Any tips for staying hydrated? For some reason I feel really sick after drinking as much as a tall glass of water, maybe 10 oz tops, for at least half an hour. My urologist stressed very sternly that dehydration is probably the root cause of my kidney stones and that I need to get on top of it, based on the amount of urine I handed into the lab for a 24 hour urine test I did for something unrelated a few years back. I dont want anymore of these little hellrocks building up in me, but I also hate feeling like I'm about to throw up so often.
Hello! I had my first kidney stone last Febuary and it was hell itself. I didnt know pain could be so bad. Ruined my college semester that had just started. The ER doctor told me it was 2 mm and should be out within 24 hours, but I struggled with it for 4 weeks and 6 days, and when I sent the stone in to the lab they discovered it was actually 4 mm. The catscan found two other stones, 1 mm and 2 mm, that have yet to drop. I'm wondering if anybody else struggles with panicking whenever they start feeling pain in the areas where their kidneys are. It keeps happening, My lower back will be sore, I'll be like oh no its happening again, and then itll go away. The stress really doesn't help things.
hi everyone so I just had a 24- hr stone risk urine done and I'm confused by the results. I have my doctor appointment on the 23rd but just want advice until then from someone who has been diagnosed with these issues, hyperuricosuric nephrolithiasis and hypocitraturic nephrolithiasis. I also have low urine output. I am just worried about kidney disease 😔. I am a controlled type 2 diabetic as well.
I have been dealing with Kidney Stones since 2003 all too regularly. I have multiple stones that fall anytime I even get slightly dehydrated. At least 20 ER trips due to UTI and multiple Stones falling. Most times they are accompanied by a UTI. Most recent infection began February 26 2022 and continued through May 2022. I went into Sepsis in May due to the infection not clearing up after 6 different antibiotics. I had a Ureteroscopy with Lithotripsy and Basket May 17. I feel like my doctors are treating this way too casual and not pursuing anything more or even looking into why my body keeps over producing Calcium Oxolate stones. Anyone had similar experiences and have ideas to pursue testing on or how to get the doctors to take this more seriously?
just had stent placed for kidney stone. Is it common anytime I urinate it causes extreme pain
hi everyone!! i’m 19 and i’ve had chronic kidney stones since i was about 14. i’ve been trying to find the reason i keep getting stones, but it seems every urologist i go to never knows the answer. i’ve done lots or research on what this could be caused by, i’ve heard of a condition called hyperparathyroidism which is a condition in your thyroid that produces too much calcium ( that’s basically just the paraphrased version lol). my urologist suggested i see a endocrinologist, but i just need some advice on the whole situation.
Hi I have a question for my fellow kidney stone sufferers: i was in the ER for my most recent stone and they sent me my urinalysis. I noticed that I had high levels of glucose in my urine, does anyone know if this is typical for kidney stones? I will ask my urologist when I see her in a few months but was just curious
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Kidney stones are small stones, usually made from calcium, in one or both of your kidneys.
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