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I've had a migraine since Sunday and I'm honestly so exhausted. People don't understand how overwhelmed I am dealing with this pain and trying to be a normal human. Everyone expects me to do things for them and be present for different situations. It's so painful I feel like I'm a terrible person for not being able to do anything.

Top reply
    • InTheVoid


      Memantine helps me a lot with day long migraines

    • InTheVoid


      Memantine helps me a lot with day long migraines

    • LilyUnicorn


      The hardest thing to do when you have migraines is give yourself a break. We do for others. We try even when we are recovering from a migraine. We need to give our best to ourselves sometimes by giving ourselves a break and take a rest / slow down when we have a migraine.

      • Kelso9344


        @LilyUnicorn that is very true. Slowing down is hard

    • CandiceSM


      I definitely understand your pain and frustration. Ive been diagnosed with migraines since i was 5. Weekly migraines, im 37 now and sometimes they last 3-4 days. I have 4 kids and married and im sure my husband is frustrated that i get many migraines. The migraines now make my Blood pressure go so high that the dr says i could have a stroke any minute. Currently im on Inderal, i use sumatriptan when i get a migraine. I also use and ice pack and put peppermint oil on my temples and sinus area.

      • Kelso9344


        @CandiceSM oh my goodness I'm sorry you deal with that. Trying to be a human and have migraines is so hard. I found peppermint oil pills that help when I take with my medicine. It's amazing how much it helps

    • pyritegalaxies


      before I found the right mix of meds had migraines every day. severe ones at least 14 days of the month. I had them 9-10 years until I finally found Botox injections and nurtec for breakthrough migraines. now I only have a couple a month. I know how hard it can be to be a functioning human being with migraines, and how hard it can be to get people to understand your pain. you're not a terrible person. you just need to try your best to explain your pain and let them know when you've got a migraine so they know that they'll need to help you out with what they expect you to do.

      • Kelso9344


        @pyritegalaxies I'm glad you found something to help you! I've been doing well with amovig and a pill (I can't remember the name of 😂) have been helping. I was getting migraines a lot and couldn't figure out what it was...and then I broke up with my boyfriend and haven't had another one soooo

    • Mordecaii


      Hi! I've had a continuous migraine for a year and a half. Remember that it's not your fault. I think the best way is to let them know before hand that you have a migraine and may be a little snappy/overwhelmed. That's what has worked for me best and everyone is usually super understanding especially if you don't seem like your normal self.

      • Kelso9344


        @Mordecaii ooof that's such a long time, I'm sorry!

        • Mordecaii


          @Kelso9344 It's alright! You get used to it. Feels less like a migraine and more like the normal. Sounds bad ik but it means it doesn't bother you. I hope you feel better!

    • velvetgoldmine


      I’m so sorry, it’s hard not to feel guilty or like a terrible person for having to say no to people, but you’re absolutely not and although it’s painful and frustrating you’re doing the right thing putting yourself first. Have you spoken to a doctor about daily migraine prevention meds ? I take Candesartan every night now which has reduced how often I get them, but I take zolmitriptan when I have an attack which really helps

      • Kelso9344


        @velvetgoldmine thank you! I was just recently able to see a neurologist. He put me on amovig injections which has cut down on how many migraines I get. Which has been nice but that last one was rough

    • witchykitty


      I understand what you're going through. I've been dealing with migraines for 16 years now. And I'm convinced that the majority of it is caused by my back and neck issues. So there really is no stopping them. Just trying to lessen the frequency. I've had more migraines than I care to count that have put me in the er. But the problem therein lies that I'm allergic to 2 of the 3 medications they typically want to give you for migraines. Such bad ones that even 5mg of Iv morphine has worn off after an hour.

      • MinouBallerine


        @witchykitty ugh, chronic and intractable migraines are the worst of the worst. iv pain of morphine not doing much of anything nor lasting long. I have a friend who is a surgical nurse, she told me that I had a super high metabolism and that was most likely my problem both the morp wearing off early and I have a habit of waking up during surgery 😐

      • Kelso9344


        @witchykitty ugh sorry you also have to deal with them. I've had them my whole life but they got worse after I got kicked in the back of my neck by a guy in high school and then I had a few concussions. I completely understand being allergic to pain medications, they gave me something once it didn't end well. It's so rough. I hope you will be able to find something to help you with your pain!

