

Expertise in Lyme Disease and Natural Treatments

Hi guys. My expertise is in Lyme disease, heavy metal toxicity, alternative therapies, natural treatments as well as knowledge in mold poisoning and mental health. I am writing this in case anyone is in need of help with any of these subjects, I would be able to point you in the right direction and even possibly give you a list of doctors (I am not afflicted in any way). I know the frustration and overwhelm as well as how important it is to act quickly and would be happy to help anyone. My Story: I had Lyme Disease untreated and undiagnosed for 13-15 years before I was finally diagnosed in 2017 after I had been bitten by a tick on Mother’s Day a few weeks after I loss my 8-month pregnancy and held a funeral for him. 2017 was a tough year. I was told that I had a new infection as well as a more advanced, late stage infection going back many years. This made sense to me as I was always a hiker and the acute symptoms I experienced after the 2017 tick bite were identical to the symptoms I had 15 years earlier. So, I saw an Infectious Disease Dr who had me on antibiotics for 6 months, which only made my condition worse. I still tested positive for an active infection, which came back raging a week after I stopped treatment. I realized that I wasn’t getting the help I needed from doctors and I was on my own. For the next 2 years, I made it my full-time job to become an expert at Lyme so I could save myself. I read hundreds of studies, took notes, found protocols and studies that showed the effectiveness of certain treatments. I began taking these treatments at home and soon began to get better but still wanted a doctor to overlook. I finally found a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor who treated with natural protocols and/or antibiotics, and I chose the natural route. I felt more at peace having her tell me the treatments I was using was exactly what she recommends. Now that my insurance no longer covers her appointments, I am in a place where I know far beyond what i need to and altho I don’t have a degree, I know more about this subject than 99.999% of doctors. Lyme disease is easily treated if taken care of immediately, but if left untreated, this stealth pathogen is capable of things that amazes me.. as much as I despise it, it’s also pretty wild what it’s capable of doing to prevent its own demise. So yea.. any questions.. I’d be happy to help. Common Protocols: - Buhner - Zhang - Cowden - Byron White (my fav)

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