paranoid even though i know there's really no reason for me to be while im seeing my family :(

    • Rayman


      The lack of sun.

    • Rinn.deer619


      The sugar! Im supposed to be limiting my sugar and that's incredibly difficult when all you see is sugar

    • MacMacabre


      My family

    • Crow


      Im really hating the time change rn. I used to get out of work with an hour or two of sundown still at least, now its black. 10-7. Then retail in a pharmacy during holidays? I care abt these ppl i understand whats wrong by my god, theyve never been so rude theyve made my depression swing back in. Too many people in stores too, even before pandemic, too crowded in stores. And family. My moms side is so spicy i cant rn

    • chonkyfeline


      Missing some family despite their toxic behavior. It’s a lonely time of year for me.

      • Bre19


        @chonkyfeline so sorry to hear

    • noelieg


      seasonal depression. for the past 3 years i've been extremely depressed on christmas

    • Trina


      Anxiety and pain/fatigue from fibromyalgia

    • CrystalRoses


      The hardest part about the holidays for me is all the stress that surrounds it. I try not to be stressed about the holidays myself but it’s hard not to fall in the same circumstances knowing your family members are freaking out. It causes me a lot of anxiety.

    • pamplemousse


      i worry about having flare ups and having to leave events early because of the pain

    • Princesskitty29


      I’m always depressed around this time and super tired I sleep more than usual

      • Bre19


        @Princesskitty29 felt

    • Jazzybella


      Remembering when we were robbed and they ripped open all the gifts under the tree to find valuables. And when my ex cheated on me and beat me

      • Bre19


        @Jazzybella that's so not ok so sorry you had to deal with that

      • LeighB


        @Jazzybella I'm so sorry you had to deal with an abusive partner. . .

    • AmberMisery


      My lil brothers birthday AND death date are only a week apart in December n it kills me. Sucks all the holiday joy right outta me!

      • Bre19


        @AmberMisery I'm so sorry

    • ms_drizzle


      Not having good memories or expectations because I'm am and have always been so depressed about family

      • Bre19


        @ms_drizzle oh no sorry to hear

    • Spookstrrr


      My family constantly misgendering me. I'll hear an older family member yell for me from across the house (using my dead name) and it feels like a slap on the back of the head. Whether they know I'm nonbinary or not..

      • EricaLynn


        @Spookstrrr Some of us forget that there may be changes someone else has gone through. We are used to the old way and that’s what comes up when we aren’t thinking. I wouldn’t mind a personal friendly reminder. Just you and me. Maybe you already have. If it were me doing the forgetting, I don’t believe I would be doing it to cause you pain or to upset you. I would just be not thinking. I pray that issues become easier in the future.

    • sole


      Mostly family gatherings, due to years of on-going domestic. Also along the fact I get false claimed about my system by family members :/

      • Bre19


        @sole that misy be difficult

    • wren


      i have sensory overload so its hard with all the lights

    • Chronicly_Liz


      D3 vitamins and getting out of the house! You can do it I believe in you. Also self care does wonders.

      • Bre19


        @Chronicly_Liz thanks

    • KaiNoelle


      The food. I want to eat everything, but my Crohn's doesn't let me...and my family doesn't always understand. I've found helping to cook has made a difference.

      • Bre19


        @KaiNoelle that must be difficult

    • Reindeer_Coric


      Ugh everything.. Our tics act up and it really sucks plus mental health issues. -atlas

      • Bre19


        @Reindeer_Coric oh no

    • Maybee


      My PTSD spikes because of my grandmother. And everyone is arguing all the time, there’s never a peaceful moment, the holidays are always stressful

      • Bre19


        @Maybee that must be difficult

    • Matilda


      The emotional toll they have on me. I lost my grandpa 10 years ago on December 23. I started hating the holidays before I even entered my teen years...

