Can anyone with a shunt (preferably vp shunt) feel it move if they jolt their head?
I have Congenital Hydrocephalus. and I'm not afraid to say it because I'm not ashamed of it. Saying that, I went through Disability/SSI and I went to college with my favorite girl ever Maple, my Service Dog. She was two when I got her. She was a Golden Retriever. She got to go everywhere with me. The beach, she got to go actually ON the rides at Disney World, into restaurants, she even went to college with me! We were inseparable. People in college said her name first THEN my name. For example instead of Jake and Maple people said Maple and Jake. haha Because she was the only dog on campus. Yeah, you can say we were pretty well known around campus. My point of this is is it rude or illegal to ask someone their disability? Shouldn't you already tell if they have a disability if someone has a service animal? I mean many, MANY people asked me on campus what my disability was because I don't "look" like I have any. That's because all my disabilities are pretty much to do with my brain. But I am off balance a bit. That's why I have Maple for support. She's actually quite small for a Golden Retriever, according to what her trainer told me, she's only 60 lbs. But the way she braces is very strong 💪. So, I'm just wondering if other people get asked if they have disabilities and if so how do you take it? Are you offended? Or do you think they are truly just curious?
I'm 28 but will be turning 29 soon. And throughout my life I've had only 4 jobs. And all of them I've not kept all because of my health and brain condition. The job is either too hard, I started getting headaches, or they got too strenuous for me to keep so I had to tell my boss I had to quit. And I know that doesn't look good on a professional resumè. (I can't help that though). So my question is...Are there other people like me out there going through the same issues I'm going through? or am I the only one? I've met only two other people who have Hydrocephalus like me but they were able to maintain a steady job far longer than I have...which 1) confuses me and 2) lowers my self-esteem. I would just like to know at least ONE person who is having the same difficulties and hardships as me. Alright, that's all. [insert Charlie Brown's sad expression here]
I am worried about how my mental health and my Hydrocephalus parallel. Does my Hydrocephalus condition affect my emotional well- being? If so, how?
What is your experience with driving? I had several car accidents prior to being diagnosed but have not driven since my last surgery. I have an appointment with my Nuerologist on Monday. What is your experience with driving and your condition?
Do you have trouble with short term memory loss or frequent headaches when the temperature changes? Also, how many shunt revisions have you had? I just had mine replaced from when I was a child- i’m almost 42 now, and wondering if I’ll eventually have to replace this one.
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
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Dandy-Walker Syndrome (DWS), or Dandy Walker malformation is a rare congenital malformation which occurs during the embryonic development.
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