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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with Sjogren's and Anklosing spondylitis

Since I first started showing symptoms for Sjogren’s about 9 years ago, turns out it’s secondary to Anklosing spondylitis. My SS started with VERY swollen glands, it has now escalated to much more painful symptoms in the throat and under my tongue. It feels like pins and needles along with a tightness and unless I take prednisone this is a daily occurrence for me and it can be quite painful. My glands still swell but not as severe as early on and stay swollen much of the time. I’m currently taking hydroxychloroquine and l lueflonomide, and Cimzia,for the SS but really the only thing that seems to help is prednisone. I recently fractured a few bones in my foot and dr believes prednisone is the culprit. Please, if anyone has any suggestions I would truly appreciate it. Does anyone experience similar symptoms?

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Hi, when was the last time you saw your rheumatologist? Today there are many biological drugs that can help you maintain remission from the disease. I was also on prednisone for a long time, and after I gained a lot of weight and osteoporosis started, my rheumatologist recommended that I try hydroxychloroquine which didn't really help. After that I went back to him and he transferred me to a really good biological drug called infliximab which still helps me with the disease. Have you tried biological drugs?



Try introducing anti inflammatory food !! Turmeric/ blueberries/ ginger helps plenty

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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