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Poor proprioception
by Alike Medical Team ∙ Updated on June 13, 2023
Proprioception is the body’s ability to sense its location and movements. Poor proprioception may result from drinking alcohol,and injuries affecting the brain,nerve or muscles. Examples include herniated disc, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, stroke, diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, Parkinson’s disease, ALS, ankle or knee sprains, and after joint replacement surgeries, When there is poor proprioception, symptoms may include balance problems, uncoordinated movement, clumsiness, poor postural control, and trouble recognizing their own strength. diagnosis is based upon findings from medical history and full neurological and physical examination. Further evaluation may include blood tests, imaging tests and electromyography. Treatment depends on the underlying cause and may include physical therapy, occupational therapy, balance exercises, and somatosensory stimulating training.
46 people with Poor proprioception
☝ We provide information on prescription and over-the-counter medicines, diagnosis, procedures and lab tests. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
National Institutes of Health ∙ World Health Organization ∙ MedlinePluse ∙ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
☝ All information has been reviewed by certified physicians from Alike
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"Loop earplugs have been recommended by several users. They are comfortable to wear all the time and while you sleep. Another product mentioned is 'Flare Audio: Calmer', these little devices you wear in your ears are supposed to soften sounds and make them more tolerable for people with **sensory difficulties**."
Seizures can feel different for each person. Some people are only aware of it once it's over and they wake up, often feeling nauseous and very out of it. Others may not have any signs before a seizure happens. After a seizure, some people feel as if they were hit by a bus, barely able to move a muscle, and their mind all rambled. Some people get chills, jitters, nausea, and then dissociate into a daze like falling asleep before a seizure. After the seizure, they might feel like they're waking up and are suddenly hit with a lot of emotions. For some, seizures can come with symptoms like deja vu, a **spiritual feeling**, vivid visual memories, dizziness, anxiety, or euphoria. They might also feel tired afterward, often with a headache on one side.
The context does not provide information on why people tell the individual to stop having a tantrum or get over it when they have a meltdown or **sensory overload**.
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