        • MinouBallerine


          @Kelso9344 Gee, I am sooo sorry for your level of suffering. Life is unfair. Scary thing is, your story is nearly identical to my life of migraines. Wishing you well

    • RenaissanceGirl


      You’re not a terrible person. I know where you’re at, I’ve had daily migraines for 7 years, they’re debilitating! Migraines are one of those things that there isn’t pushing through it. There is doing whatever you can to lessen the pain and riding it out. I talked with doctors, saw specialists, and tried every medication under the sun. We did find something that helps and I’m no longer squinting and hiding from the sun every time my front door opens. If you’re not taking a preventative medication, I’d strongly encourage you to talk to your doctor. Migraine pain isn’t a small thing, and I’m sorry you’re getting pressure from other people, I sympathize. I hope you’re able to find something that helps, you don’t deserve to be in that level of pain. If you ever want to talk, you’re welcome to message me. Sending healing thoughts.

      • Kelso9344


        @RenaissanceGirl that's awesome you found something that helps! I know going through medication after medication is rough. My insurance is just now allowing me to see a neurologist after struggling with migraines for my whole life. He put me on amovig injections which I hate with a passion haha I hate needles. It had cut down my migraines monthly which is nice but that last migraine was horrible. It's rough when I have to tell people I need to lay down because of a migraine especially when they don't get migraines. My boyfriend doesn't and he tries to understand but sometimes he gets upset because we are long distance and those days we can't spend time together. Thank you, same for you!

    • Magpie42


      There is this amazing service I just found, Dispatch Health, that is a home service urgent care. They take most insurance and the copay is whatever you would pay at urgent care. I called earlier and was able go get an appt for a toradol shot. It's the only thing that will stop a days long migraine for me. $40 and they came to my house, loved on my pup, and gave me a shot. It is in my arsenal for migraine storms in the future. You can google it to see if they service your area. Best of luck, migraines are awful.

      • MinouBallerine


        @Magpie42 yes! Thank you for the info! … and they take most insurances? Definitely going to google it.

      • Kelso9344


        @Magpie42 wow! I had no idea that was a thing. Definitely doing that next time. Thank you for sharing!

      • Taser


        @Magpie42 yeah, thanks 😊

    • Taser


      Yeah, I have had a migraine for almost 3 years straight. It just varies in pain level each day. So I totally understand about having to "act normal". People don't understand it really, they try but they don't.

      • Kelso9344


        @Taser oh my goodness I'm so sorry you have to deal with that! It's so hard when people don't understand then it makes me feel bad for being upset with them.

    • ScarletFyre


      It's frustrating; I feel the same way. I'd try to act as though I was fine, then feel guilty when I had to miss stuff. My husband has been great at encouraging me to finally take care I'd myself. Still working on the guilt.

      • Kelso9344


        @ScarletFyre the guilt is so horrible. My boyfriend tries to understand but I still feel horrible. He's always telling me to take my medicine and a nap but I feel bad not being able to talk with him

        • LilyUnicorn


          @Kelso9344 That is putting pressure on yourself, which will only make a stress migraine worse, ease up on yourself.

    • LemonSnicker


      Before I went on medicine for migraines I had atleast 3 a week, and sometimes bigger ones that would last over a week. The last straw was when I had one almost a month. Even now, if I miss my medicine one day I can almost guarantee a headache for atleast a day. I hope you find relief soon! All of us here understand how crushing they can be on life. But there are a lot of options to lessen them, and hopefully I can give you hope that it can get better! It’s especially hard during the holidays for us to explain to family why we might not be available!

      • Kelso9344


        @LemonSnicker I'm so happy I have others who understand! The ones that last for so long are the worst! I was put on Amovig and they have lessened but my last dose was off and I think it messed with my body. It's so stressful

        • MinouBallerine


          @Kelso9344 Ohhh, I hope it has lessened if not has gone away by now? People w/ migraines understand, but people who suffer from chronic migraines, intractable, migraine+ (clusters, tension) are an all-together diff beast. I massage a CBD+THC tincture on my temples, occipital bones, neck & shoulders and sublingually; ice pack, yoga breathing, certain thc strains I smoke (apple fritter is known as a headache/migraine reliever but hard to find). I also have an essential oil mixture that helps me with pain, mood, everything! I also found some awesome YouTube that play specific frequencies, tones and sounds (saved me numerous times). Botox injections helped both the number and intensity of my pain but now I am a covid long-hauler and have not had Botox in two years. I have never been the same after Aimovig. I became incredibly ill and came close to death.

    • Princessmommy6


      I'm sorry. I've had migraines that last for days and they're the worst. Thc helps me, also an ice pack at the base of my neck, peppermint oil inhaled. Good luck with ease of it

      • Kelso9344


        @Princessmommy6 thank you! They are literally the worst.

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