    • gloam


      People expecting my chronic issues to disappear just because they want me to be more festive, people pushing my boundaries and pressuring me to go out and see them but never caring the rest of the year


      • Bre19


        @gloam yeah its not cool of them

    • SeektheMeek


      Desire to get to the fun and enjoy is often losing to high pain due to cold and low energy

      • Bre19


        @SeektheMeek oh man that sucks

    • Ashalee


      Family. Lack of and avoiding toxic family members

      • Bre19


        @Ashalee yes unfortunately

    • SaffronAcr


      This will be my first holiday with no family no family my parents and my grandparents are all passed away now and my son is 20 years old and out in the world so this will be my completely like firsts alone alone so we’ll see how it goes I think I’ll do OK but I was pretty much alone last year but not like lonely so this is like a different kind of alone but I think I’ll do OK


      • KratomEater


        @SaffronAcr you should reach out to people in your community! Make friends and make plans for the holidays! Not that you don’t have friends of course 😅

        • diebialoneaspect


          @KratomEater making friends sounds easy but is quite difficult for me.

    • Plum


      Not celebrating it is rough

    • Ol


      A lot of people, noise, new spaces, lights, trying to mask and socialize, very difficult


    • BubbleBee


      Having to keep up with plans and see lots of people I don't normally, and dealing with the social challenges of having to be friendly/happy with them even if I'm not doing well

    • SaffronAcr


      I am spending my first year alone. I don’t have family where I live and my son has grown up and living as an adult. I am still grieving a bit and am very lonely


      • Bre19


        @SaffronAcr so sorry

    • Rosie_Posey


      Exhaustion. I always overexert myself and can’t recover as fast as everyone else around so I seem lazy and ungrateful


      • Bre19


        @Rosie_Posey yep

      • KittyMommy420


        @Rosie_Posey those are my mother in law's favorite words to describe me... Lazy and ungrateful. But chronic pain, depression, heart issues, and anxiety don't help at all. I physically can't keep up with her

    • Dove


      I become OBSESSED with finding the perfect gifts for everyone and sink into depression if I feel like I haven't lived up to my own high standards. I am bad at communicating with people, and some part of me feels like this is my one chance to show people how much I love them, to help them feel seen. When I fail, I feel like I've let them down.


      • Bre19


        @Dove felt this

      • diebialoneaspect


        @Dove I feel the same way! Thank you for sharing!

      • catsandturtles88


        @Dove This is me as well, I made a gift list a couple of months ago and then ran into financial struggles and it looks like many people will not be receiving gifts beyond a holiday card, but I feel like I'm not meeting my own standards for the holiday season

      • Moss_walls


        @Dove I felt this

    • Vee


      The fact that my whole family is kinda torn apart, we don't see each other much..the holidays were full of family get togethers and love, now it's juss full of loneliness and severe depression 😥


      • Bre19


        @Vee oh no

      • diebialoneaspect


        @Vee I totally relate to that. When the grandkids were young. I would pass out gifts and watch their excitement when they opened things. The next day they would come over to finish the Leftovers and play with their toys. Now I'm alone on all holidays even when I lived 2 miles away. I try my best to treat it like any other day_ it helps some. Now I live in a 55+ community that's far from my daughter and grandson. I'm alone here too but at least I'm warm! I feel lonely all the time and feel left out most of the time, I'm an introvert trying to be an extrovert. And when I fail as usual when you go against who you are, I beat myself up. Going to the community Thanksgiving dinner is always a challenge because I don't have a partner so I go alone to everything. It's uncomfortable, but last year I met some folks and it was better than I feared. Having no expectations helps. Then I can't be let down. And everything is a surprise!

      • HattieMae


        @Vee 😥Same over Here!!

      • Snz


        @Vee 😥

    • ino


      The chaos. Its meant for everyone to be cozy and comfortable but it's all just angst and worry over setting tables, stocking foods, setting everything up, and once people get here it's all so crowded and loud it just hurts. Especially the little cousins, as the big cousin I'm expected to be with them at all times and it's just so exhausting. This year will not be an easy one for me. I am struggling to find the motivation to put ornaments on the tree and am forcing myself to do everything else


    • Vicky30


      Just having lots of plans and knowing I'll have to cancel some and let people down…


    • UnluckyUnicorn


      The facades. I’m supposed to be happy, healthy, and able but I don’t have the energy to do most traditions and honestly I don’t care to. It’s not worth my mental health to do what’s “right” when it’s not right for me but it makes me feel so guilty.


