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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Endometriosis Pain After Having a Baby

As of late I've been very angry. not towards my family or friends but with myself and doctors. My daughter is 13 months this month and I'm still in the worst pain ever with endometriosis. Sometimes it's nothing at all that makes it hurt and others it's my daughter kicking me or sitting on my lap. I'm angry that there is no cure, that I had my miracle baby and I now am in forever pain, that I had a child (I love my daughter), that my husband enjoys her with no pain. I'm still going through depression and hands anxiety. I just need to talk. This isn't a question. More a rant. Thanks for listening.

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I'm right there with you I have endometriosis in my right lower bowel and I think I know what's causing my pain I think they need to take my left ovary out cuz all my hormones and when I'm ovulating it hurts every month when I start ovulating I'm just tired of the doctors not listening to how much pain I'm in. I have a son he's my miracle baby too I wanted another baby I wanted girl but it never happened.



ya everyone is like when's your next baby. I'm like I'm still in pain. I have my girl and I good with one. It's my whole area downstairs that hurts. Before and after my periods are so painful in my right lower back. Just lately though I've been so angry I don't know what to do. I'm glad you think you know what it is. I have no idea and I'm crying everyday.



Have you had pelvic floor therapy since having your baby? That kind of pain can feel like uterine pain. You may need therapy for that as it can get way out of wack with having a child. Also check out Wendy Laidlaw’s book on endometriosis on Amazon. Helped me. I cut out dairy, sugar,caffeine. And it helped. The dairy for me was the real killer. I wish you luck. And never stop giving up. I’ve heard that the iud I supposed to help as well. But I don’t personally know about that.



Sorry. Never stop and do t give up. Lol



I did therapy for months and it helped a little. When I went in I couldn't touch my c section but when I left I was fine. After my laparoscopic surgery I had more pain.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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