Hey all! Just joined the platform and been talking to some supportive people so far. I was diagnosed with auditory processing disorder when I was 6, 12 years ago. I was supposed to be referred to the hearing impaired team and given help in school but didn’t get the help I needed. I’ve heard you can now get hearing aids for it. I’m really anxious to talk to a doctor about this, it’s really affecting me working in a bush environment. I get into a lot of trouble at work and I can’t always lip read. How do you all manage APD?
Anybody else here have Auditory Processing Disorder (Auditory Dyslexia)? I feel it affecting my adult life a lot. Making work very frustrating, as I work in a loud restaurant. Also, I never learned any other spoken language as a kid/teen, being told it will be harder for me to learn a different language. However, American Sign Language was very easy for me to pick up, since it’s a very visual and physical language. Now I’m in my twenties and I’m learning Spanish. It’s actually super fun to learn. I’ve been learning on Doulingo. I’m hoping it sticks with me. Its cool cause I can go at my own pace. It seems to be helping quite a bit! I am around a lot people at work who primarily or only speak Spanish. And i think it’s so awesome I’m able to communicate better. Not perfect at all. Still can barely form a conversation in Spanish, but it’s been easier to communicate a little more!
I feel like I have autism but when I got tested I only got diagnosed with adhd, and tbh while that does answer some questions, there are still come that aren’t answered like sensory stuff, social communication, interests etc… any one else feel this way?
anyone else here struggle with spd & hearing stuff too loud? for me, everything is so loud that it’s hard to understand & i have to wear ear defenders in order to hear people. even then, it just sounds like nonsense when ppl talk, but at least i can hear it and it’s not just screaming
how do you get through the school day and get your work done on time with apd? im in high school and have a 504 plan which only allows me to leave the classroom to take tests, while i really need it when i’m doing independent work in class because all of my classrooms are too loud for me to think in and i end up having to finish the majority of my classwork at home and it’s really draining
The significance of online communities lies in the emotional support and understanding they provide, empowering patients to express their concerns, fears, and triumphs without fear of judgment. Such platforms foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie, helping patients navigate the complexities of their conditions and treatment options.
night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Auditory processing disorder (APD), also known as central auditory processing disorder, is a condition characterized by difficulty in hearing small sound differences in words.
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Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder.
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