So, I had my spine fused in January of 2018 and life has been so much better. But after looking on here and some other websites I feel as though my curve degrees were much higher than normal. I had (still somewhat do have) an S curve with degrees at 65 and 70. What degrees did/do you guys have?
I remember when I saw someone about my scoliosis years back it was discussed that I likely wouldn’t need surgery unless I was in pain. I’m amazed at how quickly the pain has progressed. I spent most of my life pain free from it & now I’m having it a few times a week. Does anyone have any advice or wise words to calm my nerves?
So I have scoliosis that is 16 digitized the right (last time I was at the doc). I really struggle with sports bras after a shower. It rolls up in the back and I can’t reach it to get it unrolled in the back and on the sides so it fits me. This has put me behind schedule before. Any ideas or suggestions or adaptations that will help this? It’s making me late and it’s painful and frustrating.
I want to straighten out my spine as much as possible. My curved spine is causing a lot of hip and leg pain. Who should I go to, who/what has helped you the most? I have already been to chiropractors, physical therapists, and recently an orthopedic specialist.
How can I stop my spine curvature from progressing so fast?
i literally have no idea how this app works but anyways, i’ve had severe scoliosis for quite a while, but was just diagnosed last year. i’m getting surgery in a few weeks, and just wanted to see if there was anyone who’s been through a similar journey to mine!
Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Are you nervous about having kids with scoliosis?
so recently i just got my very first job working at a sorta fast food type place where im a cashier. im working 9 hour days 5 days a week and im on my feet almost the whole time. unfortunately this causes my back pain to worsten and makes my back just sad, and i was wondering if anyone else has had this issue and what they did to fix or improve it, whether it be certain types of shoes, exercises, or work changes. the only thing left of my scoliosis anymore is the back pain, and i really dont want it to get worse so id appriciate any tips on how to lessen it!! tysm to those who respond.
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Deformities of the spine characterized by abnormal bending or flexure in the vertebral column.
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