      • Bre19


        @UnluckyUnicorn exactly

      • Irisrose


        @UnluckyUnicorn That is me too 😥

      • Rico_SD


        @UnluckyUnicorn you nailed it. I’ve learned to not feel guilty. My family either understands or they’re so under water in their own mental health struggles they’re oblivious to mine. It’s my wife’s family who is well adjusted and EXTREMELY festive (polar opposite of my family) that makes true suffering for me. They can’t understand how someone would not want to go to six different Christmas parties in a week or two in a day. Not to mention I’m an atheist and both of our families are devout Catholics - pure hell.

      • Rhen


        @UnluckyUnicorn ❤️ ❤️

    • SimplyImperfect


      Being only Deaf in the family and no one signs. Lack of communication.


      • Bre19


        @SimplyImperfect that must be difficult

      • Jessabean


        @SimplyImperfect I'm so sorry no one has made the effort to learn for you! I barely speak to anyone but was thinking of learning BSL at some point as it's useful to have to help people feel included

      • Weneli


        @SimplyImperfect 😥

      • Sincerely


        @SimplyImperfect I'm so sorry for that for you. That totally sucks.... I sign, and before I lost my job two months ago I used it to communicate with our deaf customers. They appreciated me being there because they said normally they would be ignored or someone would be outright offense. The first day I signed to a lady was because I heard my coworker yelling at her that "she couldn't understand her!" and "she needed to talk!" That's when I remembered I even knew ASL; I hadn't used it since school days... Within a month, I fell ill and was unable to use my voice. I personally experienced first hand what it was like. Stores and restaurants I visited normally shunned me, gave me the cold shoulder, yelled at me, or turned around while I was signing and walked away. Other customers stand around staring at you strangely, like they wonder what plagues you. 😒 It was pretty bad. I hardly ever meet deaf or mute people, I only know because I had a dead friend when I was in middle school, but I would love to have all deaf friends so if we go out and they get treated poorly I can shove my fist in their face. I personally want to apologize to the entire deaf community for the way people act sometimes. The best kept secret is: the deaf community are the coolest mfrs on the planet. ❤️🤗💕

      • g59gdog


        @SimplyImperfect I’m so sorry that’s really messed up of them for not speaking sign

      • Catlady121427


        @SimplyImperfect sorry to hear

        • animelover


          @Catlady121427 poor choice of words lol


    • natetheboneman


      Dealing with my depression and OCD


      • Bre19


        @natetheboneman felt

    • exaustedeveryday


      I'm without my daughter and parents.


      • Bre19


        @exaustedeveryday oh no

    • Sleepysleeps


      Everyone acts extra high strung during the holidays due to family problems and financial problems. It’s supposed to be joyful but it becomes crazy.


      • Bubblingbrownsugar2


        @Sleepysleeps 😥 AND I have to do it without my Mom. It's sucks, I miss her sooooo much 🥰🥰🥰

    • pollyanna68


      I don't hear from people I Know


      • Bubblingbrownsugar2


        @pollyanna68 💕💕💕 I'm here

    • jayyywayyy


      the time change and lack of vitamin D. i always feel super sad around this time. having severe OCD and anxiety doesn’t help.


      • Bre19


        @jayyywayyy felt

      • NativeGypsy


        @jayyywayyy have you thought about taking good vit D supplements and doing a diy infrared light system?

        • Greywolf7000


          @NativeGypsy haven’t tried infrared light does it improve neuropathy symptoms etc?

      • Hayley_2


        @jayyywayyy you can actually get treatment for this! Seasonal Affective Disorder is commonly treated :)

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