I’m taking a medication called strattera (atomexitine) for adhd/autism executive dysfunction. I started and then forgot to take and am now back on. Both times initially starting I had a weird (tmi) bowel movement that was painful, anxiety inducing, and made me intensely sweaty and flushed. I never have this kind of pain or discomfort usually. Does anyone have experience with this?
Hello. I'm new here but am excited to learn about others'experiences and knowledge sharing with similar conditions. I have had issues with sweating to my hands, underarms and feet for years. sweating to my hands and feed started in my childhood. I have tried different treatments with exception to Botox and I'm currently looking into doing a sympathectomy. Has anyone done this procedure yet? what was/ is your experience?
does anyone else sweat excessively when the temperature changes or just randomly? I don't know if I have hyperhidrosis but I learned about it recently and would like some input on what its like for people. I mean, my hands always get so wet that my fingerprint scanner can't recognize me, and I sweat all over the place. my face, underarms, hands, feet all get super sweaty for seemingly no reason.
How do you guys deal with hyperhidrosis? I find it to be very embarrassing when people call me out and it makes me feel not normal and gross
So, I have not been diagnosed with "hyperhydrosis", but my (conditon) affects mainly only my hands and feet very sweaty, alot of the time, summer or winter it doesn't matter. Obviously, it is worse in the summer and, acts up more if I know I have to shake hands in any instances. Also, acts up more obviously, if I am nervous. Anyone have anything similar?
The significance of online communities lies in the emotional support and understanding they provide, empowering patients to express their concerns, fears, and triumphs without fear of judgment. Such platforms foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie, helping patients navigate the complexities of their conditions and treatment options.
night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Hyperhidrosis, which is sweating in excess of that required for normal thermoregulation, is a condition that usually begins in either childhood or adolescence.
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