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Updated 11mo ago

Need advice on straightening my curved spine

I want to straighten out my spine as much as possible. My curved spine is causing a lot of hip and leg pain. Who should I go to, who/what has helped you the most? I have already been to chiropractors, physical therapists, and recently an orthopedic specialist.

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A good chiropractor is awesome if you can find one. However, there’s a lot of real bad ones out there unfortunately. I’ve had some pretty extreme experiences with chiros. Some really great ones too. I’ve found that generally if the chiropractor is the type of person who believes that chiropractic care is going to cure every disease known to man, move on to a different one because they’re one of the bad ones. Physical therapy is great too as they tend to have a very clinical and practical approach to things.



Yeah I guess the chiropractors I found just didn't care enough to actually help me with my specific case. They mostly cracked my back and put tens unit on me. But good news! I recently went to my PT, just last Friday and he was like "oh your spine is not straight" and I was like.... "I know. Haha" and he showed me an exercise I can do to straighten it out over time! Took a year of seeing like a dozen people and almost a year before getting this answer but I'll take it hahaha



Depends on the severity of your spine and diagnosed condition!! I have Idiopathic Adult Onset Scoliosis! I my curvature was 89° with kyphosis! It took me 5 years and me being my own advocate to finally find a surgeon! Make sure you thoroughly check out the surgeon, credentials and reviews on his performance! Research, research! Good luck, if you wish to discuss further details, let me know!



What diagnosis have you been given? What kind of treatments were suggested by all the specialists you have contacted/consulted with! Believe me…you don’t want to have surgery unless it is absolutely a necessity!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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