Hello I was recently diagnosed with a-fib which scares me. I know there are others out there with the same condition and live regular lives. This is all new to me and would like to connect with others for support. And how to deal with the side effects of the medications. Thank you.
I have a fib. The doctor did a cardioversion which put my heart back in normal rhythm for a short time. Now he wants to do an ablation. I am so tired and can only walk a short time before I have to sit down because my legs, buttocks, hips hurt so bad. The thing that really concerns me is that my body feels so bloated and I have so much edema- especially my stomach and legs. Wherever my clothes are fitting tight I have huge indentations. I can barely get my shoes on. I have been on Lasix for a long time and it doesn’t seem to work. Can anyone relate or have any thoughts on why this is happening. I don’t have an appointment with him for a while. Thank you!!!!!!
My A-Fib was getting worse and I ended up in the hospital for blood transfusions quite a lot. But when I got off the blood thinners and had the watchman installed, I haven’t had bleeding incidents that previously landed me in the hospital. Some people can tolerate blood thinners. After a few years, I could not.
Has anyone had an ablation on their heart dues to A fib? Scary? Long recovery? I was told I should have it done but it hasn’t been scheduled yet and I don’t know anything about them.
Well I still have Afib but I had to have a pacemaker put in due to my heart rate was dipping as low as 33 and stopping between 5 & 6 seconds while I was sleeping. I have had it for a month and I sleep better and feel better. A lot more energy. I have a monitor on my bed side. Looks just like an iPhone. Has anyone out there have one and if you do how is it working for you?
I have A Fib. I’m 62 years old. Cardiologist did a cardioversion at the end of April and went for a follow up visit yesterday and I’m back in A Fib. He suggested having cardiac ablation. Has anyone had that done and did it work?
Good Morning! My doctor wants me to take an anti arrhythmic. I can't decide the best one for me. I want one with the least amount of side effects and the one safest to take for the duration. I'm 63.
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Atrial fibrillation (A-fib) is an irregular rapid heart beat.
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