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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with Kidney Stones: My Experience and Struggles

Hello! I had my first kidney stone last Febuary and it was hell itself. I didnt know pain could be so bad. Ruined my college semester that had just started. The ER doctor told me it was 2 mm and should be out within 24 hours, but I struggled with it for 4 weeks and 6 days, and when I sent the stone in to the lab they discovered it was actually 4 mm. The catscan found two other stones, 1 mm and 2 mm, that have yet to drop. I'm wondering if anybody else struggles with panicking whenever they start feeling pain in the areas where their kidneys are. It keeps happening, My lower back will be sore, I'll be like oh no its happening again, and then itll go away. The stress really doesn't help things.

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Your panic is completely understandable. Once you've delt with that kind of pain (the intensity and the constancy) you're never really ready to do it again. I've had half a dozen stones. They're the type that diet can't prevent. My biggest was just over 8mm and required surgery, stints, the whole shabang.



Wow! I have never passed a stone naturally I always end up in the ER from vomiting too much and fainting from the pain. I know how bad that pain is bc i guess I have too low of a pain tolerance to pass it on my own at home. They prescribed me basically advil for the pain and I just laughed bc that would do virtually nothing for it. Hang in there and try not to feel anxious about the stones. They happen and it’s absolutely terrible but doesn’t help to think about it all of the time:( ❤️ hang in there



only advil??? That's crazy! I have really low pain tolerance too, in elementary my peers would poke me and laugh when I reacted from the pain so badly. My ER gave me narcotics and I was STILL miserable. I cant even imagine what you've gone through.



I have kindey stones sence 2017 none stop right now I have 2mm and 3 mm and they are in my lower pole of my kidneys



I'm the same on My 14th stent and I don't know anymore than I did 5 years ago. Surgery go home carry on till it happens again and again 🙄



What helps ur pain they won't give me anything for pain



From my experience the anxiety from the twinges or the occational aches is normal. Ive passed a few now but my last was the worst. It was 4mm by 4mm and had tons of sharp points. Couldn't manage to get out of the bed to even go to the hospital. All I can suggest is have plans in place in case one does decend at an inconvenient time. I have a family member as a ride set up and even a little flomax and pain med container in my pocket book. Im sorry this is happening to you and I wish you the best of luck!



Hello, iI first found out I had a stone about a year ago. No problems with it for a year or so, then the kidney decided to evict the stone for Christmas this year. Still waiting for the stone, but OMG that pain was horrible!! They did a ct scan on my worse pain day and I am waiting for the reading still. I’ve had back twinges of pain still and and I hope it was only one. The idea of this happening again is terrifying.

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